Saint Michael NFT

Yes but i did not meant it that way.
Meant an entity regardless of people’s opinions-point of views or all the thing you name, an entity with inteligence alone.
Like Saint Michael is not an egregore but it can be if someone prays at his local church in the image of his.
Having connection and knowing is achievable to have connection with the work of Captain to archangel michael means someone can achieve an a connection to an entity that does the exact opposite.
Everyday that passes besides him I understand that opinions are replica of reality but reality remains the same, the replica you have doesn’t mean that it can’t act it’s own way but it has manners to obey. Michael seems like a real independant being alone.What if the opposite can be a lot more independant than we knew or understand. That’s my point made there.


This subject is a bit murkier.

Michael has always been an emanation of God, but there have been many incarnations and ideas of the devil (many of them neither bad nor evil). The devil has always been a multiplicity of evolving egregores.

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dont know a thing will see what future beholds


Very empowering coversation, thank you!!!

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The help i get from people unexpected in real life is immense. And the thing is I get the help I need not the help I thought I needed. Life seems really easy now. Well my perspective changed to that too, I didn’t believe that life was hard anyways but thing is it gotten so much easy.

Having interactions with people that I never had, friendliness from the “good” and hatred from the “bad” is something that is really happening everyday more intensely. Help and obstacles in the directions of help but they are easy.

Reassurance everytime I pray like the essence of faith and prayer audio but instant.But I think I prayer a some in the past so I got used to it anyways to do that.

And the protection from Michael is like having a shield that comes whenever is needed.

Sometimes though like 3-4 times I ask stuff I don’t want and he gives me anyways , my actions thereafter are countered by myself, which is something I will fix myself but he really does help anyways even if he knows I will do the opposite, help is really immense.

I am really glad I have his company, best guy ever.Feels good to know some power above has your back for real and knowing it. I start to understand that prayer is both ways and not only my way to have someone to intercede, friendliness with beings above must be attained too. If not, sometimes you will see things moving sometimes not. And also faith, damn my faith was really low even If I thought I had faith, real faith is truly a lot different. Bowing down to your knees to pray is really understood by me now and why people do that.




I am not updating anything as I have no will to pray and all. Nor have any heavy work to do to find out what Michael can do.

Anyways one thing anyone can try is to ask to give strength. The endurance type.I don’t know why but I feel like he likes to give strenght.Just an instinct, haven’t heard a thing and all, nothing crazy happening. That’s all for now. Hope everyone having him uses the NFT.




I had this when i used the mandala (insta) for some time, this strong urge to become superior, omnipotent. Like he wants his vessels/allies whatever to be as powerful as possible.
…now I want to wear it again…



it’s really true. I have to be the best even at relaxing.If I take a breath that is shallow I aint worthy


It’s been 38 days with Saint Michael and my mindset about life or things I live has really changed drastically.

He is a great company too.

I don’t have a lot more to say since I cannot see it and the changes are subtle but in the soul and going inside out.

I do not see a lot of participation in talking about this NFT though. I guess people are having other NFTs and working with them also. Pretty overall great experience in life so far. Great protection. Great everything Saint Michael represents, courage,strength,integrity,helpful and so on.


how do I get the audio for this?

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there is no audio for this NFT, but you can listen to the Sword of St. Michael in youtube


ok thanks I thought I saw in the NFT audios thread there was one for this



Any chance this will be ever reminted? Maybe?


:sparkles: Interesting thing happened this week.

For some time now, I’ve had this NFT as my phone’s wallpaper. A few weeks back, I updated my wallpaper to my current forum avatar. Sometime earlier this week, as I was leaving, I noticed that somehow my wallpaper changed back To St. Michael as I was rushing out the door. I didn’t think much of it as I sometimes will accidentally do things on my phone when in a rush like like activate the flash light, or mute the phone with my face, etc.

This time of year is stormy in my area and the weather has been pretty volatile for the last week or so. Because I was rushing, I hadn’t stopped to check conditions having checked them earlier in the day. Thing is, on my way out, the weather changed and conditions suddenly became treacherous. Normally, I’m extremely nervous under such conditions but I felt so calm and serene. It was as if I were driving in a protective bubble instead of a car. To add to the wonder, conditions then cleared just as I made it to my destination.

The weather has continued to be volatile on and off throughout the week but I am nonplussed, feeling completely safe and managing situations flawlessly even when the storm doesn’t resolve upon my arrival.

I’ve loved St. Michael probably my whole life but no medallion or prayer has ever worked quite as quickly for me as does having this NFT. Another amazing gem…Thank you @Dreamweaver ! :sparkling_heart:


:sparkles: In the run up to the Full Moon at Michaelmas on Sept 29th, I thought this was a great article. It’s short and to the point.

Also, this upcoming full moon promises to be strong so it wouldn’t hurt to get your Michaelmas playlist going, well, because you never know. :woman_shrugging:

ETA: I also just found this work of Rudolf Steiner on Michaelmas. At 171pages, I’ve not read it and so can’t speak to its veracity. Still its an intriguing find. :face_with_monocle:


:sparkles: In other news…this just in…

Actually, it’s a real article from Jan 17, 2023. :dizzy: