Sapien Medicine doesn‘t care about money?

Need approval, my posts are not getting through.

I have posts waiting

You have shown that you do not tolerate certain opinions and that you have leverage and can decide who gets to speak or get suspended or banned or you can leave.

I also know that all the people saying I’m right in PMs or who have shared the same complaints in the past won’t dare come and show support (this one is on them, but I get it, I often do the same and just watch). But these people are afraid of showing up publicly and I respect their desire to not get publicly involved.

I don’t apologize for what I say, but the way I say it because you prioritize not offending anyone. But true conversations are always gonna offend some.


What is the echo chamber? Enlighten me. Most people do not agree with me. I am talking to myself most of the time.

My strict version of spirituality? Lmao. I accept all things and choose to love and behave in a way that promotes my fellow human. I accept all is one. That is my spirituality and I don’t push it on anyone.

I share it cause I find it to have a higher likelihood of increasing peace amongst other humans. And that’s just my opinion and I literally make it very known every single time I share my beliefs, that they are MY beliefs and not objective. I don’t judge you or like you less for not agreeing with me.

So please, enlighten me as to my ‘strict’ version of spirituality creates an echo chamber? Maybe I’m blind to it so I’m here to listen.


It’s the same fight you had with Dream.
You push total subjectivity and tolerance then you come out affirming truths and that others are wrong.

You claim we are not above anyone, which is cool, then you go with the “you guys have admiration and should show the example” holding us up to a higher standard.

If everyone disagrees with you, SammyG, I have a bunch of admiration ?

You like lecturing us, but it’s really your standard which you enforce with rules and arbitration. You push feelings over facts.

I don’t want to muddy the water and get bogged down in a war of quotes. But surely, you must see the pattern and you must realize you’ve faced this criticism many times before.


You know just like I admire jesus, I also admire the two of you in a number of ways. @Dr_Manhattan I admire your intellectualism. You know how to think and actually think rather fast on your feet. You have a vast underdtanding of the brain and haveled to the creation of some of the best brain fields avaialable. Although you lash at people, you do so cause you’re human and not a dick. You’re a good dude all in all.

@JAAJ 'a promotion of self love is so on point, that I never get tired of hearing him repeat it. And a lot of what you say about the subconscious is true and is helping a lot of people understand the inner workings of their mind. Your heart is well intemtioned and you certainly mean well for all of humanity. You’re also a good dude all in all.

I have the utmost respect and love for you both. If I call you out, it’s out of love. And it stems from the fact that the 2 of you call others out so much and well I think it was nigh time I call you out so now you’re arguing with someone at your playing field. And I want you to call me out! I am flawed but maybe I don’t see my flaws as well as some of you can. It is through awareness, that I shall dissolve my limitations and become stronger and the best version of me yet.

I’m not having this intense discussion wirh you both to spite you both. I am having it to push myself and anyone as well. I welcome the chaotic energy it brings. I can feel your intensity and disdain and I welcome it with open arms.

For there is so much beneath the surface wanting to come out and clear itself. There is so much work we all have to do and it’s time we get comftorable enough with our flaws that we not get so bothered by others calling them out

We clear it all by facing it together.


Then you’re not showing the example are you, you love playing other people’s game.

To me it’s seems hypocritical and incoherent, to me you always come out doing what you critique others for doing.

Maybe you don’t trust your way fully. Clearly you saw the value in affirming your opinions over others, how is it consistent with everyone is right in their own rights ?

Or did you pretend that your ideas were the truth but deep down it was a performance, therefore my ideas are still true and legit making your stances just farts in the wind ?

I don’t feel the need to say I love you at every critique I make, though I still remember you guiding me years ago.

I’m keeping it simple and avoiding walls of text as much as possible.

Is not doing what your critique others for doing being hypocritical by dictionary definition and if so, isn’t being hypocritical wrong ?

You like to stand on your beliefs I recall

That’s just another inconsistency then

If it was a performance, then it was misleading to say the least. You still haven’t backtracked from it yet.

“I did it, because they did it. To show them”
Doesn’t hold in courts and is not valid at all outside either.

If you can do what I do and be confrontational because you are justified in your morality, then you can’t reproach me the same thing.

If you just lost your temper, didn’t I do the same ?

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Hi Sammy,

I politely disagree with ca. 2/3rd of the points you made in these 3 long posts (the ones to which I am replying here).

Mostly because I feel like you did not address the arguments that me, Dr_Manhattan and some other forum users presented.

I don’t know about that Jesus/Buddha stuff that you discussed with Dr_Manhattan further below, so only speaking about the stuff that was spoken about before.

I still love you man and am happy to reply to all in detail.
Do you prefer that I write a novel back and address all the points one by one or would you prefer that we simply setup a 1-on-1 live video call?
@Dr_Manhattan can join too if he wants.

I have to go now (Indian Restaurant), so will ceck back the messages later.


Jesus would not like any of this :joy:.

Keep calm all is one.

I think everyone needs some sleep.

I call people out for being wrong when their actions result in negative consequences. I called all of you out here because these threads have led to chaos and distortion and nobody is better off from it. I call out people repeating the same behaviors that doesn’t lead to anything good. I call out people breaking the rules here which is insulting people which the two of you do pretty often. I let you guys get away with a lot too.

I don’t think you are being honest in telling me that you’ve pmed me aologizing to me because you fear getting banned. I rarely ban people because I’m compassionate enough to understand ya’ll are human and make mistakes sometimes. I understand you mean well. And because of this, I’m rather sure you apologized to me about your behavior in this thread because you know your behavior was uncalled for.

I was highly aware that I would be playing your game when I made these posts. But I generally just post my thoughts and beliefs throughout the forum and comment on people’s posts with suggestions on how to resolve things better without being really confrontational. I am very consistent with who I am and the things I believe in.

But most of you ignore the things I say. You guys forget this is my forum and I try to steer it in a more positive direction. I don’t force it at all. I let you guys be but I will always suggest a more peaceful way of going about things. I’m not here enforcing my beliefs on anyone.

But after seeing you guys bully someone for the 50th time, I figured hey, let me play your game then. I think I can play it better. Let’s have a real conversation where you actually say how you feel about me rather than biting your tongue. This is precisely what I wanted. I wanted you to call me out and tell me how you actually feel about me. Because now, we are having a real conversation.

I literally pointed it out in in the venting thread, to call me out. Expose me. I want this. This is what growth is. Facing the hard things. And my way of facing hard things isn’t always going to be the right way of doing things. That is what my spirituality is. It is flexible. I am malleable and can do and will do anything to learn and expand myself. Nothing is true, everything is possible. I have repeated it millions of times here. That is what it means!

Where do I affirm my opinion over others? I always say my opinion is my opinion. I merely suggest things. If I call you out for being disruptive and just troubling others rather than resolving things, I am not giving an opinion. I am sharing a fact. You guys fail to teach or guide people and I merely call that out. I call out ineffective communication. That is my ‘moral whiplashing’ that you guys complain about.

I have never been against confrontation. I want you to show me where I have said this. I have always been against confronting people and insulting them while you do. I don’t insult any of you. If you find the things I said about your behavior to be insulting, then let me know where I was wrong and I’ll apologize for it. But everything I said about you and Jaaj is rather apparent.

And that’s okay. All of us are still flawed and growing in many ways. I am still flawed and growing in many ways. I just get annoyed by you guys scolding people in a manner like you know more than them or are above them when I can very clearly see that you are not. This is the spiritual ego thing I get so triggered by. So yes, I do have a weakness against big egos/spiritual egos. That is a flaw I am working on and this is part of that work.

And when I confronted the two of you about your bs, I also confronted myself oon my BS. To insult you, is to spite you and belittle you. If I was really insulting you, you would know as I wouldn’t belittle myself right after.

So still, I was acting in line with who I am. All of this is still a reflection of the spirituality I talk about so damn much. And man…

I have often said to not put me on a pedestal. I am human. I will fail sometimes. I am aware of that and will probably fail again to uphold my standards in the future. But the difference between me and a lot of people is that I take accountability for my failures and learn from them. I grow from them and push to do better and be better in the future. Very few of you ever even take accountability or even try to correct your mistakes. What are you learning?

I am not saying this to proclaim I am better than you. There are no saints in this world and I sure ain’t one of em. I am saying all this to say that I am at the very least trying to be better. Are you trying?

I didn’t lose my temper. You’d be rather surprised how relaxed I’ve been through all of this. But I certainly expressed dissapointment and that’s the energy you feel.

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Now, I have to go quoting back what you said. I don’t think you have a good case.

Gonna take a while

That’s partly why I deleted it, I just couldn’t resist lol

I saying it in case that’s an excuse you’ll come up with. Preemptive.

I know you’re not that’s why I keep talking, I don’t worry of being banned rn.

Gonna take me some time and we’ll have to debate what you call facts.

Let’s do this over the week, slowly.

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I didn’t even get to any of that yet but the plan was to respond to all of it today. I was busy all weekend and all that I wrote were just thoughts running through my head through my weekend.

But I have responses to every single thing you guys addressed me with. So I’ll get to that throughout the day.


SammyG is always humble :heart:

Fair enough. We don’t need to make this into some battle that we we get in our egos about and feel the need to quickly respond to anything being said. This can be done with time and more thought. There is just too much to pick apart by each of us. So much to be said and we really don’t have to rush this. This is a much needed discussion.

I am being very honest in saying I wanted this. I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to make it happen and have even been expressing it in the forum.

I am aware there is some hypocrisy in how I approached making this happen. And I accept if I was. I accept if I might have stooped the lower level I criticize you all of doing so. And you can scold me for it and I accept that criticism. I told you I am no saint. We people of the void are saints and sinners and niether one at once.

In being nice to you guys all the time, you guys don’t never end up talking to me with honesty. So I decided to not play nice and well, I got the result I was looking for. But even them, I genuinely tried my best to remain within my realm of principles.

I called out people in this thread and forum indirectly out for being sensitive and weak to conflicting ideas. If I am wrong, let me know. But the fact any of you lose your temper to reading conflicting ideas is a reflection of sensitivity. If I am wrong in pointing that out, let me know how I am. I am learning and very open to listening.

I clearly said I’m aware I might offend some of you which insinuates I know what I say will feel insulting. But all I did was call out how you guys don’t seem to have grown much in some aspects over the years. I even say you seem to let the respect in this forum get to your head. As usual, I say ‘seem’ or ‘might’ have because I’m not objectively stating you guys haven’t grown or let things get to your head. I don’t fully know you nor am I you, to objectively know whether you have or not. I am stating an observation and am open to being wrong. But if I offended you, I am sorry.

I’ve never been against calling out people’s character traits and have even stated this in the past. I would say to just do so with respect. The reason I get annoyed with you guys is cause you straight up call people ignorant and stupid as if their ideas are a full representation of them. That’s insulting.

Beyond me addressing the lack of apparent growth, I say that you’re both not so advanced, that you’re not above anyone here to scold them. And neither am I. That isn’t exactly a character attack either. If it is, let me know how.

Then I even called out the person you were arguing with to keep it fair because he also showed flaws in this conversation. I don’t know him well enough as he has been here for a very short period of time, for me come at his character. You guys on the other hand have been here for years and I’ve read most of ya’ll posts.

Then I call myself out and in a later post, of my hypocritical episode with dream. I leveled myself with you guys by showing I am no better than you both either.

And then in expressing my love for you guys admist conflict, I’m still standing by my principles. Confrontation with love has been what I’ve been talking about for years. And I try time and time again to be better at it through trial and error.

This isn’t a justification for my actions. This is an analysis of it as I am adressing you calling me a hypcorite who doesn’t stand by his beliefs. But in analyzing my actions, I’m still noting my that I did act within my principles albeit in a more agressive manner.

If you can, I’d appreciate you picking apart my logic here and perhaps show me how I was being a hypocrite. I am also learning and it is through being judged like this, that I shall grow. I seek judgement.


I didn’t even catch this. I would 100% prefer video call. I absolutely detest doing this back and forth thing of typing like a maniac on speed.

But I don’t know. I feel this discussion is too important for all to see to keep privately amongst ourselves. I genuinely have no beef with you guus at all and don’t feel strongly of your behavior or being called a hypocrite or whatever other negative things you may think of me. So I really don’t have a bone to pick with you guys for me to have a private conversation to reconcile anything. I don’t have an issue with you guys.

Now if you have bone to pick with me and want to keep it private then yeah, let’s do a private video call amongst us.

But if you don’t, I would prefer a public video call (video optional but with voice).

I do know there would be way too much pressure behind that though with so many eyes in the room. But that’s on ya’ll. I’m cool with whatever.

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I would be interested in joining such a video call

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While it would be better for the discussion and community. I don’t believe that sacrificing my anonymity is worth it. I already think I’m too public right now.

I consider every time I get involved in debates or subjects that are not brain related to be a personal failure to resist the urge to share my opinions.

Just saying, it’s out of the way

If I could go back to yesterday, I’d tell myself to shut up and let people make what I think are mistakes.


I don’t think it’s a good idea brother.

Even with the purest intent, your reputation and ease of public speaking would indirectly belittle Jaaj and Philip, while all of us Minions (we cute) are looking at this debate behind our screen.

I know for a fact that if I were in that spot, my actual intelligence or flow would be at 10%.

Add on top of this that English is not their mother language.

The most negentropic way in my opinion would be for the three of you to have a few deep conversations in private, then debrief it all out when you feel the time is right, so the whole community learn & grow from it.


Me and you are French, I don’t know how good Jaaj’s spoken English is, but we probably wouldn’t be as effective live in action.

A lot of time I type words in different ways until my keyboard recognizes and fixes it.


Just edited and added it at the same time haha

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So, you admit to the behaviours that fall under the dictionary terms of hypocrisy and inconsistencies. You attribute them to flaws. What can I say to that ? shrug

People can make mistake, I am not interested in the sub-story and justification as long as they stand accountable for them.

You justify this whole altercation because

  1. I violated the guidelines and or have insulted him at that point. I said:

which amounts to “I think that Heidegger is not credible” (If you don’t think so, let’s open that door to). Again, I was asked to comment on what he said.

How trash do you think this is on its own?
You made your accusation after this sentence alone.

  1. You claim that this is a repeated offence. Fine, I say I didn’t have altercations with Heiddeger more than 5 times since September which is 8 1/2 months ago. I want you to find these supposed repetitions that play in my accusation and if you manage to find them, we’ll analyse them together to see if I was really at fault. It’s a challenge !

Later we will see not just if my behaviour was wrong, but if his arguments were good. (I say his argument were BS and yours too). By the way he was arguably off-topic which is against the guidelines.

Before we continue in chronological order with why I think you’ve been completely over your head here. I want to point out more of your hypocritical behaviour (as per the dictionary definition of the term):

Do you renounce your previous beliefs that intentions, mindset, words have energy, that they guide our own behaviours and manifest our reality literally ?
How can you preach all that and later claim that ideas are not real ?
Do they not posses energy, intentions ?
Are they not manifestations of consciousness ?

I recall you being offended by simples ideas and ideologies that would not legitimise LBTQ orthodoxy or other beliefs that leaned toward conspiracy. You viewed many ideas as stemming from intolerance (your judgement) and blasted them without insults being thrown because of their ramifications.

Will you refute that ?

You get triggered by certain concepts, so if ideas are just compositions of concepts, you must agree that they can be triggering in and of themselves.

You have blasted too many people about their scarcity mindset and offensive ideas even just male enhancement comments.

This is the introduction, We’ll dive into what you actually said in this thread in the following segment.

But here, were are debating whether or not, you calling me out was warranted according to your stated motives.