could i listen to height booster during sapien course ?
If you are on the first round, physical targets are not a problem, just like Vibration Series, Chakra series etc that target the conscious evolution, in other words any that works with the energy systems is better not, second rounds + not a problem.
So in short, yes you can
so mind settings album (any wealth field)or vocal stregnthing
wouldnt be a problem with listening to them
I dont think its a problem tho the mindset targets directly the subconscious so i personally wouldnt just to be super focused in the whole sense.
But thats a very common question that Sammy has replied in depth if you wanna dig the posts.
Its there i just dont know how to link exactly that part haha but i just saw it
Here it is lol i had to copy it
(This was said by Sammy):
You can also listen to other audios while going through the course. The breaks are more meant for the course audios since they are intensive energy work.
Any of the vibration audios for example would supplement the course magnificently.
Edit: Upon further notice from Dream, I think you should take a break or really easy down on energy based audios (such as vibration audios or energy blockage, chi or jing, ext…) for the time being. Not until you have finished with at least your first run of the audios (after finishing crystallization audio).
Reason for this being is because we are all at different levels of development and it’s best to approach the first run of the audios as a beginner. It’s best to all do it this way to completely avoid any issues that could arise. Overstimulation can be counter productive in energy development. (If you already have been listening to them, don’t worry, just stop for now and keep going as is. You don’t need to start over)
Vibration series for example can be pretty intense energy wise as well so it could overstimulate your energy system while going through the phases of the course. I do believe it would supplement it greatly as it has for me. But these audios came months after I’d already listened to the course audios. So after the first run of the audios, you will be safe to do so as your energy system will definitely be prepared for that sort of stimulation. And of course then you can mix and match (listen to body primer, energy sensitivity then vibration of creation, ext
sorry if i asked a lot of questions
but im affraid what is the first run and the second run?!
Listening to the 3 audios
First run:
Body Primer for 3 days, then 2 days break, then
Energy Sensitivity for 3 days, then 2 days break then
Healer Primer for 3 days then 2 days break, then
Become the Healer for 3 days, then 2 days break, then
Crystallization Attunement for 3 days then 2 days break
After that you don’t need to use Become the Healer or Crystallization. For the other 3 you can use them however you feel.