Sapien Medicine doesn‘t care about money?

That doesnt have anything to do with marketing bro lol

Finally, somebody who understands what I meant. I agree with you, its better to fly under the radar. That would actually explain his lack of effort.

NOTE: Guys I LOVE his work and love what he does, I was just wondering about his marketing strategy, nothing more.


I think he just doesn’t want to deal w the bullshit that comes along with gaining more popularity tbh


you just wanted a direct answer @Niezdeyhyuke you couldn’t understand the why between the lines

only people who are ready will use sapien medicine, i’ve seen eyes and judgement of friends even family when i talked about field that could heal, i was told im psychopath to believe in such things and took me as naive for a while. so this is just people you know, imagine the world and status quo, they will find a way to destroy a person and challenging the status quo by bringing effective alternative treatments that could heal several people at once is dangerous.


It seems like he cares more about reputation than monetization, but also being fairly compensated for the work they all do. Seems like that’s enough, on top of helping thousands of people overcome lifelong issues no one else can. It’s sick that’s how things are, but one thing I’ve learned is that all of this, everything, balances. It’s the perfect imperfection of the design of the world, which means if not for all of the evil. lying, and intentional, deliberate maliciousness, we wouldn’t have good people making the world better to balance it out. It all fits together, take that how you will.

I don’t think a in your face type of promotion of morphic fields would really work, its something you discover by yourself, imagine seeing morphic fields ads on tiktok bruh


It all comes down to the cost of control. It’s not worth deploying more resources to something that’s not a priority threat vs something that’s gaining steam and could topple you over. If they could snuff it out without harming themselves or suffering blowback beyond what they’re willing to experience, then we would never hear of dream, sam, or sapien med again. They still control enough of the collective mind to safely ignore this kind of stuff for now, push it to the fringe and a fraction of those who are too expensive to bother with about can have their cake. Of all of the “awake” people, only a fraction of a fraction are into this stuff, and it gets smaller from there. Admitting energy work is a potent avenue for all kinds of applications is not something they want to draw attention to any more than it already has, and they do a good job of creating different levels of control to keep those who are aware and using this stuff effectively in new and more interesting boxes; this is in the realm of money is meaningless and has no value, so economic warfare is not an effective strategy beyond a certain point. It’s an effective system of control, 1 in the hand is worth 2 in the bush. Only an idiot would go full warpath on a fringe community that has slow traction and plenty of outside blocks and skepticism still vs. letting it be and doubling down on those you have full control over, because that is still more than plenty.

Everyone should read the Art of War. It’s so simple but the applications are endless.

Edit: there’s also the possibility they’re too stupid and arrogant to understand what they’re dealing with, as the emperor wears no clothes. Sometimes silence and quiet diligence are the best marketing strategies as well. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of marketing for building trust. Reach a critical mass, and it takes on a life of its own. Spamming the internet with ads, SEO, can blow you up fast but doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll stick around. Marketing isn’t all about blasting people in the face all at once to let you know you exist, a slow, natural build up using organic means that can’t be gamed against or controlled works much better for someone who isn’t greedy or worried about a timeframe. Do the work, it happens when it happens.

Last edit: If you want to change the world, your rate of growth must be slower to gain greater traction. The wave needs time to build up to the necessary strength to overcome that which it is acting upon. You could rush the build-up, but you would cut short the potential of the wave while also leaving yourself exposed. There is a natural, organic rate of growth that works in its own time. It’s always working as long as you continue to feed it quality input, which the Sapien team seems to do. You can’t rush things if you want them to be around for a while, or to reach critical mass. You have to let your creations breathe and not get artificially jostled around before they’re ripe for picking. The fruit will fall from the tree and propagate exactly when necessary. It works on its own, which is the best work.


Our marketing has been organic for years. We allow who this work is meant for, to be drawn to it naturally… which has happened over the years well enough.

We aren’t looking for attention or seeking it. We don’t have scientific evidence for what we do so marketing it to the masses just hasn’t felt like the plausible thing to do. Mass marketing it to the masses would attract a lot of unwanted attention.

When working with the masses, there is a pressure to conform. And that pressure comes with lots of resistance.

We do well financially and can certainly do better if we wanted to blow sapienmed up. But we let our results sell for us and prefer not to talk the big talk of ‘our stuff is the best, you need to do this if you want to be saved.’

But yes, our marketing is non existant really. But that’s intended.


Yeh I dont do any marketing.

I dont market anything.

But it was the medium ground to keep the offerings of impossible things less seen by people who we would not want them to know of.

But i think the base for this is fairly strong and self supporting now.

Feel free to market it if you wish.

I believe the gates are getting open.

If not, we are well equipment to stare back at the beast and smile.
The truck is large, it will go through, beast or run over beast.


yeah, history shows that society is not ready for anything.

it is only ready for stuff that had been around for at least 100 years.

and even then, after 100 years of penicillin we still have anti-vax people.

quantum & relativistic physics had been around 100 years too and people still believe in a newtonian and causalistic world and consider that “real”.

common sense is still medieval at this point.

imagine trying to convince medieval folks about insubstantial fields created out of nothing that produce effects on matter and substance, they will light you up with torches.


This statement is typical communist and brokie non-nense :roll_eyes:
No wonder you struggle with money (as you have said in another thread).
Your Subconsicous Mind takes such statements seriously and then protects you from the money. Typical self-sabotage.
It does not help that you rationalize it yourself with communist victim mindset idealogies etc.


I’m thankful that the most important fields are free, that way many people can benefit.

In my view, Captain is of most noble character.



we do have a great marketer
who thinks he is hurting or harming i think
‘yeh alright’

but you cant complain about free work.

look at all the people asking why nfts don’t work but the free ones do.

educate and sort


Free advertising…

What I honestly think is they just don’t wanna attract the wrong crowd which had happened a few years ago, that is why a lot of amazing projects are private, unfortunately.

Ofcourse they care about money, I mean after putting in so much of efforts, energy and time, why wouldnt they, that’s only fair, a lot of products are expensive based on how many layers and functions are added to them, there are a lot of top tier products which nobody can make hence they’re priced accordingly.

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Xd :laughing: :laughing:

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I’d encourage you to ask yourself what money is before any positive or negative belief about money.

Most of social struggles comes from people taking for granted most of the stuff from their regular lives rather than questioning core assumptions such as the existence of something abstract as money and what is its abstract function.

This is why most people are unconsciously mean and exercise power on to others whenever they have a chance and then rationalize or justify it to not feel bad about it.

Compassion is the opposite of that.


The current form of capitalism (I am not an expert) doesn’t provide equal chances for everybody. Look at the USA, where only the rich can afford university education without having to go into debt. You need these degrees to get modern jobs.

I assume spiritual people say it’s all karma. I don’t know. My consciousness is not as developed as magicians like Dream.


It’s all experiences. Learning and grow

It does though, if you think about it.
Which other system can grant as many opportunities for literally anyone?
A free marketplace. Products available at any store. Business opportunities en masse. People are free to choose.

No, it is not given to them. One still has to strive and work for it. That in turn makes it equal for everyone, no?