Sapien Medicine doesn‘t care about money?

I have a quick question for you if you have time to answer please.

I wanted to create a blog that I would successfully promote to get hundreds of thousands of monthly readers; I would take certain topic and try to cover it from more open-minded and better perspective.
Topics such as nofap, meditation, addictions, healing, subconscious mind, energy, diets, exercises etc

Many people still don’t know how bad porn is, how bad carbs and processed food are, and how to lose weight with keto. I would also mention Sapien videos here and there to spread the word, among other tips.

But, new age gurus, including Neville Goddard, Dolores Canon, Vadim Zeland, and many others, are saying stuff like “All realities exist”, which in theory I can understand, but in a practical way not as much.

What is the point of doing this project, if reality exist where even if I don’t do it, 100 other people will do even better job?

I could sacrifice my time and effort into trying to help, but only if we are heading into doom, but unless this would make me happy, what other point is there to help people? I mean don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t hate doing this, it would be nice, but not something I Would prefer over sailing the world with my private yacht, you know what I mean?

What is your view and opinion about this?

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Amen :purple_heart:

And if anyone was wanting to get a NFT recently but they were on the fence
Maybe THIS might be your sign to, peep:

(It’s 222)

Lol :see_no_evil:

stay happy and pleasant everyone


Wasn’t that simply stating a personal opinion?
I don’t see any insult in this statement.
Would it be different if he had added a “In my personal opinion, that guy…” at the beginning of the sentence?

And then again, the dude was pushing ideas that have literally killed hundreds of Millions of people.

I think that gives everyone the right to label his content as “he does not know what he talks about”.

I agree.
But does this then mean that we should stop exchanging information and sharing points of view all together?
Because there is the risk of developing a superiority complex?
There will always be someone who knows something better than another.
The teacher knows more than the pupil.
The Arch Angel knows more than the Angel.
The soul that has reached completion knows more than the soul that is still working on it.
There will always be someone who will educate someone else.

So where do you draw the line between saying “someone has no clue” and between someone acting out his superiority complex?

For example:
There are people on this forum who believe in a flat earth.
So instead of stating “they have no clue”, would it be more appropriate to state “their scientific development is stuck on kindergarden level”?
Either way it will kind of sound like coming from a superiority complex.
But looking at it objectively one would understand that they only believe such things because they lack other basic knowledge that one usually learns in kindegarden…

So where do you draw the healthy line?

If every type of education is the teacher acting out his superiority complex, then the teacher is not allowed to share anything.

This society needs to learn to not be offended with neutral opinion statements where someone simply says that “person X has no clue”.

As for me personally, I do not think that I am of the light only.

If my soul seeks to experience completion then I have to experience both sides.

So as for helping other people, I am free to choose to help certain individuals and refuse to help others.

Just because I am light, it does not mean that I have to be light to everyone.
I can choose to be light to some and dark to some others.

“Not helping” someone is not about feeling superior.

Maybe even quite the opposite:

It is about deciding to not help those who do refuse to be helped because it would be a waste of your own time and energy.
When you love yourself and appreciate your own time and energy, you need to draw a line where you will help and whom without getting drained yourself.

You cannot be “of the light” if your forget about yourself.

(Star Wars Episode 1-3 clearly showed this with the Jedi completely failing exactly because of this.)

That for sure – but it will still be capitalism.

You are speaking about economic models and work getting done.
But it is not about economy, society or work getting done.
These things have nothing to do with capitalism being human nature.

Just because almost everything is automated doesn’t mean that people will stop to strive for better.
All the jobs will simply transition into mostly human-to-human service jobs and scientific progress jobs.
You will still need “to pay” a research facility or an AI to help you with things.
You will still need “to pay” someone to teach you meditate.
You will still need “to pay” someone for a social service.

If you don’t pay with money then with some “social recognition points”.
The more you contribute to society, the more points you get etc.

The resources will still be limited.
Human time and attention energy will still be limited.

The whole job market will all just be switched from physical labour to intellectual, social and spiritual labour.

As for the human nature itself, it will only change once we get to the point of custom genetic engineering of our species. And even when we reach this stage it would be futile if we would use it to kill our drive for expansion and betterment, because again, spoiler alert:

The soul and the consciousness are striving for expansion and betterment!

So even if you kill the capitalist drive on the physical, the soul will still seek to become more.

I take it personally because marxist and communist ideas and structures have killed half of my family in the 20th Century.

Maybe I should mention it from now on every time I go against communism… :thinking:

I mean why is it even questioned that someone takes it personally when an evil agenda is being pushed?

It is uneducated people like heidegger who are directly responsible for such ideas being spread and being executed in the real world.

I have zero sympathy, tolerance or love for such people.
These people are not entitled to my help, love or tolarance.
Since my soul is seeking completion those folks provide a wonderful opportunity to express my dark side. Which in this case is simply me refusing to help and show compassion to them.

People who push communist ideas are the same level as nazis for me.

Hitler’s party was 100% socialist too.
It had even the word “socialist” in its party name (NSDAP).
“Nationalist Socialist German Worker Party”
This is 100% communist scum, disguised as a “pro national” movement.

But it is rarely mentioned and people think that the left and right are somehow opposites.
People always remember the “evil nazis” but forget about the damage communist idealogies have done to the world.

They are the two sides of the same evil coin.

If we do not educate others on the nature of these scums, then humanity is doomed to repeat past mistakes again.


Sammy, bro, this is literally the same as Dr_Manhattan saying that “that guy doesn’t know what he talks about 90% of the time.”


This is true as factual statement.

But there is also concept of Diminishing Returns!

It is simply of no practical value to absorb everyone’s view and information and then try finding a nugget of wisdom in there.

You can for example watch hudreds of hours of videos about “why the earth is flat” and “why we have a local sun”, but you would barely learn anything new and simply waste your time and energy.

Since time and energy is limited for us humans, we have to apply filters of whose information and views we are going to absorb and whose input we are going to ignore and brush aside.

Speaking about boundaries in our mind:

When he joined the forum I told him (heidegger) to go and explore the Afterlife and Out of Body experiences topic. I wrote a long recommendation for him to do so.
I don’t think he has ever done any reaseach into this direction.
Nor into the directions that several other forum members have recommended him to explore either.



Communism is cancer.

Read this:


Dude, grab a book, it won’t hurt you.

Marx’s theory of political economy and critique to capitalism is extense.

The communist manifesto is a 23 page essay.

Also, the communist manifesto does not mention in any part that the State should create working camps and manage all the means of production under the rules of a political class.

Marx’s theory of communism constitutes the organic result of social awareness and dialectical synthesis of opposites.

Marx proposes that by people becoming aware and less unconscious of their condition would lead them to drop all their fetishization of commodity and private property and work with each other as a conjunction, not bounded by horizontal relationships of production, which was the result of their conscious development. This is what Marx called Communism.


before getting serious into Zizek, Deleuze, Foucault, Lacan, Derrida, Heidegger, Freud, Marx, Hegel,

pretty much all XIX and XX century serious thinkers,

i was a big fan of Aristotle, self-help, self-improvement, Darwin, Kant, Piaget (which is kinda a synthesis of darwin and kant), Locke, Adam Smith, etc. all the most relevant philosophers and thinkers up to XVIII century.

after a couple of years of that I’ve realized that most of that stuff only reinforces your super-ego, makes you a normalized thinker (makes you believe in normality as an ideal, opposite binarisms and become determined by them), reinforces your sense of identification and identity and deep down it, by trying to “own your self” or “own your fate” that resistance only makes you more unconsciously submissive to authority.

because their thinking it is not developed enough to realize its own constrains, limits and determinations.

all the other contemporary thinkers realize this dimension and its objective is to become aware of them rather than negating and pretend it doesn’t exist to become a dull puppet of other people’s interests.

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You didn’t answer my question.

But if you are too good to be productive and generate your own income because that’s the “super-ego”. No one will do it for you, least of all me.

Let philosophy feed your soul and light your ceiling.

Btw, the question was what investing, real estate, business, marketing books you read ?
And a follow up will be what are you doing instead of criticizing ?

What skill you got ?
What skill you can get to provide more value and capture more of that value ?

i’ve read probably 40 books on self-help/self-improvement and applied many of the things i’ve readed, and over time i found that’s very shallow advice and generalized answers that do not apply to particular problems and contexts at all.

many of self-help and self-improvement authors ignore the notion of context absolutely, they create universal formulas for everything and feed on people that are desperately looking for answers, they don’t find them, so they keep buying more books, and that’s why is a multi-million dollar industry.

i get better advice from testing myself what it seems to work and applying several angles to it, until i’m able to find some kind of pattern that’s not generalized or eternal because it may change over time, and i find that more useful than reading 100 books on most topics.

of course nothing of this compares to morphic fields because that’s another level and does not belong to self-help or self-improvement.


You’re a fan of Andrew Tate? @JAAJ

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He is right to some degree, traditional societies were.

Well, I’m sure many men won’t mind going back to the traditional societies that were before the market societies appeared.
Let’s bring back the Patriarchy hehe

@JAAJ said Capitalism is human nature, but I think we all understood it as Capitalism is build and aligned on human nature. That is the evolutionary incentive structure and freedom aligned with the common good and progress.

It’s a way to decentralise and free up the exchanges of good and services within society more efficiently without the inefficiencies and lack of freedom found in primitive societies. Capitalism is not just content with maintaining a rigid social structure, it pushes for constant innovation and competition so that everyone can bring his-her best to the community without violence.

Now, let’s all be clear, Capitalism has been the most successful system ever. Period.
It reflects the values of its society.

It takes very little effort to understand the reciprocity, value, preferences and in it’s days, it was based on centuries of bartering and market observations. These observations are still valid and when artificially manipulated tend to be less efficient.

It pushes every individual to be as economically rational as they can be, it motivates efforts and equality of opportunity (meaning the rules are the same for everyone).
Best of all, is the consumer choice, we get to vote with our money everyday.
The best get to grow and manage more capital for the benefits of others.

Democracy doesn’t have as good of a track record.

PS: I do have some major issues with Capitalism. But none came close to it theoretically or in practice.


This sounds like a terrible
Theirs games that are being made by AI and like 3aaa games, it is in early deveoplment, but it will keep getting better and better.

their will be no way of getting reach I think.

I don’t get how many people on this forum can hold two opposite and contradictory statements at once:

  • We are in the brain & our nature is to compete to death with each other and that’s our goal as an specie.

but also,

  • We are the eternal unbounded consciousness, ego is an illusion, nothing else exists and we are all part of the same source.

Hegel and Marx believed in the second sentence and their theory is based upon that fact.

all the other theorists that believe in the other stuff are unethical and don’t have any sense or reflection on metaphysics, consciousness or anything, because everything is a byproduct of the meat that’s above our neck, individuality it is a fact and not a construction.

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It’s in moments like this that I wish Dream had released his book already. I haven’t read the last chapters, but I know it will settle many convos.

You guys will stop with your brain and cosmic consciousness nonsense.

There are also a bunch of brain questions I’m not answering yet, so you can read for yourselves when the time comes.


I’m guessing his main gig is an interstellar multi dimensional being :sparkles:

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Yeah, so after reading with open mind i just could not find any valuable concise information.

Instead i found myself after a while skipping lines trying to skim useful information.

Did not read everything of course but in my opinion (not even an opinion) more like in my internal meter to select what i would like to dig deeper and for longer time did not find a desire to do so.

What i read was enough for me to confirm why i have never read everything.

What i see is a rambunctious parade of words and phrases that hardly ever make sense and when confronted to 2nd and 3rd levels he doesnt know what is what. Nothing wrong with that EXCEPT when we go around on a daily basis spreading the “unsure knowledge”. if there is something history has shown us time and time again is that there is nothing more dangerous than a man/woman with wrong ideas becoming popular.

I read that he is from Argentina… (btw i am not tagging him because i dont want to get a personalized answer, i am not interested) but i dont want to look like he is a zero to the left “that man over there” no, apologies if it looks like that.

