Sapien Medicine doesn‘t care about money?

Didn’t you prove Manhattan’s point though? Reframe from the insults, now I took the time to read all your post because I wanted to be open-minded but man, if I am being honest, your posts are worrying me :sweat_smile: it’s hard to see your perspective.


Tits for tats, I suppose, for anyone who didn’t see it, I did write plenty of posts saying I was an idiot. I’m sure many people took it as a sign of false modesty. It’s a conversation I have often with people who say I have an imposter syndrome.

For one, I tell many people not to copy paste me, otherwise they will also copy my weaknesses. I encourage people to come up with their own ideas.

Now, you are under the impression that you are being cancelled by me. With all the daily posts and threads, how many time did I come at you ?
3 maybe 4 times since September. That’s being cancelled you think ?

It’s crazy to me how you play the difference of opinions cards when you clearly dismiss other’s opinion and speak in a tone of authority. Calling them stupid and evil. Which you often do as you vent your frustration with the common men’s stupidity.

We are not just coming after the ideas you quote, all the stuff you quote combined with the constant complaining forms your public perspective. That’s what people have a problem with. I said people, you wouldn’t believe how many people sent me messages about “that Heidegger guy” who “spams his BS” asking me what I think about it and why no one replies to you.

I usually tell them to ignore you and let you be in your own threads and turf. But you show up everywhere with evil this, stupid that.

Here again you play the victim and I’m the big name.

Actually, if I wasn’t Dr Manhattan I would have been less gentle. Some people remember those older accounts where I didn’t have to show the example.
I don’t particularly enjoy being a public figure, I did try to change my name quite a few times to enjoy lighter moments without the whole “Dr Manhattan said this” dimension. But then “Dr_Manhattan designed” wouldn’t make much sense.

Because it’s a spiritual forum and people come with spiritual lenses or what they think spirituality is all about. That is, accepting everything and total subjectivity.

I make sure to mention that you don’t respect other’s opinions yourself. Because you like to use the emotional appeal and people here are very empathetic.

You can’t connect the ideas with the consequences.

Also, people ask me to make threads about brain stuff. I don’t really go making threads after threads to educate people on whatever I think about. So high horse and superiority… who’s doing what ?

These people who complains about you in private over and over won’t come and say it to your face and join this thread. That’s what it is.

Seriously, people send me links to your posts with comments like “wtf ?”.

After all the intelligence fields, including the ones you guys don’t know about, the time I spend dabbling into neurology, psychology and sociology. I can notice stuff.

Enjoy your Sundays folks


:exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

None of the countries shown in this picture is communist. I think there’s been some kind of misunderstanding. At best, it is the primary stage of socialism. Not even 100% socialism. The current level of development of the economic and political systems, as well as the ideological level of the people, has not reached that level at all. For example, China, the number one country in the chart, also contains a lot of capitalist characteristics in its economy.

It has never been done on Earth, and perhaps some utopian towns built by idealists have tried.

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Then Capitalism and true Nazism have never been tried either ?

Coping 101.
But you never give the same leeway to others.

That’s what communism leads to and that’s the critique people make.

Again, you just can’t see that’s how your ideas unfold in reality. Copium all the way.

This is the death toll of the ideologies you push for.

People are unconscious puppet that needs education to transcend their primitive nature > education camps.

Capitalism is evil> check

People should all share their stuff > they’d rather die than do

Traditions and culture are bad > cultural revolutions and destruction of people’s identities and norms.

Steps by step, everything you preach has real consequences


We’re in different country, that’s all. :slightly_smiling_face:

I do not belittle any system, is the stage of human society development.


China became capitalist in reality after Deng’s reform and opening up in late 70s/early 80s. Between that and 1949 it was hell on earth. I also have extended members in my family got persecuted and died in Communist China because they were landowners. History cannot be forgotten.


Captain doing for humanity not for money :heart::heart:


Oh, I see. That’s what it means. That is indeed the case. I thought it was something else.
That is a serious consequence of the wrong policy. The government was too hasty and idealistic, and it killed a lot of people, especially between 1959 and 1962. There have been cases of swapping children for food


More like idiotic, and don’t forget cultural revolution in the 70s, it was a crime to be a teacher and be religious.

By the way swapping children to eat thing happened several dozen times in Chinese history. When I thought about this I am even thinking if I need to start clearing those stuff from generations ago just to be sure.


Communism is actually a ideal social system, but it cannot be achieved now.

Keep up with The Times. Those were painful experiences.

I’ve lost my temper and i want to apologize for being offensive, and to anyone who felt it that way from what i wrote.

I’m not anyone to be followed or an example of anything, i just like to mess with ideas and see where those ideas take me to while testing them, call it an spiritual experiment or whatever.

I do not intend to convince anyone from what i think to be right or wrong and if i do it’s probably because i’ve lost my temper again, now i’m trying to express my thoughts and trying to debate/argue them to test how far they can go, and then change them if they don’t seem reasonable anymore.


@SammyG From my perspective it would be very essential that all governments control and maybe even ban further the development of AI. It’s important that life is a challenge for us humans. AI would control and steer us into a soulless future with a materialistic perspective. Dan Winter warns about the cyborg cultures not able anymore to produce souls and bliss etc.

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It doesn’t matter how many years go by, we go in circles having the same arguments to no end. Always ends in, “no, you’re stupid, you’re wrong.” Screaming and shouting. There’s been no serious debate, just fallacious arguing and underhanded tactics. Par for the course for online discourse. Who wants to be part of this? We are brothers and sisters here, brought together under common circumstances. You all treat each other like shit. A serious lack of empathy for your “opponents” arguments. Who is the true enemy?

I ask everyone to back away from the keyboard until tomorrow when the retrograde is over, come back and re-evaluate how you treat others, your brothers, your enemies and everyone in between.

Ask, what have you accomplished here? What have you accomplished, here?

This is one of the only refuges in this land of the spiritually dead, and we’re arguing about this? Lift your brothers and sisters up. I am so sick of the know-it-all condescension. If I know one thing, it’s that I know nothing, and I do not trust those who claim to know more than that. Have your opinions, be forthright with your arguments and disagreements, but do it in good faith and be charitable. You wish to keep making enemies, don’t be surprised when you have no friends. We are all hear suffering, even if you don’t claim to be. That’s fine, but you still see the same sun I do and therefore are just another crab like me in the same bucket.

Good day to all.


It still boggles my mind how humans can’t understand that ideas are not real things. Capitalism and socialism are both just a combination of thoughts/concepts that express economic/political systems. Both are systems that are capable of resulting in well organized, peaceful and fulfilling societies. They both have the same problem though: HUMANITY.

People blindly blame the systems. But I blame humanity and our natural impulse to be corrupted by power. The systems are merely tools used to govern people and the economy. Under the right people, literally any idea can work. But humans are still too immature and primitive to not fall into exposing the worst of humanity through these systems.

The worst system of the two is the one that allows for the most unchecked power. The problem with communism is that it allows too much power to the state to enforce the collectiveness. And time and time again, humans prove that they cannot be granted that level of unchecked power. And so that’s why we get all these communist tryants and people being denied basic liberties. And heres the thing with socialism…

Under a hive mind consciousness (which is what we all truly are behind the egoic illusion), socialism is naturally the system of government we would all be drawn to. We would naturally act in a way that enhances the collective, everyone would be happy getting a fair/equal amount, our leaders would be so in tune with the collective that they always act in a way that supports everyone. You can’t not because doing the opposite would hurt yourself in turn. You can’t be a tyrant to people who are all you. But really, in a society like that, everyone is the leader anyways and work in tangent with eachother/itself. This is actually intuitively how most collective conscious beings harmonize.

But humanity isn’t there yet. We are all individualistic beings and generally only care for ourselves. That is why capitalism is currently the better working system. It allows individuality to thrive. The people that enforce communism tend to force collectivism in a way that limits individuality while also giving all too much power to certain people above all others. It hasn’t resulted in a fair system that allows societies to thrive.

So yes, capitalism has allowed society to thrive far more by and large but at what cost?

Capitalism allows banks/corporations to grow so powerful that their power grows to be unchecked. Allows for them to buy up political influence and face absolutely no consequences. The 2008 market crash should have been a warning sign that Capitalism is not a fair system.

The inequality of wealth is massive and only continues to grow. Less than 1% of the people under the system have all the wealth. And these people are the elites that you all complain so much about. Capitalism helped create these elites that have unprecedented amounts of influence over humanity. And they don’t have our best interests at heart.

The short term focus on profits often leads to constant financial instability, market crashes and environmental degradation. Have you all forgotten how in capitalism, enough is never enough and if we have to drain the entire planet of its resources to get more, we will do it.

Through this system, humanity has clinically damaged the earth in chase of more with all the unprecedented air pollution, deforestation, air pollution, plastic pollution, water pollution, overfishing, soil degradation, cO2 emissions leading to climate change that threatens the future of humanity. All for more, more, more.

And how happy are we because of it? We have everything yet are oh so miserable. We are taught to chase, consume, chase, consume. Society is designed around making people feel like who they are and what they have is not enough because it wants you to buy into the next dream or the next iteration of a product or to keep up with the joneses and so on. It doesn’t want you to be happy because happiness means you don’t need to consume to be happy. The endless chase of capitalism is a miserable one.

I don’t hate capitalism. It is the best system we currently have and allows for far more freedom than communism does. It has allowed me to thrive. But it is far, far from perfect and the fact that western societies have all had to implement socialist ideas/systems into our political/capitalist system goes to show that socialism does have a place in society.

I do believe the right form of government/economic system is one that merges the two in a way that maintains a balance of granting humans the freedom to thrive but also checking their power enough to not ever allow things to become to unfair.

As I mentiones before, AI is about to change everything about the economy. And we are over here still arguing over capitalism and socialism. Grow up and start looking at the world very clearly and begin to realize, Capitalism as we know it… has to change.

We are already rather miserable and when our jobs get replaced by AI because corporations always choose what leads to faster profits, many of you guys will wonder if Capitalism really does work for you.

At the end of the day, they are just two ideas. Both ideas are capable of existing in the world at the same time. THEY ARE JUST THOUGHTS.

It’s the PEOPLE who make these systems what they are. Humanity’s primitive conditioning is why these systems allow for unprecedented amounts of expolitation on humanity and the planet. We are the problem. Not the damned systems. And many of you here are very clearly reflecting part of what the problem with humanity is.

I have been hearing people complaining complaining for years now of how sensitive the world has become. And it’s hilarious to me because the people who complain about this are almost always just as sensitive as everyone else. I’m talking about some of you in this thread that make these complaints. The fact that you get so triggered by the idea of socialism shows how damned sensitive you are.

An idea really has so much power over you that when you read it or hear it, you get so triggered and feel the need to insult someone. It’s just an opinion! What the **** is it to you? You disagree, that’s fine, express why you disagree respectfully but nah. You guys very clearly get EMOTIONAL as hell and start attacking people. That is a major sign of weakness. That is sensitivity to its core. You do not have discipline/control of your mind if you allow yourself to feel repulsed by an idea. Ideas aren’t dangerous. People are.

You see people who think differently as dumb. Your mind may naturally be inclined to see them as the enemy. You allow yourself to fall into these primitive mental traps of percieving people whose thoughts contradict yours as a bad person. This is why communists were killing anyone who were even suspected of having capitalist ideas or capitalists were jailing and sometimes assassinating people suspected of harboring communist thoughts at some point in the US.

It made sense to be this paranoid with people thinking differently when tribes survived off of everyone thinking on the same page. And those that thought differently threatened the harmony of the tribe. And other tribes that thought differently had customs that contradicted their way of life and so they were naturally seen as mortal threats. In the battle for resources, it was my tribe (our ideas) vs yours.

But we are way past that now folks as there are enough resources for everyone. All the worlds tribes are interconnected now. People from all over the world migrate daily to other countries and the internet keeps us all constantly aware of eachother. We cannot avoid eachother anymore. All the worlds cultures and ideas are on top of eachother now. And the only way any of us will ever be at peace, is to make peace with all the different realities that coexist with ours (unless they infringe on our freedom).

So as long as you guys allow different ideas to trigger you, you will never be at peace. So as long as humans don’t learn to accept all the differences it has within itself, humanity will never ascend.

I saw it the other day. I saw Earth connecting all of itself together through the internet, social media, all the migrations, all the interconnectedness in past several hundred years as means of connecting all its neurons together…As a means of reaching oneness. But we are all resisting it very heavily. This thread is a grand example of that. But even moreso, the culture wars of today.


The culture wars of today are a great reflection of how well we are doing with making peace with this reality. In the US, the left and right are getting to the point they want to kill eachother over their different opinions of what is right and wrong. I mean, how else does one viewpoint win over the other really?

The only way to eliminate ideas from a society is by either: a. Killing everyone who has them b. Cancelling/outcasting people who have them c. Creating and enforcing rules against ideas

A doesn’t work without us destroying everything in the process. B clearly doesn’t work as all the ‘cancelled’ people in society today, just push farther into their beliefs as well as everyone else sharing those beliefs. C doesn’t work because every policy created is only a temporary measure that eventually gets replaced by someone on the other side (abortion being illegal in a state, becoming legal again, then becoming illegal again). So clearly, the only real resolution is we accept we all think differently and make peace with one another. We need to start having actual constructive dialogue.

I hate to get political but it all connects. I’ll stick to the left vs right in the US because it is what I know but this sort of thing applies to a lot of what is happening right now.

Wokeism is yet again, just a set of ideas. People are what make wokeism the chaotic mess that it is. Wokeism’s principle seems to be that tolerance is a social contract. In the modern world where many different people coexist with one another, we should push towards increasing tolerance of all kinds of people and ensuring inclusivity and respect of all people.

It isn’t a bad cause. I personally believe in equal opportunity, respect and rights for all. For we are each unique expressions of the all and however we were born and choose to express ourselves is our god given right and should not be infringed on by others (unless our expression limits others freedom/wellbeing). That is a fair social contract because it enables anyone, including you, to be who you are or want to be.

But in becoming intolerant of intolerance, many leftists began to enforce woke ideas in suffocating ways. They behave primitively by trying to outcast anyone that doesn’t agree with their point of view. Only because they believe they are so in the right, they ironically are behaving like fascists by trying to cancel out opposing views. Then some are trying to enforce certain beliefs on children or in all facets of society (media, ext).

It is foolish. They are only pushing the intolerant to become more intolerant and hateful. They aren’t changing anything and are only inciting this massive culture war that’s causing strain in everything.

My problem with wokeism is that the people mean well. They want equality for everyone. But they’re fighting for it through the kind of force that repels any sort of progress. They hate people who think differently. You can’t fight for love with hate. This is all part of the same old primitive pattern I keep bringing up.

The truth is that people who are against trans or abortion or anything that supresses someones freedom and whatnot, typically grew up with the conditioning that it is completely wrong. In their view of reality, it IS wrong. The bible is their code to reality and if it says its wrong, its 100% wrong to them. And everyone they grew up with says its wrong. Even if its not religious and people have come to be intolerant of something, they have their justifications for feeling this way. To be a bigger person, you have to respect peoples beliefs, no matter what they are.

The question always is, what if you’re the bigger person and people still don’t listen and change their ways? It’s not up to you to change others. You show respect and speak your piece and change the world by not stooping to lower levels. You change the world by remaining resilent to ignorance, remaining patient and compassionate and in a state of peace and love. That is what sways people. Your actions supporting your words. That is why jesus and buddah drew in so many people to change their ways. They exhibited what they spoke. And they accepted people for who they were and didn’t scold them for thinking and being different. We would be better off if we behaved more like them.

I asked myself during my awakening the other day, how do we transcend this part of the old pattern where we see people with different ideas as ‘the enemy’ and got a weird answer. ‘Root for the enemy’ Took me a minute to understand what it meant but it all made sense. When you root for the people you disagree with rather than be against them, you are accepting of their flow and wishing well on them. That subconsciously makes them trust and listen more and less likely to go against your flow. It increases your peace and ability to be in harmony with others, even those you disagree with. To the point, you find it easier to start agreeing.

And start finding common ground and a way to be at peace with one another. This increases the likelihood of solving problems rather than amplifying them. It doesn’t guarantee peaceful resolution but it is far more likely to do so and your mind is far more at peace in being this way.

The truth is that no matter how hard people reject and fight against the things they disagree with, these things will continue to exist. Many people are now absolutely miserable living in a world that contains so many things they reject. The unfortunate truth is that most if not all of it it will never go away.

So to live the rest of your life in rejection to what is, is subscribing to a lifetime of misery. The only path to peace within yourself in a world of so many intersecting realities is to make peace with it all. Other peoples paths are their own as is yours, no need to concern yourself others with being right or wrong and instead focus on you doing whats right. The majority of what we reject has very little direct effect on our lives unless we are so bothered by it, that whenever we encounter it, emwe get triggered with pain/discomfort.

Acceptance of rejection is the repeating pattern I keep feeling being nudged by the all. And I’m well aware that we all seem incapable of doing that. I am an optimist by nature because being positive brings out the best in me. But I’d be lying if I said I’m not cynical of humanity being able to do the hard work it takes to heal and find peace amongst ourselves.

And it’s honestly seeing you guys fall to the same ol bullshit that makes me lose even more faith in humanity. Ya’ll aren’t ignorant and actually know better but still act ignorant.

Many of you who complain about the woke, get just as triggered as they do when ya’ll see ideas you don’t agree with. Many of you here are still a part of the old pattern too… So please, lets’s not be hypocrites and complain about the state of the humanity when we are also part of the problem.

But hey, I don’t take it personal. I’m cool with it and ain’t mad or dissapointed in you guys. You don’t owe me anything amd vice versa. It is what it is. I’ve long made peace with whether humanity destroys itself or evolves. It all comes full circle in the end and the story continues either way. Just be aware that we all play a part in this game and individually lead to our evolution or demise. I’ll personally keep pushing for our evolution, just cause I can and want to. Which are you for?


Most people won’t read all that but I guess I’ll keep this post short as I feel inclined to call some of ya’ll out.

I let my spirit do most of my talking usually but Ima let my ego talk for this short post. I will offend some of you but that’s okay considering ya’ll don’t mind offending others. But yeah…Most of you guys absolutely suck at talking to people lol.

Especially the respected guys here like @JAAJ and @Dr_Manhattan . I got love for ya’ll but ya’ll been here for years and I really get the sense you both haven’t grown in a number of aspects. There’s a lot of your old patterns that keep returning and you guys quickly allow them to take over you. Ya’ll often don’t take your own advice or follow your own wisdom. Ya’ll feel very stuck in your egos in some ways. And more than that, you both seem to have allowed the respect and admiration you both get from the forum to really get in your head. Ya’ll both aren’t above anyone here. And yeah, I ain’t either.

@heidegger you stooped down and that’s dissapointing. Often I’d see you just posting your thoughts while @JAAJ would counter you with not only his opinion but with insults too.
You wouldn’t stoop to his level and would just continue the discussion by expressing your opinion. Cause at the end of the day, just a damn discussion right? But eh, you lost that battle here. And you definitely also exhibit quite a lot of close mindedness for someone who understands the illusion of identification.

Hell, I’ll call myself out too. I’m here talking all crap about you guys but am barely present in the forum to do anything about it. I talk about change but barely post any new posts on ES, or any of the social media, create new products or do enough to actually contribute to ya’ll lives. Sometimes it’s kind of like I’m just dreamweaver’s media manager and if I am, I do a very crap job at it. Beyond that, I’m too mentally free to the point that I always want to have fun and often, fun to me is smoking weed. If I’m at peace then I shouldn’t need anything to feel good or at peace huh? (I finally recently understood why alan watts was an alcoholic)

I can do that all day. I’m very aware and at peace with my flaws. Ya’ll can call me out all ya’ll want. I’m here for it.

But at the end of the day, beyond me seeing through many of you, it’s all love. I genuinely love you all and want to see ya’ll grow and prosper, no matter what the hell ya’ll believe. I disagree with so much of what you guys say and it’s still, all love and respect from me. Why can’t you guys do the same for everyone else you disagree with? Why are ya’ll still so full of ignorance and hate? How is it that ya’ll understand that you are world yet act like it’s you against the world? You are the people you disdain. Wake up.

Like I just don’t know how some of you can have all these posts on spirituality and used all these fields and still behave like you didn’t mean a word you said, learned a thing or grown at all. Grow up.


Even Sammy’s ego is too nice.
I challenge Sammy’s ego to be more mean :joy:

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How about we make a separate thread to discuss politcis, with clear set of rules etc, to keep those discussions in one place, without politics pouring into other threads and without cancelling the discourse?
I had this idea some time ago, but I thought it does not really fit on morphic fields forum

I deleted my previous post. I really think you contradict yourself on everything, many of your paragraphs are dishonestly worded and in most cases you are factually wrong. I can’t take what you say seriously. Many of your criticism are hypocritical too. (PS: I’m not saying Sammy is evil or bad)


what about other prophets ?
I’m not an expert on Mohamed, but Jesus lashed out at the temple’s merchants and many people. He trashed pagan temples and statues saying he was the son of god. He went on fits of anger in front of crowds.

Just an observation.

Jesus would lash out at people today. I’m not even close.

Buddha was kinda like F it and distanced himself.

You made a bigger points, but just saying, Jesus nope

Jesus didn’t let people say whatever, he came to your town and preached the all day, you had to get it. Your feelings didn’t matter to him.

Lol then call me out on them. Get specific. Don’t just say things just to say them. I’m here for the smoke and I’m waiting for it.

Yeah, Jesus had his flaws and lashed out and on a number occasions did things I don’t agree with. I can go on for days about things I don’t agree with Jesus about. But I’m perfectly capable of disagreeing with someone or something while still seeing the light in a lot of it.

For the most part, he was very consistent with his message of love and compassion. He promoted loving your enemy. He understood what love is. Yeah, I also don’t think he was perfect. He was very judgemental and believed himself to be above everyone else cause eh’a the son of god.

But nobody is perfect though! Absolutely noone was or ever will be. We will all fail to follow our own principles at times and that’s a part of life. What sets people apart from others are those who are willing to learn and grow from their failures.

Like me when I came at dream and had that whole beef with him that one day. I talk the talk ablut compassion but didn’t show compassion. I also got sensitive to the point I amost closed the forum. But guess what? I learned from that experience and am all the better from it. I am happy it happened and was glad to take accountability for my failure. That moment helped me grow.

But you know, at this moment, none of this is helping ya’ll grow. Ya’ll don’t take accountability for your actions. Some of ya’ll will apologize for your behavior through PM but never publicly. Ya’ll don’t care to learn and never show you do.

I mention jesus and the buddah because jesus was a great model of love since as judgemental as he was, he loved all and his enemies as well. His level of compassion was transient. The buddah was enlightened to the tee. They were great models for behavior and the world would have been better off we were more like them.

I don’t mention other prophets cause I found their flaws to be less preferable to admire. Mohammads wars just aren’t something I admire.

But at the end of the day, we don’t have to be like any of these guys. You all know what it takes to be a better person. You don’t need a model. But it just seems like some of you are completely blind to that so I had to come up with some examples.

Is that really all you took from my posts? That jesus wasn’t a good model so why mention him? Fine he wasn’t a good model. I don’t care to argue about the messengers.

Now argue with me about the message.