Resistance to being emotionally open

I’d say pause using all fields


Carry on, why you say that?




Some people die (with old age even) without realizing this profound truth.
So thank you for bringing this up.
This relates to that banalized saying that tells that love is in the little things… in the details. “Hiding” in the daily interactions with people we do sometimes in auto pilot.

The world needs this love, the attention to the person next to you, who is serving you and sometimes is struggling a lot inside. Your truthful gratefulness for their service to you can bright light to their heart… A chain reaction of love.

This is healing. For all

A lot of great advice to you here @Zen
You got this :slightly_smiling_face:


Taking a look at the Love Graviton might be useful.

Also, Maoshan posted some interesting things in another thread:

I listened to the “Let Go” and “Going into the Heart Space” so far and they are really nice.

Best of luck to you.


I’ll like both, wouldn’t healing lead to transformation? a development of new behavior?

I didn’t know that, but that’s nice. I also added it because it’s the planet that rules my zodiac sign (Scorpio)

this is true, i guess these are things i’m somewhat proud of (yet at the same time feel like i can’t express that too directly due to fear of my ego overstepping)

i can def see a sense of self worth affecting my life, as if I don’t deserve to be recognized for my work. Whenever I make something and others are congratulating me i would “rub” if off as nothing, don’t know if It’s cause i don’t want to act egotistical or because deep down i believe i don’t deserve to be recognized. I spend more time aiding others in their journey than i do on working on mine (if that’s any indicator) usually giving me a greater sense of wholeness.

No, i don’t think this might be the issue. I’m usually doing my own thing without the need of approval from others. As long as i’m not being disrespectful or rude.

it’s clearly an area where i put my time into yes so i suppose I show some more interest in, but it’s beyond that. I have a difficult time expressing to the greatest being(s) in my love for them, in fact i would have a much easier time express emotions when they are from anger should anything happen to them. I recognize this but don’t understand why I have a hard time expressing love and appreciation and not just the most important people in my life but everyone i could potentially come across.

(sorry if this is out of order, my mind.)