Sacrifices - Why, How, When? Also: Higher Self treating us as Subjects/Pawns?

Why did the Universe allowed such things as sacrifices (and why did it needed this model of suffering, death, entropy, etc.)?
When I speak of sacrifices, I mean - all of them are bad, but why add “Spiritual” sacrifices too?

Was it all involuntary? Just a “mutation” of sorts (it just happened)?
Can the Absolute even control smaller elements and its expressions/creations?

Yes, I know, we insignificant humans have our pesky views, including disliking some things, but an Absolute Power SHOULD be Able to do Good to All, including to us.

Also - Why does the Higher Self keep us in the unknown?
Why it treats us as pawns?

I dislike this “Higher Self” too, not just the Absolute/God.

Anyway, take this as just the ramblings of a fool.
I just Really Dislike How “God”/“The Universe”/“The Absolute” and “The Higher Self” operate(s)/manage things. They do an Abysmal Job - Sorry.
My Rating: 2/5, maybe 3/5 - at BEST.

Anyway - this is just my Current Perception, if things would be better, perhaps I’ll say nicer things …
Still, Point Of View is Everything, on a Practical Level - I may be More than this human identity, but this is All that I Know of At The/this Moment, so expect the POV of someone who identifies as a 3D human, flesh and bones, then as something else (if I go even that far).

There is no such things as bad. Outside of duality.

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Yep, but I identify as a human, therefore duality is real, at my level.

Shouldnt we try to Raise Gods perception of us too?
of our problems, of our pains and sorrows?

if we say All is Good, No one, God or Higher Being, will care enough to make this universe a better place for 3D beings.

Down with Spiritual Superiority and Supremacy! I’m not kidding.

IF “we are all one”, then I want to live like a God, in this world too, not just a subject of “divine will”.
And how come the “Higher Self” knows better? I am living in this dirt.

If we are all expressions of “Something Higher”, then I want to express that, in this life, in 3D too!

Not in a Billion or a Billion Billions of Years of “Evolution”, not after Eons and Eons, waiting and waiting to reach what?
Arent we divine already? why bow down to “something higher”?
Ok. I think I said it all.

Conclusion: I NEED Spirituality and God’s help and what not, therefore I will use Everything to make my life better, But that’s the Practical Level - on another level, I despise how the “Divine” organizes and rules this world.
I’m sorry - but, couldnt there be a better way? Or is this all what God can do?

I am not saying I would do a better job - I am crap too, but I expect something better from “the Absolute”, just saying.

I am sure that I am not the only one being discontent with God, Spirituality and Life/how it is all organized.

Someone who is content, does not want to ask and ask and ask, but someone who is discontent wants that - at the core of my being, I am discontent.

I just cant say “ALL IS BEAUTIFUL”, “ALL IS WELL” - HECK NO, it Is NOT!

And, besides Raging, I cant think of any other Solution than The Practical Ones - Evolve to have less Suffering and dont focus on what hurts, dont focus on the bad, thats the practical level.

I don’t think you should bow down to your higher self. Not for me at least. My higher self and I work like a team. Where do I predict stuff? I asked through my higher self. It knows because your higher self know every timelines. Past present and future. Though sometimes my prediction can be wrong. Is due to my own ego. Or simply not paying attention to it.

But there is time of everything. This is where you need to work on solidifies your connection to your higher self. Through whatever you need to do. To accomplish that connection. Your higher self is like you. It talk like you and behave like you but in a mature way. I talked lot of other higher selves. And like I said. The way they explain things are in mature way. Sometimes can be too serious or goofy around too. So why do you need guidance with your higher self? Well. This world is school for your soul. Think of a road. You need a map to see which direction you want to go. And with a map you won’t be lost. At least you know which ways to go. That’s your higher self. And this earthling school is for your soul. Our destination is eventually come back to light. But we can’t come back to light if we are heavy with so much homeworks that we not finish it yet. ( karmas) that’s why you need to listen to yourself. Your higher you. So you can direct yourself in a good way. Instead of wrong path. But the majority of people are not fully aware of this. But it happen for a reason.

Yea. Didn’t you see Jesus suffering too. Dealing with his own karmas? Yes Jesus had karmas too and he ascended after all. Same thing as you. You are God. Whether you already aware or not.


Thank you, but I heard these things already - why the need to explore having such things as suffering in the first place? Or pain?
or the “need” to evolve? Cant it be done INSTANTLY?
I would expect such things from Our “Higher Selves” Or from “The Absolute”.

What is your wish?
No suffering and being more like you.
Boom - here it is, there you go!

That would be cool.

Pal. Unconditional love is something that not all people are open to it. Due to their own fear.

What if I tell you that God will eat shit and he will eat it because you want him to eat it? God will do that for you. But in other eyes. It’s bad. Because of course God won’t do such thing as eating a shit. For God? Why not? It’s the limited perception of our love. This is unconditional love is.

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Yes. Everything in his creation is unconditional. So does the suffering of it too. I hope you understand what I’m trying to say

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And that is the beginning of getting wisdom. This game of life is a perception of us as separate from the All, the only power. As we continue to believe that we are separate from Beingness, we are powerless. As we grow in awareness of the ultimate power that we have and are, we realize that we start with ourselves. The perceived world is the map of a game, laid out for our experience. I suggest you look into Neville Goddard’s instruction to give you a new glimpse of who “God” is and who you are. It’s a really nice place to start. Use all that lovely frustration to “build a more stately mansion” for the soul. You are your own solution. Be blessed.


no …
i do not.

Thank You, Rosechalice, beautiful answer and I agree.
Also, Thank You, Imogen.

