Rockets adventure through life 🚀

After reading other peoples journeys I decided to write my own mostly to track my progression and look back on to see how much I can evolve…

Any feedback or comments on anything that gets put here will be greatly appreciated and welcomed :slightly_smiling_face:

To start off I’m 17 and a athlete with the goals of achieving as much as I can in my sport and in school… oh yh an also I’m on a ‘spiritual path’ through the help of fields and any other practices I pick up along the way! If anyone has tips and tricks :wink: for me on my spiritual path as I’m very new to it all really, please feel free to send me a message :slightly_smiling_face:

My current stacks are below

Daily tags I carry

  • The Flow NFT
  • Shielding 3.0
  • Your Energetic Being
  • Quasi Kinetic Aura

Morning stack

  • Torsion field
  • Kinetic quasi crystal
  • Plasmafied infrared chakras
  • Your energetic being x2
  • Quasi kinetic aura x2
  • Internal alchemical crucible
  • Opus Manhattan x2
  • New perspectives
  • Schumann resonance


  • 1-2hrs of Manhattan Method


  • negentropic 3 treasures (x2-3 times each)

Midday stack

  • Blossom of abundance x6
  • Subconscious limits x3
  • Extreme self confidence x2
  • Become whole x3
  • Quintessence of hyper masculinity x3
  • Classical orchestral GOAT scent x3
  • The golden glow x3
  • Omega love x4
  • Attract more love into your life
  • Vibration of divine love

Before training stack

  • manly man x3
  • Black Martian jing x3
  • Essence of life x2
  • Transmutation and microcosmic orbit
  • Ojas
  • Tejas
  • Jindan

Night stack

  • The Torsion field
  • Mana circuits supercharge x3
  • Vibration of transcendence
  • Beingness evolved x2 (equilibrium)
  • Tapasya realised x2
  • Mind and intellect tapasya x2
  • Refinement of subtle body and intellect x2
  • Torus unconditional self love x2 (touch of gods)
  • All chakra fields x2 (each) [also includes soul and earth star chakras - the touch of the gods]
  • Inner armor shield and magnetic resonance x2
    -any grounding audio (not every night)


  • soul core restoration x3/4 (weekly)
  • Astral viber x1/2 (weekly)


Morning stack

  • Aura/deep energy body cleanse
  • Plasmafied chakras x2
  • The Divine salt bath x2 (PU)
  • Inner armor shield and magnetic resonance x4
  • Shielding 3.0 x4
  • Kinetic quasi crystal x2
  • The angelic vibrations x2
  • Exorcism rite x4
  • Etheric cord cutter
  • Negativity transcendence x2 (PU)
  • Vibration of divine love

Night stack

  • The divine purge x3 (PU)
  • The Angelic vibrations
  • Vastuu Homam x2
  • Essence of mantras x3
  • Taste of vaikuntha Loka
  • Shatachandi Yagna
  • Vibration of divine love

Then some other fields I use (these are more random in the week)

  • face lift and toning 2.0 (rarely use just incase any spots etc are present)
  • fungus destroyer (have athletes foot lol)
  • conceptual teeth (equilibrium)
  • plasma brain of youth
  • smart stem cells
  • sun free tanning
  • shielding 3.0
  • sun gazer
  • energy expansion card and chakra stimulation card


  • dopamine redux
  • a hug from source (touch of the gods)
  • radiate positivity

Also in my room I leave on a mix of

  • environmental energy accumulator
  • the air revitalizer
  • white light waves
  • atmospheric vibration riser
  • essence of mantras
  • essence of faith and prayer
  • essence of burnt sage
  • radiate positivity
  • unconditional love environment saturation

The next post I’ll talk about my current projects and dates of when I want certain amount of hours done with certain fields…


omg, cool stacks. you will be a god when you reach 30. keep up the good work. very inteligent order of all tools!

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Many months of changing things and landed with these every week I’m making progression with everything life is genuinely amazing :sunglasses:


welcome. just look at the stacks… even only reading the names and placement where and when would make a soul shine and you actually go through and listen to all of them.

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hmm… maybe just one note…

you know those are fields like they are something you come in contact with right and it stays in your own energy field for amount of time and works on you , on it.

so logical thinking… when does resistance to a change (like fields introduce change right?) happen? before introducing the new energy to you being of after?

i would crefully suggest that the " fighting " begins after listening to audios and in your case to so many… yes most of the tools you have chosen diminish the resistance in one way or another…

but …

think of it…

id say including abit of SLR after each group of audios would make you really really light way up. maybe only one loop of SLR Version 3. you can try if you like! take care! trully admirable work on your side!


