Resistance to being emotionally open

Hello, I’ve had an issue for some time where I’m not able to communicate my emotions correctly / at all due to blockage or something but I’m trying to find guidance on becoming more aware of my emotions. Can’t express love to the close people in my life at times… I don’t know where to begin.

It’s affecting many decisions in my life and it has to come to an end.

any help is appreciated. Fields/audios/books/practices ANYTHING.


Solar plexus with throat chakra audio


I feel your pain man, I had like 1500 words for you in suggestions but I deleted them all as it was too much and something kept tugging at me to just suggest to you something simpler and digestible.

Pure magnetic heart connection looping that for a little while if you have the time tonight and see how that opens you to expression?

And I was also gonna add maybe throw in some soul restoration heart storage to seal any leaks and restore some energy there. :heart:


@Zen Sorry to hear what you are going thru. I’m sure it’s not easy. Here is a simple list for you to try. You also have EoT so use that tool also.

Quasi Kinectic
Blueprint of life
Emotional mastery
My personal emotional support
New Perspectives
Accu- automaton


This was in my suggestions that I was going to write to you but I opted not to include it cause when I was going thru things yes while it’s great it opens you up to the FULL spectrum including the not so great feelings are amplified as well so if your not being mindful or having some mindful practice in place it ate me up alive in anxiety and fear.


Yes and this is why I added my personal emotional support right after that plus new perspectives.


I’ve had phases where I’m not able to feel anything, where loops of pure heart coherence just make me more meh, and fields like blueprint of life making emotions feel unoriginal to me.

But, sometimes it takes those very unexpected things or like the fields we kinda pick up from time to time, a longer one

So like… try deep aura cleanse, this is always a good reset,
And ironically emotional release works really well (may feel it after a while)
And restoration from the long haul because it works on the heart nerves
Alchemical Jing blood
Parkinson and Multiple scelorosis (they work on dopamine in the nerves)
Essence of faith and prayer/alchemical holy light/holy light of power
And play around with the tarot cards, see which one can feel good for the moment.
Innocence and breathe of belly
(but looped for longer)
And allow it to happen back again you know, don’t be like I wanna get into the feels right now
And yk perhaps enjoy it while it lasts :smiley:
Maybe this on its own can help :slight_smile:
Reminds me, forgiveness and release too.

oh I forgot, environmental energy accumulator depetterns the energies inside you and refills you with a very neutral energy, I call it the blue crystal energy… use this to sorta draw energy that is ‘familiar’ to you now, and while it depatterns any build up specially around your heart/chest/core it helps restore the balance in there, after a few loops you can program it as you wish
(I was thinking of suggesting cone of power to draw its energies to kinda release any blockages there, but I think environmental will work better)


Thank you, I carry the tag but will add the audios to a stack.

I use this 2x first thing in the morning.

It’s like I want to express something but can’t focus enough on any emotion. So I find myself constantly in this state of calm because whether it’s “good” or "bad’ emotions I’m not sure what they are thus preventing me from “enjoying” them.

At this point I think anything is better.

Thank you, I never really looked at this audio so I will now.


Hey man, thanks for opening up.

You said in the past you have adhd right?

If so, this goes with the emotional dysregulation and rejection sensitivity dysphoria, and is perfectly normal.

You rock for sharing your experience with us and asking for assistance, this is ain’t easy to explain this to people.

You just have different brain connections that made your traumatized as a kid, with most likely a higher capacity to love, but also a higher capacity to be hurt from this, hence your system adapting & shutting down.

My experience so far, with the exact same experience is that fields are only a crutch for this, this is experiences in the physical that will rewire your brain & guts.

What’s commonly working and working for me is part work and CBT.
You welcome those parts that can’t “xyz” and take care of them as if they were your kid (giving them love, answering to their needs, etc.).

