Sapien Portals

Is there any chance we can get some of the mandalas to be puchaseable on canvas like the portals? I’d be happy to pay for a good quality, larger image of Michael / higher self connection / Thor.

Alternatively, could we get a good quality picture upload to patreon please? The Instagram pictures are nice in small but ideally I’d like them wall decoration sized and for that they’re a bit low resolution.


Which portal do you guys recommend to put up on your room?

How far is the radius too?


This grows… stronger and stronger… I can feel the Stonegenge portal in my altar room all through my house. I think I have had this for a year and it keeps expanding…

Stonehenge and Roraima are my favorite ones. I only have Stonehenge as a physical object, Roraima, I only have heard as audio, but that one’s on Red Bubble too…

I have a new favorite though haha - The Sacred Sanctuary, as this resonates with the energies I work with (won’t go into too many details here :slight_smile: ) and has a vortex-like effect. If this ever becomes a physical portal item, I would LOVE that one


Ohh that’s great! With all the selections i was debating which vibe i would like to feel 24/7 while at home and something clicked while reading your comment, I’m getting stonehenge! I think that’s the vibe I’m looking for!


The image for that one (Sacred Sanctuary) is stunning! I feel like I’ve been there, and can “remember” going up and down those same steps every day. Hope it has a poster/portal version soon too!


I hope so too! The energy is great and heavenly, the hope and blessings part is amazing and it gets a nice little vortex effect going creating a beautiful, sacred space.

I have been using it currently as my background audio (to borrow OM’s terminology - “radio”) on a loop (along with Plasma Node Connector, White Light, Essence of Mantras and sometimes Ley Lines), but would be great to have it as a Physical Portal!


@Maoshan_Wanderer I bet the Sedona one is amazing! I always loved the old Sedona portal on Dream Seeds. Going to order one now.

Edit: Mount Roraima was calling more. Wow, that’s beautiful looking on the XL canvas :heart_eyes:


I had no idea this store existed. Is Lothlorien Falls…from Middle Earth? As in from J.R.R. Tolkien books?


I have yet to hang up my posters. I’ve had them for awhile but the energy of them all combined is pretty intense. I got the 2 XL Lothlrien Falls and Mt Roraima and 2 smaller Sedona and Stonehenge prints. The energy coming off all of them together is so intense, I’ve been a little apprehensive about putting them all up for some reason. I guess I’ll do it tomorrow and update you guys on what I notice.


That is true, especially if you have had it for a while and the portal has further grown. Sedona was too intense for the bedroom (sort of “hot”) and I moved it out to the living room. Stonehenge seemed perfect for the space around my altar.


It is very powerful. While listening to the audio, you can feel a lot of ancient and helpful beings on the mountain that time and history forgot. This being the latest of the portals, seems even more stronger and you can really feel the geography, sun, earthly smells etc.


At first I was just going to get one, but then I got this fantastical idea to turn my bedroom into a truly magical space with these portals. Something tells me if I put them up, it’s going to happen but I don’t know if I’m ready for that now lol


This Roraima audio, nobody else has lol.


Oops sorry Captain, I did not realize :nerd_face: :blush: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


oh that’s fine.
Its still a valid opinion.


Glad to know someone else has that experience… I used to listen to the audio (Mt. Roraima)… Kinda like it. Actually I like @Captain_Nemo portals and crystals audio… They really represents the places and the crystals…


Yeah word! I saw it but it went over my head :joy_cat:.

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After seeing that, I had to ask Dream to hear it haha.

It’s absolutely amazing! One of my favorite portals he’s done to date. After just a few loops, my face began to tingle and started to feel cool. I felt damp oxygen-rich air being brought from the mountain on every breath I took. An immense feeling of relaxation washing over me… This felt like home :slight_smile: New favorite lol. Looping this one in my room 24/7.


what are the vibes others pick up from “Castle in the sky” and “After the Storm”?

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That would be better if you in cold climate XD free heater lol