Oo thank you very much yes I’ll give that a try!

When I look over them stacks some people here must think I have more hours in a day… maybe I do :smirk:… joking obviously :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Also had limitless horizons for a few weeks which helped clear a lot out however I wasn’t willing to do the proper work with that field so sold it for fields more practical to me…


Recently been experimenting with double device for opus + Manhattan method and things like Jindan + chi compression into lower dantien etc…

Finding it very manageable and comfortable.

I will edit this post later on with the projects I referred to earlier…


yes two audio fields playing from different sources is comfortable too. you can also try sleping with astral viber on loop some nights instead of your night stack.

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Funny u mention that last night I was going to loop it over night but as I had to get up at 4 for training I was scared of extra fatigue so went with soul core and woke up fresh (after years of getting up at between 4-5 3-4x a week, soul core has actually made it so easy since I got it gratitude to Dream for all he has done :pray:)

Could you explain exactly the benefits of doing so aswell?


so my opinion only right. astral body is very important part of your energy that in todays world with all tech and sleeping close to strangers ( some spiritual traditions say that living in living blocks instead of hauses as in the past had dimished the energy of billions of people) is under heavy weathering, moslty unfelt in awakened state.

field work and results of it, sleep quality are the first things you will find to be improving, also your sence of integrity and independance. freedom if you like. you will be more able to see things as they are for your self uninfluenced by others. you will have more energy and much more harmony. and it all comes without effort of using speciphic fields for those things, simply because you are intimately improving your own spiritual health through means of this audio.

especially of age 17 this is my warmest recomendation for you. the earlier you begin the better for you and your goals. all else you ve mastered is pretty top notch. cool to read coool to percieve.


So some slight changes have been made and I’ll edit my first post with those changes…

I decided to loop astral viber the past two nights and have been feeling very energised and fresh (thank you @Sarumann33)

I also have on a second device been looping a lot of sun free tanning as it’s nice weather and I’m partially ginger so tanning isn’t my strongest point lol.

Also these past couple weeks been using the intention repeater + some subliminals focused around height and I’ve been in some pain all over due to that!

The only things people have to say about me is I’m small, when I’m not even that small it tends to be girls who I know find me attractive etc saying it for some reason lol. An also they say I’m very pale neither have ever effected me as it’s fact a didn’t think I could really change those things but now I can!

I’ve found my self love now days is amazing I’ve always been called attractive by both males and females and i didn’t always see it as much as people have said but now I really do see it and I’m genuinely beautiful :crazy_face: and just loving being me! Uno it’s amazing when you genuinely don’t want to be ANYONE else on the planet even though people have more money or cars or BLAH BLAH BLAH who cares I love being me so much an this is only the start… My life is truly a blessing ( if you haven’t already this is your sign to go on a journey of self love see my stacks above or JAAJ’s Daily Self Love Stack 2024 :white_heart: if you wish to achieve a new level in life and also @JAAJ has written many things around the forum talking about the importance of self love hence why I started building self love my self @JAAJ appreciate you for that one :relaxed:)

I just got a mp3 as carrying an iPad and iPhone round the house is not always ideal so now double device will be easier then ever :smirk: (@Jojo im coming for you :muscle::brain:)

Also spent the last few days SPAMMING SLR V3 so feeling freeeeeee! All I can say is massive thanks to @Dreamweaver i can’t begin to thank you enough for all you have done for so many and my self I’ve not even been here a year and when I look back I’m in awe of how much I’ve changed and how much I’ve learnt you truly are a wonderful wizard :pray:

My tip to anyone reading this is stick to your stacks don’t change them drastically all the time don’t keep buying new fields when you haven’t fully integrated your other ones… some of you act like children in a sweet shop lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Sticking to the stacks above without much change unless something new comes out that fits the same goals I have has built a momentum and a new me like never before!

Lot of rambling above I sorta just wrote what ever came to mind but I promise the next post I make I will actually talk about my ‘projects’ like I’ve said twice now…

Many thanks to the forum and the people here and this is only the beginning for me :smirk:


Lol. I hope you enjoy the new journey.


Enjoy your journey, friend! Interesting insights into fields usage here. :slight_smile:


Any new updates buddy that you wanna express on this thread ??

I know, these next few months are going to be a mystical experience :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Thank you for the reminder man

Lot has changed I’ve been meaning to get back to this thread but things kept changing lol

Update later on tonight


Thank you

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The below is my projects upcoming based on which fields i believe are going to benefit me extremely well. Things may change based on what I think I need however based on the current moment these will be extremely effective for my goals

Fields upcoming

  • Formula of Balance

  • Naga Psychic Brain

  • Conceptual Conglomerate

  • Cyber Brain

  • Inner bliss illuminator


  • Architect of Reality

  • Potion of Manifestation

  • Kōritsudō 効率道

  • Resilience Max +


Brain projects

- 500hrs Improved Psychic Function 
- 500hrs Conceptual Conglomerate
- 500hrs Cyber brain 

~ Improved Psychic Function 
- (25hour/week)
- 1st August - 31st October 

~ Conceptual Conglomerate 
- (12hour/week)
- 31st October - 1st September 

~ Cyber Brain
- (12hour/week)
- 31st October - 1st September 

Mini project

1st July - 1st September

  • low vibration patterns (30-60mins)

Spiritual Projects

1st July - 1st March
- 1 month each chakra (30mins/day)

1st July - 1st November 
- parental love (30mins/day)

1st November - 1st March 
- Inner Bliss Illuminator (30mins/day)

Life booster projects

1st July - 1st January

  • grow taller Stack (daily)

25th December - 25th December

  • Architect of Reality (20mins/day)
  • Manifestation Potion (20mins/day)

1st March - 1st January

  • Kōritsudō 効率道 (30mins/day)
  • Resilience max + (30mins/day)


Daily Mandelas -

  • Shielding 3.0
  • The flow NFT
  • Higher Self Mandela
  • Quasi Kinetic Aura

Monday - Saturday

Morning (2hours)

~ Energy Expansion Card

~ Torsion Field

~ Kinetic quasi crystal

~ Plasmafied Chakras

~ Energetic being x2

~ Aura/energy body repair

~ Minor blueprint of power

~ Inner armor shielding x3

~ Quasi Kinetic Aura x2

(Double device)

~ Soul Restoration series

~ Negentropic 3 Treasures + Ojas

~ Shielding 3.0 (20mins)

Swimming (1hour)

~ 20min manly man

~ 20min hypermasculinity

~ 20min knight warrior mindset

~ Black Martian Jing x4

~ Chi compression lower dantien x3

~ Transmutation and microcosmic orbit

~ Ojas

~ Tejas

~ Jindan

~ Muscle cheat x4

Night (3hours)

~ The Torsion Field

~ Mana Circuits Supercharge x2-3

~ Vibration of transcendence

~ Omega gratz (20mins)

~ Omega Love (20mins)

~ Attract more Love in life

~ Vibration of Divine Love

~ Parental Archetype x4

~ Subconscious limits remover (20mins)

~ Mandelbrot Symphony (30mins)

~ Supreme Grounding x3


Upgrade Stacks

Booster Stack (PU)

* Nervous System Optimisation x4
* Crystal Alchemy for results x4
* Eliminate resistance to positivity x4


* Endocrine (x3/week)
* Grow Taller 2.0 x4
* HGH x2
* Thyroid Gland x3


Sunday stacks


* Energy body cleanse (1hour)
* Energy blockage removal (30mins)
* Shielding 3.0 (15mins)
* Voidly Cocoon (15mins)
* Mana circuits supercharge
* Vibration of transcendence
* The centred Mind x2
* Tapasya realised x2
* Mind and intellect tapasya x2
* Refinement of subtle body and intellect x2
* All chakra fields x2 (each)
* Shatachandi Yagna
* Supreme grounding

* Voodoo Detangled (1hour)

Not sure why they appeared so weird and on the morning stack I do neg 3 + SR at same time and then Ojas stirred and then I use the normal Ojas in the stack with Tejas

Currently I’m putting on muscle like it’s nothing (no gym just pure swimming) I’m staying lean and getting bigger (I’m extremely lean and have extremely good genetics lol)

Mentally I’m changing a lot with IPF I’m figuring things out about myself and it’s helping me do a lot of self work at a comfortable pace without much problems excited to get CC to further this understanding.

Soul restoration is proving to be an amazing set of fields and very life changing very glad I purchased them.

Socially doing well feels like catching most ppls eyes when I’m out I also have fallen in love for the first time and that’s going amazing and better then past relationships as in my mentality about it.

So all round things are going extremely well and feeling blessed every day to be here :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Would you enlighten us my good friend on how ipf is impacting you in more detail. :grin: