Sapien Medicine doesn‘t care about money?

Then it is not nature anymore, isn’t it.

I think we agree for once.


hmm very deep

You don’t help people for the validation or appreciation you would get. If that’s why you do it, you’ll end up dissapointed. You do it cause you WANT to. Because it’s fulfilling in and of itself. You are in it for the journey of helping and not the destination of getting appreciation.

That being said, more than enough do appreciate it. Although me and dream mention the bad apples quite a lot, they are avery small minority. Just loud enough to be disruptive.

I think this is the problem. You take it personally. Don’t. People are on their own paths and have a lot to learn and for some, they are still very lost in how to deal with people or just have so much self hate, that they end up projecting it towards those who help them. It’s not you. It’s them. And while you tried to help and failed or ended up burned in the process, it’s a learning experience. And the more you learn to be resilient to the BS, the stronger and wiser you become. If you allow those moments to break you, then you aren’t growing. It’s in those challenging moments, that we grow the most.

The thing with this mentality is that no matter how amazing you make your life, your life is still connected to everyone elses. You are still a part of this world. So, their discord will still have an effect on your wellbeing, as happy as you will be. We can’t escape the fact that we are a part of all this.

The point in helping others is that in doing so, you help yourself. Although I speak of selflessness, there is a selfishness to what I do. In helping others, I help myself. I grow from it.

I think these guys burned themselves in the process. You can’t try to change the world by running a platform of hate. When you try to help a few and say eff off to everyone else or spread disdain and hared towards specific groups of people, you are going to get a lot of backlash. Your message of change is going to be distorted. You cannot change humanity by only working to help a certain group of people and alienating the rest as if they’re not worthy. These 3 guys are great examples of how that does not work.

And the woke doing the same thing are great examples of how that does not work. They also say ‘eff everyone who isn’t in line with us’ and all that has done is alienate people and inflict more and more hatred. It causes division between the people. You don’t change humanity by dividing people. You change them by uniting them.

And to unite, you don’t stoop to lower levels and act petty. You lead by example. And none of these three guys or any of the woke people have led by example at all.

And I understand that is hard but it is possible not to stoop to lower levels. It’s like a parent getting mad at his kid for doing or saying something he doesn’t like and then getting petty with him/her. The parent becomes a child at that point.

This kind of thing takes patience and resilience.

I have had to see people here call me a ‘woke bitch’, a ‘fucking punk’ and a number of things but I still would treat these people love and respect. Their words no longer have an effect on me and I don’t care for their validation or their respect. If you want to help people and be a leaderr in this world, you have got to stop caring about what other people think or say about you and be at peace with other peoples opinions. They are just thoughts and words. They don’t affect you unless you let it affect you. That’s what I mean by being the bigger person. It’s like letting a child, who doesn’t know better, affect you when he calls you a dumbass. If you’re offended by that then you must actually think you’re a dumbass lol.

I do what I do because I choose to be consistent with my character and if I decide to stoop to the lower level of getting petty with people, then I prove I am no different than they are.

I’m not here saying I’m a great leader or that I’m leading by example but I am saying I’m trying to be and these kinds of steps are the necessary steps to take to help people. This isn’t for the weak. It takes a cosmic amount of strength but pushing through it has made me strong enough to feel like I could take on anything.

And the world needs more people who are willing to do the hard work and stop working on dividing people more. So many people who think they are helping humanity are only trying to help ‘their side’ while fighting another. That is asking for an endless war that even if one side wins, the other side will eventually grow in strength and fight back… and the back and forth will never end.

You and me can sail off in a yacht and live a very fulfilling life for ourselves. You can escape the cycle of samsara and be free of the game of humanity. You don’t need to contribute. You do what thou wilt. But I’m rather sure there will be a part of you and me that will watch the world as it burns and just wonder ‘maybe I could’ve done something… I have no right to feel a way or complain about the world when I didn’t even try to fix things. Am I just as bad as everyone else.’ Well for me at least. I know those thoughts would run through my mind.

I’m not doing this to convince you out of the path you choose. I am just widening your perspective on things my friend.


To be honest, that’s me and dream. I have fun. I do a lot of what I want to do. I work a lot sure but I live a pretty fulfilling life as it is. Finances aren’t exactly an issue and I’m always creating new things. I’m enjoying myself along the path.

That’s sorta why I mentioned the youtube channel idea. You can make lots of money with youtube… just making videos and spreading awareness like that. And the automated money that comes in over time can grant you the freedom to live a more free life. This world provides the opportunity for anyone to make a living providing helpful value to others. So yeah, I’m with you on that.


I´ve just fed Chatgpt with the topics I´d like to cover on it and asked for good names to draw viewers in. I have to admit I´ve underestimated it, it named quite a lot good ones.

No more excuses.


Then write for us all that doesn’t work in socialism and all the ways it could be disruptive to society. And also write in what ways lacan was wrong in his theories. Also write for us how it’s possible that reality is not so subjective.

I ask this because embracing negativity is also the ability to pick apart your own beliefs and assumptions of reality. I do this to myself all of the time and if you were ask me to do the same, I’d do so happily and with ease.

And I ask you because you speak about subjectivity quite a bit but clearly show bias in a number of aspects. Now, it’s inevitable that most of us do. That is the nature of personality and communication. We will typically lean one way or another. I certainly lean towards certain things quite often.

But like I always say, I am always open to change my mind on things. Like say for example… I just spoke against being petty or taking sides and fighting these verbal wars. I currently believe that will tear the world apart. But now, I’ll shift my brain up to make argument for it.

There are certain ideologies that are dangerous to the human psyche and that should not exist. People like trump and tate are fighting the good fight against these ideologies. If we don’t fight against these ideas, the ideas will spread like viruses and sicken the entire world… and we are seeing that in prsent day time. The fact that trans people are now widely accepted in much of the US is an example of that.

Trans people are not congruent with nature. They are males pretending to be females but are now telling the world ‘we are female’ and we are supposed to just accept that? That is like me looking at a tree and people telling me ‘that’s not a tree, that’s a building.’ Only because you say something is something else, doesn’t make it something else. If you say 1 +1 = 3, that does not make it 3. This is blasphemy and we can’t allow society to fall mad to these illusions.

Like the illusion that women should work alongside men in the workplace and be independent. The male and female dynamic worked throughout history because while men provided, the women would feed and care for the children. Kids need their mothers and not the care of random nannies that aren’t their real parents. It was a fair dynamic and the job market wasn’t so saturated because of it. There were jobs for every man and there was a man for every woman. Nowadays, nobody is getting married anymore, women are getting more and more depressed over time and over 40% of men are single.

This social experiment of women having independence is clearly not working. Part of humanity’s purpose is to reproduce and we aren’t doing that anymore. So things clearly need to change if we are to survive and thrive in the world. Change is good but not if it is deteriorating society and it is clear as day, that society is on a downtrend.

I don’t really believe in any of that but I can choose to believe it for a few minutes. I’ve certainly given it thought before and to logically assess it, I put myself in the perspective of having the belief rather than wanting to counter it.

To have that level of freedom in the mind allows for so much more depth and understanding. I get the bigger picture perspective this way if I can think like you, him, her and myself at once.

This is why I don’t believe the things I just wrote. From the perspective of the bigger picture, it doesn’t logically add up. Most people believing in these things are only thinking for themselves. Nonetheless…

This level of brain malleability also allows for me to be able to choose how I feel and think rather than my mind choose for me. That is true power. So as long as your mind thinks for you, I believe you are rather powerless to quite an extent.


I do think that Lacan was wrong on his understanding of Lack as a fundamental constitution needed for the subject to function.

This only naturalizes the need for consumerism.

There are societies and tribes in which people do not Lack and they are functional and have no mental issues, such as the tibetan society or many african tribes that do not feel that they need so much stuff to thrive like we do in big cities under capitalism.

In this Lacan was deeply wrong.

Regarding socialism i dunno, because we would need to specify which kind of socialist system (there are so many).

I don’t think that reality can be objective though, this had been already proven by physicists through Young’s experiment and Einstein’s relativism and it is still a consistent understanding of physics nowadays.

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‘I’ don’t think. Get rid of the I that has all it’s subjective knowldge and understanding of the world and try to think outside of that perspective. Even if there is scientific basis behind that understanding. The mind is perfectly capable of believing anything and getting logical about it. There are many, many ways to logically make sense of anything. Even flat earth or mormonism. That is what subjectivity is. You seem to consistently keep falling into your personal subjectivity while also speaking about reality being very subjective.

I think I phrased my challenge incorrectly. I’m asking you to discount everything you believe about Lacan to be correct and make arguments against it (not what you already thought was wrong about lacan’s theories). Discount everything you believe to be right about socialism. You literally took what I said, to only continue making points against consumerism which again confirms your natural inclination to bias.

If you are unable to think outside your own mental box, you don’t think you actually believe reality to be subjective and only believe your perception of reality to be the ‘correct one.’ You are just as objective as everyone else is at that point.

I challenge you to actually percieve reality from a subjective perspective. This is the kind of malleability that this belief actually takes.


Really amazing Sammy, thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

You helped me make my decision more clearly and with more sense :slight_smile:


We were having a debate on economics, physics, society and metaphysics.

I didn’t expect to turn it personal in terms of self realization, but if it does, there is no need to continue through the “science” route anymore. Because it doesn’t serve any purpose for that goal.

Objectivity is subjective and subjectivity objective i agree with that. That is why we cannot put them as separated units.

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It’s all love homie. Just remember us when you get your yact, to throw a sapienmed yacht party and invite the crew :partying_face:


Just no politics on a yacht please or somebody might go overboard :rofl:


@SammyG l’ll drop forums for a while, i got the bad habit of using them to compete rationally and @Dr_Manhattan was well fit for this because he is a very smart guy.

I got to attached to this and it does not bring good vibes nor it creates anything productive, it just creates low vibration.

See you guys in a month or never, who knows lol.

I may come back to ask questions related to fields and its effects, but it is not probably the case.



@heidegger on the plus side, you pushed me to articulate things and make some efforts. I’m pretty lazy in that area so it’s a good thing.

It’s the place where superhuman geniuses come from, the fields have been made already (including the free ones) :slight_smile:



When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then cometh the lips to fill them with wisdom.

When they are ready, they will find the fields… and since they’re ready, they will also be willing to pay for the ones they like. Woven with so much attention and dedication, yet, the unfolding of it is ever so subtle and elegant… splendid.


Almost 300 posts guys, I believe this is my personal record of some sort lol


Hi Sammy,

I wanted to thank you for your extensive reply and you addressing all of my mentioned points.

You reply indeed has uncovered several blind spots in my thinking and I am grateful that this discussion happened. Thank you very much :white_heart:

This is true. I have indeed done this. Touché.

You’re right. Again, touché.

This here has given me some really deep introspection.
And I have still not fully understood yet what this means.

One last thing about capitalism:
I think that most people are not actually critizing capitalism itself (which I believe is not only human genetic nature but also the soul’s desire to grow and expand), but they are actually critizing corporatism.
The criticism of corporatism totally makes sense to me because corporatism is indeed very short-sighted and narrow-focussed.

You are right on this one and we have to strive to be better than this low-vibe game. But while doing so, we cannot allow those who still play this game to drag us in or drag us down just because they believe otherwise.


This quote is fully on point Anya. Touché.
More shadow homework for me to do…


Feel free to ask. It was also difficult for me to graps and it took me quite some time to catch up to dream in that regard. So I’d be glad to ask answer any questions about it.

Indeed. It is time we grow to be unphased by people and their actions. It is through being unphased, that we can be better. But when we react to people’s low vibe actions in a low vibe way, we are still all too sensitive to others and get phased quite easily. Other people should not ever have this level of power over us.

Same here. It’s a long journey. But we are all here in this together. And I am grateful for every moment I get expose more of the shadow within and integrate more to grow more.

And I am grateful we can all have a conversation where we can listen to eachother. This isn’t about winning arguments over one another. It’s about learning from one another or expanding upon on our thoughts/ideas. I learn quite a bit from you guys and gladly take any criticism or questioning of my thoughts/ideas. Being able to do this with one another is how we grow.


I think the best part about it is, the more you align with mental flow and develop discernment, the less likely you are to be physically harmed.

The old adage is, arguments rarely lead to better outcomes.