You go through one experience at a time, with patience and compassion for yourself.
Sometimes your system will freeze for whatever reason, anxiety will come up, etc.
But most of the time you’ll be positively surprised how the system/universe make sure to bring you the right experiences for this :)

You’ll often notice that the people you struggle the most with (my mom in my case) are often struggling with their own emotion as well.
Gotta go easy so you don’t overwhelm them, but also take opportunity to grow through it :muscle:

All part of the process and this is quite a delight once you integrate those traumatized parts :slight_smile:

Would really recommend the PTSD field every two day, along with the Outlook Retrainer, this makes the process much easier.

Feel free to DM me any time if needed :slight_smile:
You’ve got this :muscle:


Thank you @anon32464289

Yes I do believe I got ADHD and find it hard to concentrate on emotions, it was brought up to me by someone else and really showed me the importance that I use the attention and focus audio daily.

I’ll probably need some more explanation on this exercise, so I’ll pm you.


The best is honestly to get yourself diagnosed.
And read about it from good resources, such as

This goes beyond simple attention disorder or hyperactivity, and is fairly treatable once aware of it.

Can relate to that :grin:
My mind would basically go into trance just to avoid feeling.

This one requires a buttload of perseverance and compassion for yourself.

Here for you :fist_right: :fist_left:


Might sound too simple but consider using all chakra audios and mindfulness audio . my personal emotional supporter too if you want

I don’t wanna limit the perspective of others by giving my opinion or explanation but It’s guaranteed to work. And if you’re too serious try using self realization series as well

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Prolly people already told you but thas just my experience

Theres prolly a lot of blockages energeticly in your heart area, love and shit and many emotions which come there (mostly all lol) are there, but blocked out by the dense energy you got there

The key is to dissolve that dense energy, idk about you but mine shows in pain, therefore I feel or felt pain most of the time, some dont feel anything I figure, and that dense energy you might consider traits or feelings/thoughts of yourself that are not truly you.

You are not the your “true” personality

My advice is, be true to yourself and that might require a lot more work, but youll get there man

You are "blocked " because you are not your truest self

I dont know when your blockages started, I dont know how, but I am pretty sure its the same shit Im going trough, you got this

believe me, you can use any field, or whatever, it will get you maybe a relief, for some time, but it will all come back, because you have to put in the work, its on you to be your true self and get rid of all that bs that is not you

and you will know when you are true to yourself, because it will feel like it and you know you do the right thing

with time you will start to feel more and more, and this blockage will be lesser and lesser

just dont lie to yourself


Really surprised you didn’t recommend Entwined Worlds of of beauty and Joy! You’re the one who got me to put it on top of my list and I’ve had huge emotional breakthroughs withit, actually listening to it now and straight tears flying down my eyes but there tears of joy and laughter…next level stuff

Its like inner beauty reflected outwards on super steroids

Sounds exactly what Zen is wanting since it opens you up to accept all the love people have sent you.

First few days I had sever headaches with the audio as it was rewiring my whole being but now the breakthroughs caught me by surprise


Lol yah it’s just difficult to recall all fields at the same time. But that audio is op is strongly recommend to anyone in the world even if he isn’t suffering from emotional issue…


As expected, Dyscalculia and Dyslexia.

A lot of that goes around as if in a kitsune.


Im confused what you mean but if you know whats up im glad :+1:


I’m aware I lie to myself or at least deceive myself and in turns others around me.


Oh, we all do here and there somewhat, just try to be true even if it seems hard at first or difficult, it will open up your heart with time the more honest you are to the people around you and yourself


If you’re 100% sure about that diagnosis, now you can research it and find solutions for it :muscle:

Perhaps help Captain make a powerful field at some point.

For sure the ADHD field is a good thing.
Would also recommend Enhanced Brain Hemisphere.
(not brainwork, different purpose)

I had light speech issue, due to a lot of stuttering in my family, and the enhanced brain hemisphere along with brainwave entrainment fixed it :blush:

For learning only, I would definitely recommend you “Memory/Learning” from Dr Jeffrey Thompson. Not dyslexic myself, but it helped a lot overall.

Take care, you’ve got it :ok_hand: