Rune Uraz Nft

I bought 2! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Thank you!


Thank you Captain!!!


Thank you Captain!!! You did it just when I needed it most!!!

The moment has arrived!!! :fire::fire::fire::zap::zap::zap:


Download it now. It really does disappear within an hour.



  • Polarity: Masculine
  • Zodiac correspondences: Mars, Aries, Sun
  • Tarot card correspondences: The Emperor, King of Wands, Ace of Wands, 4 of Swords, The Tower, 7 of Wands
  • Archangel correspondences: Archangel Camael (Mars)
  • Chakra correspondences: First and third
  • Health: Immunity, general chi flow and vitality levels, genetic disorders

Divinatory Meanings

General: blueprint, origins, power, stability – reversed: power drained, out of whack, instability, experiments run amoc

Love & relationships: primal sexual power, physical compatibility, a relationship that makes you stronger – reversed: a relationship that drains you, co-dependency, toxic relationships

Health/wellbeing: self-healing, strong chi flow – reversed: destructive habits, going against one’s own chi flow

Business: hard work but good yield, inspired, your path is compatible with your calling – reversed: working hard for very little in return, backbreaking work, uninspired


Thank you @Captain_Nemo! :grinning: :pray:


I got it just because of this post thanks


I feel such a strong primal energy within, I love it!



Alternative Names

Ur, Uriz

Key Phrase

‘To find your true strengths, you must first face your weaknesses’.


Auroch (wild Oxen)

Viking Rune Equivalent and Meaning


The aurochs or wild ox.



Tarot Equivalent

Strength - 8 - VIII

Divinatory Meaning


Corresponding Letter


Associated Colour

Dark Green


Associated Herb

Sphagnum Moss

Associated Gemstone


Associated Tree


Associated Myths and Deities

Ullr; Loki; Odin (as a Shaman); Ymir. Sacred to Thor – god of thunder and strength.

Manifestation Uses

To strengthen the will; increased sexual potency and energy; heightens skills for hunting; increases inner-knowledge and inner-wisdom; it is protective when used in defence of one’s territory, property, children or the self.

Relationship Interpretation

Durability of the relationship.

The Uruz rune will bring to light issues regarding power and leadership issues. A fight or compromise in regards to individuality and personal choice may come up to be dealt with, within the context of the relationship.

Healing Colour and Qualities


Stimulates the brain ‘healing’ centre; maintains health and stimulation of healing; can be combined with the Isa rune to be used to heal the neck, liver and throat. In conjunction with the rune Othila, the chest and lung areas can be healed.


As a talisman, the Uruz rune can be worn by anyone seeking a surge in sexual potency, or for a stronger will.

Uruz Drawn Upright


Strength, energy, primal force, passion, vitality, instinct, wildness, sexuality and sexual desire, raw creative power, fertility, the unconscious mind, primitive mind, irrationality, shamanic experiences, ‘rites of passage’, physical strength, physical speed, untamed potential, , collective strength, good health, freedom, adventure, test, action, courage, tenacity, understanding, wisdom, endurance, assertiveness, the common good, over-coming obstacles, masculine potency, the shaping of power and pattern and the formulation of the self.

URUZ is ‘Energy Released’.

The second rune of the first aett is Uruz. This rune is associated with strength, tenacity, courage and survival skills. The energy of this rune is raw, powerful, and distinctly masculine. It is pure elemental fire.

Uruz is symbolised by the Auroch, or ox. The ‘auroch’ was a species of wild oxen or huge bovine, similar to a longhorn bull, that was once found all over Europe. They had become extinct since sometime in the 17th Century. Aurochs were reputed to have had horns as long as six feet and were highly prized by people as drinking horns. Paintings of aurochs have been found in Neolithic caves and it was believed that the hunting of the aurochs had a significance as a ‘rite of passage’ for boys entering manhood.

Uruz is the rune of the ‘god of the Sacred hunt’ and his shaman or priest.

The auroch is the epitome of the wild beast as opposed to the domesticated cattle represented by the Fehu rune.

The auroch, the ancient symbol for the Uruz rune, when domesticated could transport heavy loads. Understanding and acknowledging both the tamed and untamed sides of the self brings one into balance.

Uruz promises wisdom and an opportunity to gain deeper insight into oneself.

The ancient people of the Norse saw the horn of the auroch as a symbol of strength. It was used to swear oaths upon, make firm friendships by and to clinch deals.

In contrast to the** Fehu** rune, which indicates ‘that which one possesses’, Uruz shows the untamed sides of the self, indicating ‘that which one can achieve.’

Following the mundane day to day existence and survival represented by Fehu, Uruz represents the first recognition by mankind of the ‘Divine in nature’. It shows mankind’s first attempt to control it through the use of sympathetic ‘magic’.

Uruz is the rune of ‘will and enforcement’. It represents the physical movement of things in our world, as well as ideas and notions.

On the physical side, this rune represents age, gravity and rain; rain because it starts on earth, goes up into the sky and returns to the earth; it is the drawn formula for gravity :

‘what goes up, must come down’.

As for age, Uruz is a ‘roadmap of life’ – we are born, we live, we die. We have the physical ability to control what happens in the material world around us as we live, but we have no control over birth or death.

On the mental side, Uruz is a perfect example of ‘thought’. An idea starts within our subconscious, then comes into our active mind, then into our physical world.

Uruz is a formative or protective force which is un-manifested, but which can shape things to come.

Uruz represents an awareness of death and of our own mortality. Within the ‘rites of passage’, the boy who has killed the auroch has entered manhood and has therefore been initiated into the first level of the mysteries - the awareness that the source of all life, is death. This rune also often represents ‘terminations and new beginnings.’

The meaning of the symbol of the Uruz rune can relate to a wild energy, an untamed potential, a tenacity and driving force.

There may also be sexual connotations in this rune.

The Uruz rune also indicates one’s personal health and vitality and also represents the unconscious energies within.

Uruz is associated with the primal creative force. It is a spiritual or Divine force which pervades the universe; a vital essence.

Uruz is a ‘shaping force’. The shape of the runic symbol is likened to the horns of the primal cow or the auroch. The Fehu rune is also associated with the Primal Cow, but in a different sense. Uruz represents force and freedom or a force always straining to be free if contained. It is protective when used in defence of one’s territory, property, children or the self.

Drawing Uruz shows that you have the strength within you to fulfill your dreams, goals and desires, but with that strength comes responsibility. Use your strength to keep focused on your path and to stop yourself being off-balanced by others. There are always some people who project negativity and are negative within themselves. That is their choice and life path with many hard lessons to learn along the way. Strength comes from not letting those people and their antics upset you. This comes from mastering the ego.

When the Uruz rune is drawn it may be indicating that a loss may be an opportunity in disguise.

The Uruz rune often indicates in a reading that you may have been living a lifestyle that you have outgrown. This is a rune of passage and with that is the cycle of initiation.

Positive growth and change may involve a descent into darkness, but as part of the cycle of perpetual renewal, you will emerge into the light.

Events occurring now may prompt you to undergo a search within; a true study of who you are, then possibly a change in a positive direction to suit you and who you are today.

Prepare for an opportunity which may at first be disguised as a loss or sacrifice. It may involve the loss of something or someone to which you have an emotional attachment or bond.

A change in relationship or ties being severed may indicate that a new perspective or lifestyle may be in order. It may be a lesson that change is inevitable, and you have no choice but to move with it.

Drawing the Uruz rune in a reading is indicating that you need to learn to adapt yourself to the demands of this creative time. Firm principles are attached to this rune, and if they are adhered to, will prove beneficial … today and beyond.

At the same time, humility is called for since in order to rule, you must learn how to serve. Uruz puts you on notice that your soul and the Universe support your new growth.

‘Strength is not a force with which to exert power over others, but a force to stop others exerting power over you.’


This rune receives the names of: Urus and Ur.
The Uruz rune points out that the life you have been living until now must die in order to be reborn.

thats is great, thaks captain_Nemo


If you translate the rune “Uruz” literally, it means something like “aurochs”. These were wild cattle, powerful animals of Nordic folk belief. They were considered a sign of strength.

However, one must not confuse strength with pride or supremacy. It’s about the fact that you only have true strength when you are the master of your own self.

Therefore, the spiritual meaning is precisely this strength. But in order to be strong, it is absolutely necessary to know your weaknesses. Only then can you convert it into your own strength.

The number “2”, the second rune of the Futhark, is the first real number, it represents a majority. It is a symbol for polarity, balance but also for opposition, conflict and duplication.
Uruz shows the dual system of opposing principles
Male Female
light - shadow
Life death
This rune represents the inner strength to achieve one’s dreams by concentrating on the path and not letting oneself be thrown off balance.

This strength can grow if one remains calm and level-headed, pursues one’s goal and reins in one’s ego. The roots we have determine our present and future, for if we are not sufficiently rooted we lack strength.

Therefore, she is a solid symbol of strength, power and endurance.
In the Tarot she corresponds to the “High Priestess”. It stands for the intuition, for our unconscious powers and the deeply rooted certainty as an expression of patience, understanding and kindness.

Uruz also stands for the letter “U” and is associated with the element “Earth”.
This element stands for the material from which all life is formed.

As a symbol of life force and vitality, it is also a very good rune for healing. Due to its grounding, it supports the healing process very well by being able to uncover causes that lie in the past.

These can be organic causes, but also karma or old behavioral patterns.

In magical work, Uruz supports grounding, also through the connection to the origin.

It is often used to protect against lack of concentration and carelessness. It is also useful in conflict situations.When the moon is waxing, it favors healing. Wishes also come true faster. This rune influences and strengthens the other runes.

When the moon is waning, Uruz is used to ward off unpleasant situations. But be careful, it looks very, very strong!

As an amulet: Protects against wrong decisions

Furthermore, this rune increases power by suppressing violence. It is important to focus your energy on your own development. importance in the following areas
Grounding, creation of external circumstances
property security
Rune of Healing
Lucky rune (active shaping of external circumstances)

Creation of a solid basis for a deep feeling

Creation of a stable situation in financial matters

Creation of a stable basis for professional success

Health through stable, grounding energies
stability, vitality
good mental and physical health
Element: Earth
Colour: red-orange, green
Tree: oak or birch
Stone: rock crystal, garnet, amber
Medicinal herbs: nasturtium
Scent: thyme

Effect in magic:
-Rune of healing

  • Establishment of good physical and mental health
  • Improves concentration, especially in children
    -Grounding and strengthening of the organism

Effect on the body:
-General strengthening of one’s own defences
-Promoting a healthy constitution of the body

  • Strengthening of the muscles
    Council of the Rune - URUZ:
    Always be aware of where your origin, your roots are and always stay true to them!

Keep developing yourself and what you have been given.

Stand firmly on your feet, but don’t forget to walk. Everything is in motion.

Concentrating on the small things in life gives you a lot of strength and inner balance.
basis of life
Thus, this rune is a so-called “root rune”, on the basis of which life is based.

Grounding through this rune requires care and accuracy. So self-deception has no chance.

When you are truly connected to your roots, you are a conscious link between the past and the future. It is important to respect the old and have due respect for the new.

The task of every human being is to combine these two things into a fruitful togetherness.

“I recognize my origins, respect them and draw my courage from their fruitful connection.”


captain Is Fehu next :star_struck:?


It says page error


Yeah, those images expire pretty quickly (I think, 1 hour after posting?).


sold out, maybe? There were 65 copies and 80 times the link was clicked


The NFT seems to be sold out, yes, but @anon51280824 quoted the post where Cap’n shared the image. Those images expire (as Cap’n mentioned in that post) and, when they do, the link gives a Page Error notice.

That said, in that post, Cap’n did give us permission to share the image when the link expires (as I read Cap’n’s post). The image doesn’t contain the NFT. The token does. But the image seems to have been a way of Cap’n helping out the the rightful NFT owners by giving them something whilst Spring is doing their new NFT fullfillment process.


I bought it earlier i just had been busy so didnt check on time but i got the email confirmation etc

So no HD pic yet?


Here is a HD copy


:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: so beautiful and powerful ahhhh thank you!!