Anyway, Argentina, a country lost and buried under the consequences of the BS a bunch but POPULAR ones feed them again and again.

Same happened with Venezuela, and now Chile and Colombia on route to the same destination.

It all started with a seeming noble ideal, instilled inside the minds of the ones that didnt have much knowledge to decern but a hungry belly AND :

a lot of anger = jealousy that was fueled by the popular ones’s noble idea until it became entitlement.

The irony tho is that the noble idea was just a facade to lure in the masses.

But oh wait, once in power they became the very person they judged, started living obnoxious luxury lives while throwing a small bill, a piece of meat and a bag of cement to the masses to keep them happy and supporting them. Then it became easier and fun to just live like that with no much effort, sucking from the ones that did and do work.

Perfect plan.

So no, i will not read more of that bs. I will not agree, i will not support. Yes in my eyes is bs and i have the right to see it as i want.

I should add that is not that i only focused on the comments/posts i found about the Capitalism thing, but its the dangerous one.

I did not bother reading much about other topics because sincerely i dont want to give in looking to get interested in the perception or concepts of someone i strongly disagree with something. Like nah i am sure other topics have the same concoction of randomness and personal worlds in a bubble and if not, i sacrifice it. Purposeful serendipity will find me by other ones or my own discovery.


Just saying

People who see and support those perspectives are likely unable to understand it or reason it.
This ideology has spread and they have support.

There will always be the rich pig they see that is the cause of all the worlds misery.
they always forget Jeff Bezos sold second hand books in his garage.

Its always easier to blame to outside than work inside.


I swear his parents loaned him 250000 to start amazon though.


It’s interesting all these posts about Dream/SM doesn’t care about money, or the one the other day about how Dream being a guru and how he should process that or display his thanks to us…I just find it bizarre…

Capitalism is viable, adequate system, but we are not in a “clean” capitalist system. Look at the monopolies.

In all the discussions I’ve had with people about a socialist/capitalist system, it has always been men/women who are employed in jobs that support a socialist system.

In my experience they have little comprehension and understanding how much those of us who choose self employment, entrepreneurship, business owners bust our butts to succeed, to move through personal fears, the stress of supporting/paying employees, managing people/production, the responsibility, the accountability, the discipline etc etc.

There is a lack of understanding and acknowledgement on their part of the amount of effort, resilience, tenacity, discipline, work ethic involved.

When you share this with them, you are frequently met with defensiveness, defunding themselves and then the discussion disintegrates.

This is the huge gap in consciousness.

There is a victim and powerless mindset verses an empowered mindset.

(Granted it becomes easier once you understand the mind, change beliefs, have fields etc).

I don’t knkw any entrepreneurs and business owners that support socialist system.

Anyway the original question was about why a lack of inorganic marketing. Well have you ever tried talking to your average adult about morphic fields lol :joy:

Plus organic marketing in this industry usually brings an already aligned, curious, willing audience and customer.


Sapien Medicine is niche, works on a word-of-mouth model. Those who crossed paths are very very lucky, either by fate or by chance. Users who gotten good results with free fields are likely to progress to Patreon, paid fields and other items. At least for me, as a show of support.

Pushing SM to the masses has its perils.
Such a move may reach and help more people in dire straits (like I once was), but at the same time draw in a group of skeptics, bigots, non-believers and the entitled. I don’t blame them for how they think but they can ruin the experience for everybody else, just look at comments on YouTube.

I’m selective of whom to introduce SM for their predicament even among people I know. It’d be a waste of time, effort and energy to “evangelize” the close-minded or victims who prefer attention over treatment. They can potentially demonise and cast doubt on your beliefs, ruining your own results and progression of this magical journey.

Again, I don’t blame them for not relating to how it’s like to rest on a couch, close their eyes, free their minds, listen to a stack of music and watch their life progressively change with time.


Think of QiGong as well. It is still not universally known.
Or Acupuncture. There are now so many research studies about acupuncture and how useful it can be, in general and alongside western medicine practices.

It all takes time