Sapien Medicine doesn‘t care about money?

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You need it.


Here I was thinking that if psychic powers were proven and accepted the matrix would just finish digesting us…

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The capitalist system operates under a presuposition that everyone is equally conscious, free and unattached to access equally to the same oportunities.


According to capitalist theorists, someone who has been born as a minority, uneducated, without a proper nutrition during early years and raised in a shoe factory in Philipinas, neglected and raped systematically or sold as a sexual slave until their teens is equally conscious and free to embrace oportunities of growth and change as someone born in a gated community with all their psychological, emotional, nutritional needs meet, and if the person is poor is because the person is consciously having that choice.

I can’t figure if they are extremely naive or just evil.

We are unconscious. Not free to do most of the things on daily life because we mostly do it on repeat.

At least Marx in his economic politics had a theory of the unconscious and how it affects people so-called “free” in their productive relationships.

Negating the existence of the unconscious has devastating effects on economy and society.


Capitalism is human nature.

Not something that someone invented with their prefrontal cortex.

It has nothing to do with politics or economy in the first place.

But how the human limbic brain is genetically hardwired:

Working hard because there is there the natural incentive to improve one’s life.

Politic and economic frameworks can only provide a guideline for an execution of this natural drive.

Or they can sabotage this natural drive and then societies fail because the natural incentive to improve one’s life become heavily distorted or surpressed.

The adoption of a victim mindset is one of the forms how this natural drive is surpressed.
Or do you see animals running around with a victim mindset?
A victim mindset never ever helps anyone and literally goes against the force of nature.
Nature is not in a victim mindset.
Nature is in a growth and expansion mindset.

Capitalism is the natural drive to improve life and grow.
Because of this drive, people invent technology.
Technology is the way to go on the physical plane to improve life for everyone.
Like for example, technology has lifted Billions of people out of poverty in the 20th Century.
While socialist, marxist, communist idealogies have killed hundred’s of Millions.
Numbers don’t lie.

But it is more complex of course and there are more layers to this:

Like for example souls choosing their incarnational circumstances.
Like souls manifesting their personal reality.
Like the individual soul’s actual level of spiritual awareness.
The victim mindset is never the answer.
But the victim mindset is usually what all the marxist theorists live by.

That’s a spiritual problem though.
Not an economic or political one.
Not even a physical or material one.
That problem also exists on the astral planes.
What reality every soul is manifesting depends on their level of awareness and spiritual growth.
The consciousness problem cannot be solved through material, political or economic means.
Only through actual spiritual growth.
We cannot force others to become more enlightened, be on this physical plane or on the higher planes.
We cannot force others from an unconscious into a conscious state.
Everyone needs to do their own soul journey of conceptual realizations.

None of these ecomonic theorists have any clue about what consciousness really is, because none of them are really spiritual. They are all stuck in their heads in their own mental worlds.



Thanks for bothering, I almost did.
But you must know deep down it’s pointless

He won’t process it


Even people defending it don’t get this.

The natural philosophers that launched capitalism were limited by the data of their time but they looked at it objectively. They saw what worked and what didn’t. Lots of comparison with every import-export or accounting sheets they had. They studied human nature carefully in what people did.

Capitalism is still in some ways too advanced for the time being. The basic principles and relationships they set based on nature can be applied and predict things far outside of ressources production and distribution.

It’s about how things work and how they can be improved. It doesn’t say people are equal or should be. It explains how to maximize the chances of improvements at whatever level you are.

People like Adam Smith spent their lives studying human emotions and behaviors before Wondering why some are wealthier than others. How stuff gets produced and distributed and everything was linked to emotions and personalities. Though all that he found variables and relationships.

Only because they were experts in human nature with real social experiences.

Capitalism doesn’t tell you what is good for you, it gives what you are willing to exchange for.

People want cheap products, it gave us cheap stuff.

People wanted patriotic and traditional brands, it gave that.

Then people wanted social justice and environmentalism, every brand turned woke feminism/ LGBTQ.

People want speed and internet, one day delivery around the world to your door.

People wanted cheap and fast delicious food, they invented fast food.

People want healthy organic, vegan stuff, it’ll provide it.

TV, Cars, satellites. It delivers.

Capitalism creates competition to give people what they want. It often touch excess and rebalances itself.


Thank you for breaking this down.

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Yeah, even in the same country.
China until the death of Mao Zedong was socialist. It killed …god only knows… a hundred million? From that point on, after the end of the cultural revolution, it developed at an unbelievable pace.

The result?
Billions of people lifted out of poverty…


Wonder if y’all would change your opinion working in some fucking sweatshop for 15 cents a day


Nobody forces You to work there

Subjects of exploitation often don’t have choice


What does it have to do with capitalism ?

heindeger mentioned it in his post some shoe factory kid from factory n shit i cant quote im not good at this
i dont know how to quote posts

Exploitation inst capitalism. In Capitalism there is competition on both sides, employers compete with another employers and emplyees compete with each other, and You as an emplyee can choose to work for better employer.
To quote, mark the text you want to quote with your mouse and then right click

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Which is why the state is supposed to break anticompetitive monopolies and avoid becoming one itself (aka socialism)

As far as Heidegger’s post, I know what quote you mean, it’s word salad. That guy doesn’t know what he talks about 90% of the time.


Imma be honest, im shit at politics, so i can’t really tell you socialism, capitalism, communism or whatever the fk, i just wish for no exploitation , people having to contribute fairly to society, stuff like that,
My intention here isn’t to cause an argument or something
Children shouldn’t have to be exploited, billionaires shouldn’t be able to tax evade, etc.
I am also open to learning let me know if I am getting stuff wrong perhaps educate me, but I always heard capitalism is the big bad guy from everyone
Tbh i don’t know where im going with this


No one here wants that.


Yeah, I had the wrong idea, capitalism perhaps isn’t what i thought, i shoulda looked into it more perhaps before talking on it


I’m in the same boat as you. I can see how it happens though.

Neurons that fire together wire together, so if the word “captialism” and insert bad thing here are repeated enough times, your brain makes that association.

Now whenever you encounter the word “capitalism” it brings up all of these negative ideas and emotions.

Our behaviour is a shadow of our brain’s architecture.

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My mans mentioned a shoe factory kid and capitalism together and i was like yeah true :+1: