Sapien Medicine doesn‘t care about money?

Do you know when he will release it?

To be honest, it would kinda sound like a scam
Buy this magical music RIGHT NOW, and become rich

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I don’t see how I am the “ideologically possesed” while being able to argue in the base of reason and ideas.

Meanwhile you guys do not argue or debate the ideas, just throw personal attacks and over generalizations based on personal opinion, someone being louder like Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan or another right wing manosphere and declare that I am the one not being able to present a reasonable argument.

Also, the most disfavor you can do to yourself is to believe you are not possesed for any ideology when presenting your ideas and solutions.

I did not claim that I do not have an ideology because we all do.

That type of a-ideological thinking is the most dangerous kind of ideology.

An ideology disguised as a non-ideology.


There are many kinds of ideologies and they spread like a virus.

Ideologies are dangerous because they do not have gaps, people who believe on them believe their idea is complete and must be executed.

But believing that everything said by someone like Marx is wrong because of Maoism and Stalinism is also ideological, because you are negating the complete scheme of the entire work of one person based on what other groups of people interpretated from it.

It is like saying that Nietzsche in its totality was wrong because of Nazism (Hitler was inspired by Nietzsche).

That is also ideology on its purest form.

Because by denying all that you also believe that your idea of the entire phenomena of that is complete and you know the causes and solutions.

There is no gap to produce a critical and reasonal argument from that.

Personally I presented Marx’s ideas, I did not say I agreed with him.

I do agree with a lot of what Marx said, but I do not agree with many of the stuff that he also said, because his theory is reductionistic and shallow in some aspects (although I think capitalist theory is even more shallow).

Marx had a causalistic and deterministic view of social problems. That kind of reasoning doesn’t apply to indeterminated beings such as us. That is why social classes won’t collapse by its own weight as he anticipated.

Also we are not only unconscious through the alienation to our social class, we are unconscious in multiple and several forms that are not related to social class at all. So, by becoming aware of our social status that does not free us from anything, because we are still unconscious and alienated to many other forms of alterity, which doesn’t lead to any form of emancipation.

Marx’s theory is shallow in many aspects.


More word salad for me. Yes, please.


Try to not name Marx challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)

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Marx aside, I’m not sure people are gonna see what’s really going on in the convo


I don’t understand shi to be honest

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It’s a Kansas City shuffle.

He’s been writing posts after posts everyday since September. He exposed himself and how he is trapped in his own mental loops.

He thinks he makes sense, he misses the majority of the context and perspectives, people are done arguing with him and have been since last year. He doesn’t realize that.

Sammy is concerned with the social vibe of the forum, it’s part of his job, he doesn’t want people to be excluded. So people justified themselves to Sammy.

Everybody read Heiddeger’s posts and opinions for a long time, now he can backtrack and say whatever, but people here are psychic to some degree and have been using a whole lot of brain fields.

He has money issue, he is resentful, he sabotage himself and then compensates with his intellectual personas to feel better about his self-worth.

He’s been pushing his negativity, envy and victim mindset, making underhanded comments. Maybe he thought no one was reading all this time. But he is obvious to whoever reads him.

He thinks he is making these grand arguments but it’s simple ideas really and reasoning in circles doesn’t matter if your perception is twisted as his is.

There is a whole layer to this conversation that goes over his head. We’re past debating with him and have been for a long time.

People have been giving him hints for months, he didn’t get it. It’s annoying when he always projects his negativity and kinda silly ideas with a straight face.

But the way he thinks he’s the master argument maker is very funny. At least for me, can’t speak for others.


Feel free to call my ego out
It’s gonna sound horrible to the majority of people reading it. I know.



Why so dismissive?
It is just another viewpoint…
Why talk like he is not here?
Or do we need to censor now that there is a different opinion than our own?

Can’t we accept that there are more than one opinion? That there are billions?


I explained why in my post. That’s like 80% of what I explained.

There are and we share ours. That’s what we do.

Again, it’s not about this conversation or his comment this week.

It’s a situation that has been going on for a while.

Like I said, anyone can feel free to call my ego out.


What is a viable solution then?
An agreement, perhaps?

I agree with what I say.
He agrees with what he says.

I agree with this.
As long as someone does not threaten other people (like a mad person once threatened Captain) or as long as someone does not openly discriminates based on gender, sexuality, race, etc.,then i dont know, isnt Spirituality ALL about FREEDOM of beliefs, choices, different paths, less rigidity, etc.?

Last thing, I promise.

I know many people will react emotionally to the way I worded my post. Everybody and all opinions must be equal somehow.

But please, first go on his profile and read all his posts before replying. Go to the threads, see the context and his answers. See what type of vibes he likes to project.

See the patterns and his logic. See how open minded he is, see how spiritual and non dual his opinions are.

Maybe use conceptual realization or conglomerate while doing so.

See who started throwing rocks, insults and dismissive attitude first for months without challenges. He doesn’t mind telling people their opinions are stupid, evil and plain wron when nobody asked him. Most of it will be the opposite of Sapien Medicine’s spirits and creations.

If you don’t like me, forget that I’m an asshole just for an hour and go read the threads and his replies. Judge his behavior.

Compare it with any spiritual standard


I see nothing of value there.

He sounds exactly like the leftists I’ve got to know.
They constantly push the narrative that everybody is inherently broken und should be treated like a toddler, instead of fixing themselves.
They don’t realize it’s them projecting their own issues outwards.

Talking about being against ideologies, but driving everything into the ground that could challenge their ideas, coming from their moralic superiority complex.

Tallking in circles for hours, mentally masturbating, while avoiding real progress at any cost. It doesn’t help that some of them are very intelligent, x 0 still equals 0.

Thinking it’s okay to take from others without asking, but going nuts if you’d do the same.

Wouldnt be a problem if they’d keep it to themselves and live their life, nobody would give 2 shits about it.
But no, the whole world has to bend to me
The narcissism behind that is unbelievable.

0 Self esteem 0 Integrity, 0 Accountability


No, actually on the contrary, i thought that being from Argentina you would have witnessed and understood how detrimental those ideals are for a country.

But if you cannot see it then theres nothing else i could comment except that i draw the line here with giving you the attention you clearly feed off

Have a good life sir.

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Ffs, Manhattan you are obssesed with intelligence and mental fields because you believe yourself to be dumb deep down inside.

I don’t think you are dumb, but having a dismissive attitude towards any form of discourse that do not articulate with your views will make you dumb sooner or later.

Also, I did not claim to be an spiritual enlightened person or non-dual person at all. Do you?

Ffs go to a college library and do some research before trying to just cancel anyone who thinks differently just because you are on a high horse and a big name on forums.

Idc about my forum reputation. I am no one here and honestly idc about that either and i prefer it that way.


We are often being misled, we are often being pseudointellectuals, but undoubtedly each one here (on this forum) is trying to become a better person. We are growing on our mistakes and misleds so let it be a beginning of some new realisations maybe @heidegger
Also, please, let’s stay away from insulting others in any way, metaphorically or directly

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