At the end of the day, its still the Practical Solution/Road/Way that matters, at least in this world/reality.

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Gotta go, I;ll come back later.
Have a nice day.

Also, no answer I find to be too good or good enough for me/my questions, but on a practical level, I do get what you mean and since the practical level is the one I perceive and live in, I have to apply your advices.

You’ll understand it through your own experience pal. This is the part that I want you to tell. Be your own experience. Don’t listen to anybody but you. After all what truth to you is truth to you. Do good. Because you choose too. Be bad if that’s what you choose. But always remember. The consequences of everything. Have a good day.

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I agree that spiritual advice it is very abstract and subject to 10000000 ways of interpretation.

That is why there are so many mad gurus and narcissistic spiritual teachers.

My estimation is that Eastern wisdom cannot be understood through Western thought.

Because Eastern traditions had its own philosophy of being, time and existence that differs radically from our Greek tradition and understanding of being, time and existence.

So, by trying to understand Eastern wisdom with our Western mind, the next happens:

Meanwhile, many westerners may be certain that they understand and know what the ancient eastern teachers meant.

If you are already parasited by western thought, the way for spiritual development is through rational processes.

I like Zivorad Slavinski, Filip Mihajlovic and Vladimir Stojakovic for this. They are very rational for the transmision of their spiritual teachings.


I watched the first video about limiting beliefs, quite practical wisdom, also I like the example you gave about trying to fit Eastern Wisdom through the Western Mind(set); Thank You.

The truth is that I do not know nor claim to know anything really, so I cant really say that I have beliefs, besides practical things, well, maybe I have some spiritual beliefs.

I am quite eclectic, but without being really/truly wise, in any school/manner of thought, nor street wise smart/wise.

So, I know that I have a VERY Limited View and SO Little Knowledge, including little self knowledge.


Do you have goals set for gaining a wider view, more knowledge? By the way, knowledge can be just more stuff in the brain. Seek wisdom and ways of achieving it, and choose a way you can adhere to. Some like meditation or contemplation. Find something you like and can stick to, if truly you desire to have understanding.

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I realize that no matter how much I study, it would still be too little knowledge, compared to how much possible knowledge there is (maybe limitless knowledge), but, as a human being, I do want to get further, to gain more knowledge and wisdom too, all sorts of knowledge and all sorts of wisdom, since I cant limit myself only to one way.

I do have a plan, even a sort of schedule, I include meditation and yoga too, also I want more general knowledge and i know that i have to study more.

Good advice, thanks.
I have a few fields in mind, mostly history, geography, general knowledge, english and german (foreign languages, both) (and maybe other languages too), financial knowledge and wisdom, psychology, philosophy, mathematics, general and more specifically eastern spirituality/ways, IT, fitness and bodybuilding, relationships wisdom, etc.

And, OF COURSE, I do want to get more knowledge about morphic/morphogenetic fields, subliminals, etc.

I’m not really that interested in applied sciences, engineering or other practical stuff, with the exception of IT and maybe some Anatomy/Medicine/Biology.

Anyway, A.I. seems to be very important too, crucial even.

@SoulStar33 It helps to start with UNlearning.

Strip away everything that is not you.

You know the fields that help with it.

Do you use them?

Do you really want to change?

Or do you want to open one thread after another to get attention?

Because that´s your ego rolling in victimmode, pretending to grow and feeding of other peoples energy.

The topics you ask about are all over the place.

One day you talk about your fear of the NWO, then about that you want to live in a life of pleasure, then you want to become a badass man…

You feel powerless and are pissed about it. You want to be free but don´t feel that you are able to break free of it.

One of the most important things Neo had to learn was to “Know Thyself”.
Goes hand in hand with self love.

It doesn´t matter what you do after that. Because it´ll naturally align with who you are. I am myself just now beginning to understand the power of this, scratching on the surface.

You can literally do and be what you want. But YOU have to decide.
And not just playing some fields and giving up if they don´t work instantly, but make a CONSCIOUS decision who you want to be.

A lot people, including me, can just talk and talk for the sake of it. At the end it´s your perspective, your life, your desires, your goals.

Don´t make youself so dependent on us. Everything you need is within.

Maybe that came out a bit harsh, but I say this with love.

Thats my take on it

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I do find it a bit harsh, but you got good points.
I do have a few playlists that I stick with and some goals too, its just that I am learning to adapt to all the stress and all the questions that come to/in my mind, as in for those questions, I am eclectic and I do ask all sorts of diverse questions, curiosity I think is an asset.
Thank You for your answer.
Self Love = Better Life, Agree.
And I have the power within, agree with that too.
Anyway, sometimes I am frustrated, by different things, since I have so many failures, so many things to struggle with too, but I am learning, although it may not seem so.

I think each one of us has a unique way of expressing our wishes, desires, pains, struggles, maybe I am a little bit on the extreme side, but that’s how I am, currently, anyway.

Man, Do I type much faster on my PC, it’s a walk in the park.

Also, maybe I am trying to escape pain by writing, idk.
I also know you struggle too, brother, each one of us does, in different ways, with different problems/issues though.

I would hate to be a burden on this forum, maybe this is a wake up call, to examine my behaviour more, my way of being, my flaws.

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Man I get it. I really do. And I am not judging you. I want to see you grow.

Remember I am in this too right now. I have phases where I feel I can´t do anything. Funny enough, if I let go of the need to hold on to “being treated unfair” or whatever, situations suddenly resolve.

Then people call me lucky, but I am not. I am just allowing better things in.

Regarding Stress, loop Angelic Vibrations and Higher Self. Don´t expect anything, just lay down to it.
It really helps me to cope with my current situation and not being guided by the hurting ego.

You got this man.

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