Reversing Vaccine

Great idea!

My brother and i had a discussion recently and we concluded there should be someone faking those vaccination stamps, in case the world goes forward with the idea to only let people travel who have been vaccinated.

But if there’s a field to undo the effects, I’ll be delighted, and it would be a more legal way


If they are an adult, they made a choice to get the vaccine. Its not up to you to reverse the vaccine in them. If u decide to find a vid to do this (even if it could), why bother getting the vaccine in the first place? People (even loved ones, especially loved ones) are allowed to make their own decisions, even if u disagree. Dream made quite a few fields to support healing on all levels. If u want, introduce them to these fields.


Perfectly agree with everything you have written.


There are exceptions to this though. Since I can’t take care of myself and depend on others, a lot of times I have to give up my freedom of choice. I haven’t had this discussion yet, but what if the people taking care of me say they won’t help me if I don’t get vaccinated? Then my choice is to get it even though I am against it, or don’t take it and not have anyone take care of me.

It sucks


You made a good point. Yes, you would be an exception.

Also I need to eventually continue my dental work I was partially thru when Covid hit. Will they do my dental work if I’m not vaccinated?


Do we know this or we just think this is the case? My reading says the vaccine is just hyped up - be it on the good side, or on the bad side. I think we will be fine even if we took it. In the timeline of Gaia, our spiritual bodies have withstood serious threats and emerged resilient, and this does not seem to be such a threat.

I do have issues about being pushed to take the vaccine though, I mean - there ought to be freedom! I took it anyway as it was “recommended” (cough, cough) at work.


Regular viruses, I should mention, bind their DNA/RNA to your own genetics all the time. Dream literally said that in his Virus disruptor video. Even if not from a vaccine, your DNA is altered by micro-organisms in nature too


When something is forced on to us and freedom of choice is ignored, that’s when my mind tells me that maybe there’s something hidden they don’t want us to know. The idea of massive restrictions for those that refuse increases my suspicion


Thats valid ponts, they take our freedom away, every day, step-by-step
Yet, what are we going to do with the fact that govts are taking our freedom away?
There was a time I was telling people left and right that govts are taking our freedom away every day and doing whatever they want with us. You know what the response was? Yeah You guessed right:
‘‘Thats seems a bit paranoic to me’’ or ‘‘What do You mean its all for safety, law, just be normal’’
In USA good thing is that its citezens have accees to weapons
Meanwhile in Europe not only people dont really want to fight for their freedom, individuals are really unable to do much without weapons too. Yeah, we can have ‘‘Peaceful Protests’’ that, at least in my country, dont seem to have much effect
We are going to just be obedient to whatever our governments wants and breed, work for generations, like a cattle.
People dont care about freedom anymore or should I say, they care about safety much more than freedom.
We should get much more ‘‘physical’’ in fighting for our freedom, than going on protests and talking loud about our dissatisfaction.
The thing is We are being conditioned from youngest age that any form of fighting or ‘‘violence’’ is something bad, something to be avoided at all costs.
Even fighting for our rights and freedom is bad, right? even if its self defense.
can You Imagine what the world will look like in few hundred years?
Every citezen as a humble, obedient cattle.
I know its doomer-like thinking but come on, is it really something wrong with me not wanting my descendants to be obedient work-cattle?


Yes of course.
Regarding vaccines, not all use the same mechanics though.
Moderna and/or Pfizer uses mRNA to instruct your body to make an immune response against COVID-19


As far as letting people live with their actions and choices, I do agree with this, I have this mindset as regards most people. However, the one person I have in mind is a girl who I’m going to start dating soon who is still in high school, like me. People like us don’t really have freedom of choice to begin with - even less so than adults - and are forced to take this vaccine, myself being the exception because, thank God, my parents did not make me take it. I’m in the same boat as SC448 and Mleirbag in that I am extremely skeptical when covid’s severity is exaggerated so that we are forced to quarantine and put under psychological manipulation like mask-wearing and social distancing; but to what end? I believe that the whole purpose of this fake pandemic was to get the masses to inject themselves with “vaccine”. But who knows. I hope I’m wrong, but this is the Kali Yuga, what can you expect? Anyway, I’m gonna track down whoever was talking about SZ. Peace


There has and will always be awful things that are detrimental to our life, health, freedom etc. Always. Is it really worse now or maybe we have access to more information than before?

What do all do here in this forum? In this path? Using different tools etc?

You have the answer.

Focus on that always focus on that and nothing else, in raising your vibration, in ascending, in being as healthy as you per own choice can (thank God we have many many extra ways to be on top of the chain)

Fear is the number one controlling tool. And its 100% successful every time if you allow it.

I was talking about this with a good friend the other day, he is completely against vaccinations and he supports ALL the conspiracies left and right and NWO and all of that. Is it true? I DONT care :woman_shrugging:t2: Am I being oblivious? Gullible? No… but i just choose to focus on the other side of the spectrum to counteract whatever might come my way.

He, my friend keeps posting things about how the governments want to keep us scared and weak and i was like DUDEE you are as bad you know, you are keeping yourself probably your family close friends and social media contacts in a constant state of fear with all you post, :woman_shrugging:t2:

I choose positivity, being hooked to joy, centered and uplifted. Ive heard almost all my life about:

World ending
World domination
Reptilians taking over and controlling us

Etc etc

Like at least 20-30 years of the same tune that sounds broken now. I still am alive and have had a very normal life… would all the conspiracies become true? Who knows but that wouldn’t happen soon i dont care what people say if “they” the enemies of many ppl in their head or reality are growing… so are we.

And if at the end of the day thats how we are taken out then thats how is gonna be but i completely and utterly refuse to live in fear until whatever happens.

Know what the word preoccupied means?


Worried before events happening.

Instead focus on being ready if you ever need to actually take action. Occupy yourself when the time calls for it not before. Be happy just that. And LIVE.


Ist möglich, aber was genau würden nanobots im Körper anstellen?

Possible but what would nanobots actually do in the body?


Thank you Luna, I needed that. You’re probably right, I should just let it go and, like you said, CHOOSE to be happy and free. I think it’s this age of information, people feel like they need greater control because they are exposed to (real or not) disorder, chaos, and evil in the world. And I am no exception. It is what it is. Maybe I should focus on loving this girl instead of worrying about her getting the vac haha. Have a good one!


The nanotechnology is what I have heard as well, to later be activated by frequencies sent out by all those 5G towers that were conveniently constructed while everyone was locked inside. Creating artificial humans as the natural cells are replaced by cloned artificial cells from the nanotech. A new order of slavish beasts, living only to comply, obey, and submit. No thank you!


Yes but given the infinity of human, i doubt any current technology could even come close to have any impact on us. Or maybe I’m just an optimist :wink:


You’ve found your own answer.
Some of my family members already had it and or are planning to. Yet my brother and me are vehemently against it. The own unique truth, the belief seems to be the crux

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Sorry if I come off as ignorant but wouldn’t the short answer be plasma protocol?

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This may sound odd but I was thinking, when you go for your shot would it work if

You put Plasma Light Drink Charger on your phone and place it close to the vaccine and try to stall while it’s working on it. Hopefully at least 1 full listen before they inject it in. Would the drink charger alter the vaccine in anyway?


I wonder how much of this is in our tap water.