Sapien Medicine doesn‘t care about money?

The most common problem when trying to discuss metaphysics is believiing you are being a-political, a-philosophical while adopting unconsciously a political and philosophical posture of human nature, economics and consciousness.

Causalism, capitalism, sociobiologism and evolutionism (western XIX values) on top of eastern philosophical values is the current recipe for New Ageism.

You guys need to grab a book and stop listening to Joe Rogan.


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Why do you guys still do this? Find the need to insult people for thinking differently. If someone doesn’t get something then oh well. It is what it is. It’s not your duty to convince anyone of anything. And well…

I don’t think you, jaaj, me or anyone really knows what we’re talking about most of the time. We omly know what we know and have a very limited perspective of the bigger picture. I can easily see the truth in his statements and yours. Truths overlap you know. Why do we still lack nuance? Are we not evolving?

I just think at this point, we like to pretend we know and then get a superiority complex over feeling we have things figured out while others don’t. ‘I’m awake’ and everyone else is a sheep.

Don’t fall into those spiritual traps. One of the easiest ones to fall into.


If ya’ll are gonna insult others, insult me. Ya’ll have a very easy time doing it to others but don’t do it to me when I can often feel some of you wanting to.



It just dissapoints me to see how we all complain about the state of humanity but continue to perepetuate the same behavior that got us here in the first place. That’s why I call ya’ll out. Is this how you behave if you are of the light and want to help people? Is this how you heal the world by continuing to follow the same old patterns? I know some of you will say it’s tough love but then get pissed off and avoidant when I call some of you out and show that tough love. See how that works?

As for the discussion about capitalism and socialism, I don’t think it really matters at this point. We are going to have rethink capitalism as a whole in the very near future. When AI reaches a point that it can do everything a human can do but better, faster and cheaper… almost all jobs are going to be replaced. It’s not a matter of ‘if’ anymore and is more a matter of ‘when’ at this point. And it’s looking to come sooner than we expected.

And so, there will be little value that most humans can provide to recieve value ($) in return. Capitalism just doesn’t work when humans aren’t producing the work anymore.

I think the way forward is a merging of capitalism and socialism which… most western societies are already technically structured like this.

But universal basic income will become very necessary in a world where most of us will have no way of providing value to recieve income.

But I think that those that are willing to work more and contribute to society in the different ways still possible, create content (youtube, tik toks, shows, movies, games, ext which will all be easier for everyone to do with ai), manage or create AIs, work on advancing humanity, ext… should still be able to get rewarded for the value they provide.

And so you still have the freedom to provide services and make money in the ways you can but basic income will eliminate the fear and pressure behind having a job and making income to survive. You can have the space to do what you actually want to do and contribute to the worlds in the ways you want.

This all sounds optimistic and I don’t discount that tptb would not just allow this happen. But it’s a possibility on the horizon.



Ego satisfaction +100

I’m trying hard… Really hard… It’s just hard to find anything



While you may be right about how I dismiss his ideas. Look at his definitions and inconsistencies.

People can be leftist, but he consistently projects ideas and meanings on capitalism and people. He gives fraudulent definitions then he goes and argument on them. Lots of little tricks like that over the months.

On top of that he comes with entire frameworks that excludes neurology, energy, Morphic fields and basic stuff. Not ignore, but flat out excludes.

Most of his blankslate theories about human nature have been proven wrong. I stand by that. He flat out denies basic science consistently in favor of failed theoretical ideologies. I didn’t say what I said because of 1 post about capitalism.

Everything is not entirely subjective.

Anyway, feel free to delete my post here.
Thank you

Marxism killed hundreds of million of people, tortured and caused suffering tens of times more than nazism.

Could I be a Nazi publicly ?
Or on the forum ?

If instead of saying rich people are bad, capitalism is evil and go on with bogus science. If instead I went with similar rationale of “liberal democracies are tool of the international Jews” for one and for the scientific part I’ll go with… “ethnics and race studies to show how this debauchery is all explained with genetic variations”. That would sound horrible and get me banned.

I can take his post and put another totalitarian ideology with “stated enemies” and pseudoscientific rationales. Just changing keywords.

He doesn’t shy out of calling people evil.

He has proven that he doesn’t understand basic economics. He clearly doesn’t understand biological components of psychology and much more.

That’s another issue.

You can disagree with something, but if you can’t understand and summarize that thing, then you simply don’t know that thing.

To create entire threads and post about these subjects while he admits himself that he doesn’t understand them (He admitted that) every single day. Look at how much he writes daily with his opinions casting people as evil and stupid (he uses those words). Then isn’t it fair of me when asked to say that I won’t bother since he doesn’t know what he talks about ?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how trash was I ?
Are we so weak that I should have hidden my replies in a more passive way and said “I think he doesn’t understand what he talks about ?”

He himself admittedly not knowing or caring.

