Romance Reborn - Romantic Thread

Same, Bro, no time for romance, at least not now.

I like this song, have not seen the movie (yet).


But I am smitten by a woman I just met …
Not gonna update on this subject though.


Love is when you feel like someone is enough like you that you want for them what you want for yourself.

In-Love is when you feel that someone you deeply love loves you or could love you as much as you love them.

Romance is when you feel someone you are in love with loves you enough that you can afford to see the world through their eyes.


A lovely song, with lyrics
A love triangle
This is what I love about Indian movies, the Beauty, the Music, the Scenery, Amazing People/Actors, the Themes, the celebration of Life, Love, Nature, Beauty, Friendship through Colors, Dancing - beautiful Musicals

Yes, its not Hollywood and it does not need to be.

One of my favorite Bollywood songs:

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That was spot on, monk boi :japanese_goblin:

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This movie has the greatest introduction of all Times. Still watching it on YouTube and get mesmerised by actors performance.

Its not only the music but the performance of Dracula when he renounces Christianity


It is a good movie, Coppola had great actors and everything else.

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Man, she Could also Sing, besides being one of the Greatest Actresses!
What a Legend!
And what a BEAUTIFUL Song!

Those were simple(r) times.


I don’t remember much from this movie, I’ve seen it years ago, All I know is that these 2 were Awesome!

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Ha ha, that movie is not that much about romantic stuff.
More about opportunism.

But it is very good. One of the first full color hollywood pictures.
I highly recommend you watch the whole movie.


I did, but I don’t remember it well, very little, I know that there was a war (I think it was the civil war), I remember that


their little girl died

overall, they had A LOT of bad stuff to go through.

Romance means these things as well, not just passionate sex. :crazy_face:


True. But watch it again. It is a great study in human psychology and opportunism.


I will, especially since I don’t remember much.

From that clip, they both seem to be opportunistic lol (actually all 3, that guy who broke up with her too - Everyone’s for himself in this movie lol).


A Beautiful Beautiful Collection of FINE Songs that is.

I saw the girl/that look of hers on instagram and searched in the comments, thats how i found this clip.

And for this month (and possibly for the next months), I will add two (or technically 3) clips, one from a link from another one of my posts, from the Music Thread - it’s one of my favorite songs, by Loredana Groza and definitely one of the BEST Romanian Songs of the last few decades (I posted the romanian lyrics and their english translation) and a video from Romeo and Juliet (1968) by Franco Zeffirelli.

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This happens after she realized, how much he suffered, from not being with his people.
She let him go, to release him of all feelings of obligations towards her.