Having genuine belief in the existence of a creator/demiurge/architect can help a lot in this regard, which is why many secret societies have that as a pre-requisite. While it can be used to divide (religion), it can also be used to release and liberate (there is a purpose for which this interaction occurred, some progress or expansion to be made).

As for introspection and shadow work… it’s back to the basic principle of cause and effect coupled with mindfulness of your emotional state and how much resistance you’re facing.

I find myself always asking the question of “what is the cascade of causes that led to this effect” when I snap out of the spell of the mundane (we are under the influences of many forces, fields, energies, etc. staying present 24/7 is overwhelming and impractical)… to enjoy a brief reprieve from all burdens that I’d have to carry otherwise… it seems like most often problems resolve themselves when we don’t feed them by forcefully trying to combat them, but instead choose to go a different path where no such troubles exist… it can be as simple as deciding to go buy an ice-cream instead of going for that hard 1 hour session of training (most people find out too late that the negative dopamine feedback from going too hard all the time eventually drains their willpower).

The best way to describe this is changing your interaction with experiences, from “why is this happening to me?” to “why did my subconscious lead me to experience this?”.

I think the biggest and most difficult subconscious belief for us to shake is: can it really be this easy? - the answer is: yes, and there’s an easier path still… if the statement that we are all vibrating closer to divinity as we rise up holds any truth, then, knowing this world was created in almost an instant, it would stand to reason that as we ascend in consciousness and perceptions, things happen faster and easier.

As for capitalism… To understand what magi across the world want you to believe, look at the opposite of what the news focuses on. Observe people on certain forums as a single entity attuned to a specific energy. For instance, you can’t stay on this forum for a while without developing a reverence and respect for Dream, even though you might not have experienced anything that you would customarily belief would merit it, simply because you are attuning to this energetic/informational grid.

How to apply this to a less abstract idea: WEF recently released a report stating that a 25% reduction in workforce may happen in the next few years. Intended message/spell: panic and worry (emotional state for automated energetic group casting). Function: disempowerment and confusion for the establishment of new threads in the weave of collective unconsciousness. Magi benefits: anxiety medication cashflow, more meticulous work by staff at companies (aka more cash and energy expended for their current agendas), insert command: look for sustainable job - interjection: post news about what jobs qualify as such to direct people towards them, on-boarding of more people for using chat-gpt to generate more cash in preparation for the upcoming wave (data influx galore) + adoption of digital payment by more people through promotion of crypto as a hedge against inflation (lethal combo - accumulate cash and make it useless). etc. etc. (it’s a much longer chain, but it’s the basic idea of how to apply this). Counter-spell should always be: I will continue to ignore this and focus on my goals. (resistance and intimidation may occur, but it’s mostly fluff)

So back to capitalism… the belief that capitalism is awful is a socialist idea. The belief that capitalism is good is a banking-based idea. Capitalism allows for entrepreneurship and credit which offer far more freedom to people and ultimately gives more leverage to those who are smarter and more resilient than others, this can accentuate the social chasm between a minority and majority, of course. Communism helps protect the weak and unfortunate against being powerless but also offers no motivation for people to use their intelligence or innovate (without the deployment of force or the presence of a state of war where survival is a driver). Ultimately however, both systems have the same function: disempower the people and empower a few magi.

A common rational objection here is: surely not everything is caused by some spell cast by someone. But it is. When is the last time you’ve seen a chaotic and uncontrolled uprising that didn’t have a leader or initiator. Have you asked who they are? Whose thoughts drove them to act? Whose ideals they support? Ultimately it ends up being a circle jerk of everything leading back to a select few.

The basic premise is, which magi understand, that the average person doesn’t, is that there is a basic Freewill policy that comes with your birth contract, and infringing on it has dire consequences to the infringing/violating party. On a social level, nothing happens to you, that you do not accept… but also be heedful not to take this as a license to do what you want. Each group has it’s own will, challenging it, makes you the infringing party. You have the free will not to interact with said group, not to try to force them to do something, beguile, make them change their mind, but not force…

But this is getting too long.


Consulting perhaps? Just sharing knowledge of your journey? I think this sounds very promising…


Oui Oui

Hell yeah