Accountability is a universal virtue and standard, at least to some degree.

You can have subjective conclusions and perspectives, but rules of logic apply. Reasoning can be good or bad independently of the outcome.

In the last post I criticize his reasoning skills. Albeit without examples I didn’t waste time doing so.


Ah i love debates like this… :point_up_2:

Facts, truths and realness not just blah blah words and see what sticks.

Please continue @Dr_Manhattan and @SammyG
Cause honestly this a very important topic we need to shred to pieces to see it all.

These are for real fast changing times and we in that matter are still very much asleep gonna wake up with a hard slap in our face soon enough and then realize ideals will worth nothing at that point


I have to go to a quincanera (sweet 15 now) so won’t be able to answer til later (hopefully get the time). I enjoyed reading your thoughts and will answer thoroughly.

At the end of the day, it’s his perspective. I don’t know why you and jaaj take it so personally and then feel the need to belittle him for it. I don’t disagree with everything you say at all and I’m not going to belittle you for it.

I read his posts often and don’t agree with him sometimes either. He doesn’t have it all figured it out but niether do you. And niether do I.

But I’d have to say he understands certain things about the nature of reality that I don’t think most of you even seem to understand yet. He’s not stupid. Some of his posts have helped widen my perspective on the subjectivity of reality. Just like some of your posts have helped widen my perspective (brain posts).

There is wisdom in everything. We are all just too blinded by our ‘true’ perception of the world, that we reject anything that doesn’t fall in line with it.


Im going back to read all his posts, honestly i always start reading with open mind because i do appreciate when i come across people that challenge my ideas but i also have to say that at some point while reading his posts i give up and get a similar feeling of what Dr_Manhattan Phillip talks about i even roll my eyes and all (i admit) and then i stopped reading and ask myself “what is his agenda”

Natural reaction (on my part lol)

But i will read everything, if there are good things to look at id def want to discover it too. Zankss


His issue is that his writing can be very confusing and he references a bunch of names like we are all supposed to know who these people or their writings are. It took my mind some time to decode what he is actually saying and some of it certainly falls in line with things I learn from my awakenings but didn’t have the words for.

For example, I do believe what he says about us doing away with identification overall, to be very true. Our impulse to identify with things is what tends to create the boundaries in our mind.

That said, I don’t agree with everything he’s written. But that’s fine. I don’t disagree with someones post and then think their dumb and never consider anything they write afterwards. Our minds naturally do this. Funnily enough, it’s cause our experience of the ‘dumb’ post, make us immediately identify the person as ‘stupid’ and then develop a bias towards them.

But anyways, my wife is gonna kill me for being on the phone and ignoring her :sweat_smile: I’ll be back later.


Why is my other post awaiting aprproval? Am I not allowed to say my country suffered under communism?


That’s the system. Not me blocking.


I also can’t understand why one ideology that killed millions od people is accepted in the west, when other one is not. Guess the victorious write history after all.
My country suffered a lot because of communism, in fact it was under both communist and nazi occupation. Its always suprising to me why one of those is banned while other one is not


I see, go and spend time with your wife man :smiley:

Go to your thing man.

But one last reply.

Then read the people he likes to quote. There is no such thing as free speech.

His ideas are like mental viruses, spreading from countries to countries, destroying cultures, economics and civilizations. He makes emotional appeals, see how others supported him before admitting they didn’t know ?
And we get bullied by the woke Marxist ideology everyday in our lives.

Letting people say and believe whatever they want in democracies has led to our situations. You yourself criticized the state of our societies.

Change doesn’t happen by itself. How did we get here ? What ideology has been pushed ? What framework has been applied for the last 60 years ?

Blankslate theory, social relativism, subjectivity, equalitarianism etc.

These things go against human nature and evolutionary incentives and lot of worst things…

Even the first Marxists called them the “useful idiots”, they offer the perfect pretenses for centralized power grabs.

He talks about not identifying with things, then reduce everything to rich and poor, oppressed and opressor and puts himself as the victim of capitalism. He comes from Argentina btw, once the richest country in the world by capita under capitalism, that crashed over and over under various socialist governments. Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, East Germany etc. The list is long.

Everything is subjective according to him, except capitalism and and everything related, then it’s objectively just “dumb and evil”. He has a long list of critics he can’t wait to share about anything, traditions, religions, some psychic concepts which we have fields for btw . Even though his Marxist ideology made more victims and people were and are trying to flee those regimes.

Marxism is reductionism and plays on identity, political and economical identities more than almost any other ideologies.

Time and time again, he talks of people as unconscious puppets while pushing for a big daddy authority to regiment our lives. That’s dismissive and belittling. He talks of people like animals on a farm.
Implicitly, he claims that he knows better time and time again.

I criticise people many time because they were too lazy to read posts before asking me questions. He thinks people are unconscious puppet and they should be controlled.

