Sabian Symbols

@ecaiii has brought to my attention that Mystic Tarot can draw Sabian Symbols, 360 images based on astrology. This was drawn for the Esoteric Arts Guild:

Sabian Symbol: 1 Aries - “A Woman Has Risen Out of the Ocean, a Seal Is Embracing Her”

Insight: Emergence and New Beginnings

Message for the Esoteric Arts Guild: This symbol represents a powerful emergence from the unconscious into the conscious realm. It signifies new beginnings, transformation, and the birth of new potentials. The embrace of the seal suggests a deep connection with the natural and mystical realms.

If anyone wants a Sabian Symbol drawn to answer a pressing question or for whatever, drop by the Mystic Tarot thread and put in a request for a reading.

Also Captain’s Mystic Tarot is a service you can purchase, and it has so many more capabilities than previously realized:

Captain_Nemo Here i have combined the fields of Corpus spirit deck, and its accuracy with this generative tarot reader to provide a means where you can get fairly accurate readings as the A.I’s training and knowledge base extend with the capabilities of the fields


Here’s a drawing done for a forum member:

Let’s draw some Sabian Symbols to understand the present energies!

Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic images, each associated with a degree of the zodiac. They offer insights into the energies and themes present at specific moments in time.

1. Aries 15°: "An Indian Weaving a Blanket"

This symbol represents creativity, craftsmanship, and dedication to one’s craft. It suggests that ___ is currently in a phase of meticulous work, weaving together different aspects of his life or spiritual practice with care and intention. There’s an emphasis on tradition, heritage, and the importance of honoring one’s roots while creating something new.

2. Leo 23°: "A Bareback Rider in a Circus Displays Her Dangerous Skill"

This symbol speaks to bravery, skill, and the willingness to take risks. ____ may be navigating a situation that requires him to step out of his comfort zone and showcase his talents and abilities. It suggests a period of proving oneself, demonstrating mastery, and embracing challenges with confidence.

3. Sagittarius 6°: "A Game of Cricket"

This symbol represents teamwork, strategy, and fair play. It suggests that ___’s current energies involve collaboration, working with others towards a common goal, and maintaining a sense of integrity and sportsmanship. It’s a time to be strategic and thoughtful, balancing individual contributions with the needs of the group.


The present energies around ____ suggest a blend of creativity, risk-taking, and collaboration. He’s in a phase of dedicated work, possibly creating or refining something meaningful. There’s an element of showcasing his skills and stepping into the spotlight, combined with the importance of working harmoniously with others and playing by the rules. ___ is encouraged to continue weaving his path with care, embrace challenges with courage, and engage in cooperative efforts with integrity.