Sapien Medicine doesn‘t care about money?

He has amazing products, but his methods of monetization and marketing are slim to none. I honestly believe I could 5X his earnings within 3 months, and 20X them within a year, at least.

This makes me wonder, does he even care how much he makes? Sure his goal is to help people out, but this world runs on money, so is it that its not his primary goal because he has enough, or does he just doesn’t know marketing and how to promote this amazing product?

I mean, not going into details, but he doesnt even post description on some of his gumroad videos, and he straight tell you that you dont need to buy this etc. I appriciate his honesty, but I was just wondering about it.


A lot of the Gumroad audios had descriptions, but that proved to be damaging.

that’s rarely the answer


Money as an aim leads to elitism and power struggles.

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Don’t worry.

Dreamweaver will be a multi millionaire by end of the year.

Either by his own fruits or by his tutelage.


Probably its about balance between making money and making fields affordable. people would still buy fields if they costed 1000$, but he will make the same amount of money if 5 people buy field for 200$, no?
This is controversial topic, but I think prices are balanced, It would be kinda foolish to assume that man capable of mircles wouldn’t know how to set prices correctly.
They are underpriced when you consider how scarce and effective they are, but if they costed more that wouldnt automatically mean Capitan making more money, since its possible less people would buy them then.
At this point I just assume that whatever he decided, is a right decision :stuck_out_tongue:
Also, some fields were taken down because of their descriptions.
Capitan knows what he’s doing


I don’t really agree. I understand Sapien knows a lot, about everything, but judging by his marketing strategy, it’s either that he doesn’t care about money enough, or he doesn’t know how to promote things better.

You can be the best doctor on the planet, but still not know how to install electricity in your house.


i wish you know Dreamweaver as i do or some few of us, then you will know that sapien medicine is just his fun work or just a side job. lol


Its not just about setting prices correctly, that is not even priority tbh. Its about his optimization not being there, his marketing strategies such as SEO are not existant.

I mean think about this, Sapien has a cure for cancer, which is a billion dollar industry, there are people spending millions to look and feel younger, and Sapien has all the answers for free. He has one of the best products I have ever seen, that just cant be copied like some apps etc. He literally has all it takes, just needs some kick ass good marketing. (If that is what he wants, I have no knowledge like he does about how life work etc, I was just wondering about this topic for some time now)

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If that is really truth, and this just being his side job, it makes it more amazing how he can have time to make all these audios for us lol

Its just amazing


If he would market his cure for cancer more loudly, either He, or Sapien Medicine, or both could be in danger.
In Capitan I trust


since he is perfect at what he do, it doesn’t needs lot of time to do his stuff, not as you see it.

its like someone who does an equation it take him a whole day
and someone will do it few minutes


How long on average does it take for him to create a field?

i know why you want to know this so you can judge the effort.

For what I recall, about 10 hours. But this information is years old, so something could change

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man just appreciate what he do the way he do it

imagine if he put the covid field for money wouldn’t be viewed as bad.

that’s why most fields are free


He could also be striked for “claims” as it happened in the past with other fields

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MF created millions woven worlds and Captail Governence and your saying he knowns nothing about marketing? Yeah thats a hard claim to make


I would be careful typing c?ur//e and /c!@nc3r in the same sentence. I don’t think they know exactly what to do with these fields because of the implication of admitting they work, but still plenty of bots crawling the web looking for things like that puts places like this ultimately in danger. Sapien could make 100x more money, but if you go all in with SEO and marketing you’re just drawing a bigger target on your back, energetically especially. These scumbags will stop at nothing to destroy a person and everyone associated with them, I understand the precautions and seeming lack of interest of Dream at times. When you can make money doing other things, especially when you can create realities where those other, safer avenues can be 10-100x’d, then what’s the point of creating problems for yourself with something that you can give away for free in some cases and help tons and tons of people? You’re still making money, and you can do other things to make as much as you want, so why ruin it?


I never said I dont appriciate it, in fact I said opposite, that I do appriciate his work. I just said he could make much more money with traffic he has if he optimized it better, and he could get much more traffic if he promoted his work better. Marketing is huge topic in itself, probably needs years for most people to become expert in it and understand core of it.