He doesn’t care about actual scientific stuff or efficiency, he cares about ideology. Isn’t that dangerous ?

The list goes on and on

If he can consider ideas I subscribe to as evil and stupid, I definitely should be able to say the same about his.

When data shows up, at least my ideas stood the test of time and have been successful. His haven’t and aren’t.

I’m saying about his idea what he says about mine. The difference is I have mentioned his name only to be upfront when someone else brought it up.


If I may, I´d like to add my pov here.

Reality is subjective, but if one wants to reach a certain goal, he can´t do it under certain circumstances. We all know how important mindset is in that regards.

→ Mindsetting album!!

JAAJ and Dr Manhattan know that and assume it as the basis.

Looking at the current topic here: Money

We use labels like communism or capitalism, but I see them mainly as different concepts of self perception/frequency.

What we call communism is being/living with low self esteem/anxiety/worries/insecurity.
Being demanding of others, expecting them to take care of our shit.
But why? It´s not healthy, it´s not natural (in in a spiritual sense).
I´s not even asking for empathy or basic decency towards people who are weaker or have less, but deliberately placing the power in others peoples hand.
It´s certainly easier and safer. I don´t have to work anymore, grow, develope, do and contribute anything of value anymore. I can just sit on my ass and blame the world.
Been there, done that, never again.

But tbh, everybody I´ve met, that remotely shared this attitude, was miserable, has drug problems, is emotionally and mentally unstable, constantly blaming others etc.

Option 2, I can choose high self esteem, get over my ego, understand that I am not necessarily the center of the world for others. Aknowledge that I have weaknesses, but also that I have strengths, talents and the power to work on myself and improve my life. Becoming so strong that it´s not anymore about survival or living a comfortable life, but expanding beyond that to a position of making a positive change in the world.

Hey, I am growing too, maybe I am just wrong.

But tbh, I highly doubt it. Dreams fields are actually helping me to move out of my old victimmindset into one of being empowered, abundant and becoming able to contribute to others.


JAAJ and Dr Manhattan may have it explained it better, I just wanted to add my thoughts on it.


He’s read all the victimization books. Expert on inequality and communism.

How many investment and business books do you think he read to actually get himself a better life ?

People become experts in why they are broke, most of them never studied how to provide value and extract more ressources.

I noticed this enough, most of these people never studied and or tried to copy the successful ones, trying to emphasize with the ones who succeed. They jump to their emotions and dig in their failure mindset.

Did they try getting skills more in demand, how about starting a business ?

Nope. They deserve stuff from the government because they should have it too.

If they never knew about wealthier people, I’m sure they’d be happy right now thinking everyone was equal since they like comparisons so much.

They hate family structures or traditions of any kind. But it’s their parents job to provide for them.

Some wonder how it is that people don’t like listening to how the government should use the police to take their stuff and give to others.

How dare you get triggered, knowing that a simple vote can make it so that the fruit of your work go to another through force.

They can go and create an egalitarian cooperative, share the product of their work equally within capitalism. They can create the micro-socialist state within capitalism pretty much without forcing others into it.

Show the way if you think your ideas are worth it. So far every single attempts failed with deadly consequences. Results are not speaking for yourself.

Anything else, talk however you want. But if you talk about seizing people’s ressources by force by the government for yourself. Expect people to have strong reactions !

And trust me, when you come to actually take people’s stuff, people won’t just reply with mean posts. They’ll fight you for it. That’s the path you talk about when you push Marxism.

Your ideas affect us. Go talk about astrology see how many people bother replying.

For everybody else: He is serious, there are others like him. If they could, they’d take your stuff from you without hesitation. It’s not impossible that they succeed. He is not just talking for fun.

If enough people agree with him, they’ll take your stuff from you. It happened to hundreds of millions of people most of whom probably thought they were just weirdos talking nonsense. It can happen to you too.

They are not afraid to come and say it publicly anymore.


I agree, and I think proportions we have now are quite good.
I do believe that healthcare and education are human right, in this manner I agree with socialists.
Competition on free market can be, and often is good for society, and as Dr_Manhattan said

we should make sure everyone has a chance to compete.
Extreme socialism makes competition needless, and thus in a sense it stops progress.
Why would anyone strive and make effort, if everyone recieves equal benefits? That would lead to stagnation at best.
Then, when noone has reason to work, people starve and fight for whatever scraps of resurces are left.
I think that, when AI comes, some jobs will become obsolete, and some new jobs will be created.
Machines also need to be supervised by humans right now.
That being said, extreme capitalism, without little dose of socialism could also be very harmful.
My personal opinion is: everyone should get a chance, but those who are doing good shouldn’t be forced to provide for those who are doing bad, because then nobody would have a reason to do good.
We shouldn’t punish industrious people and reward lazy people. And I say that as a lazy person :stuck_out_tongue: