Resistance in the Path

Question: Where do morphic fields/NFTs fit into all this? I find people using it to fill a lack or heal a problem (ranging from various health conditions to perceived physical/mental flaws like muscle mass, height, autism and more) How does one embody the essence of using these methods to enhance ones life, whilst knowing that they are abundant and whole as they are now?

Answer: The biggest irony with trying to fix your issues or insecurities is that you increase the probability of solving them when you accept them. When you are able to embrace and love yourself no matter what, you are abundant within. When you are abudnant, you attract and can manifest more of what you want because you already have what you want. That is the key to abundance: Want what you have, have more of what you want.

So then, listening to a field to increase height isn’t a field to fix an issue. It’s a field to add to your life. It’s an addition that you don’t need but would be awesome. Because when you are abundant within, the journey doesn’t end there. You keep growing. You keep learning. You keep adding to yourself. Cause that is what the journey is for. So look at our fields as tools for more growth/expansion. Because when you look at fields as fixes to problems you have that you can’t be happy/whole unless their fixed… that is the essence of subconscious resistance itself.


Something that has helped embrace what I think of as flaws is to imagine there is another person who sees me. Really sees me and fully loves and accepts me and I imagine how that would feel. Then I get rid of my imaginary person but I hold on to the feeling. Then I “know” better how it feels to accept and love my whole self. I try this when I get stuck on something.