Sapien Portals

there are portals for the opposite, Mt Roraima is supposed to be hot according some reviews here.
Also, the covid-friendly holiday travel:


And sedona as well as a actual printed one :sunglasses:

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Man , this really works but Bali beach portal better works cause I checked there in Kuta Beach where is Bali location is currently warmer than in Sun kissed beach, but I feel on both warm sensations especially in Bali one, I feel warm and I am outside… this is great, thanks, didn’t know for these


It rains heavy and a lot there, usually we get this blast of fresh rain air with the stronger ones.


They are also dynamic
soo… natural day and night changes will also be reflected
along with cloud cover, weather etc etc lol.


Same :100:. I felt that a crystal field I listened to give the cooling effect as well, but I forgot which one it was.

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I think its Selenite


Bali is in Indonesia… And I live in here it’s always hot on day time… All year round. If you live in cold places. Then Bali always hot for you. Even in December the temperature always stay 30-33 Celsius. Even the peakest rainy season which is January it’s still 30-36 Celsius. At night usually 23-22 Celsius. I guess Bali is a good portal for people who already live in cold climate. I just hope the places you live will transfer the cold temperature in Bali XD so we get cold and you get the warm air ;)


Btw I just played portal to Kyoto. It feels so cold but I won’t play it during summer time. Which is the same temperature as in here even more hotter I suppose. Right now. I’m gonna chill with this one. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I have been using the Mt Roraima portal during sleep and let me tell you it’s really peaceful! Perfect for deep sleep :sleeping: and my dreams have become less intense energetically. More calm and peaceful. I wake up relaxed and refreshed like I was sleeping in the amazon rainforest.

Almost forgot the first day I used it, i saw some creatures with my third eye that looked like pokemon. Not frightening at all just very interestingly different.


I was meditating today and my Higher self suggested to open the stonehenge portal during the spring equinox which is Saturday morning for me. There’s supposed to be a powerful energetic transmission at that time. Thought id share if anyone is interested. One word of advice, keep your grounding field handy for right after :wink:


Oh yeh lol

they have some strange creatures there.
They call this place the ‘lost’ world since a lot of things there are not found anywhere else in the world.


Thank you very much for this radio idea Maoshan :pray:t2: I allowed myself to copy it, adding Angels & Saints and K2 Stone in between.

Playing the Plasma Flower and Live Med Radio simultaneously with these, on other speakers.


That idea was originally from @_OM which I tweaked a little haha


… so I tweaked from you both ;) :sunflower: :sunflower:


I am hoping he’ll bring out an ‘air- conditioning/room cooler’ field for the scorching hot months because I find it hard getting to sleep at night in summer. I wanted an air conditioning machine but they’re so expensive and those air coolers on amazon are crap.

The new ‘Air Vitaliser’ field works great! Imagine if he makes an air-conditioning field. That’d sell like hot cakes in the summer.


I believe on the Suggestions thread someone already asked for this and Captain responded that he is working on something like this. So just be patient.

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Man that is exactly what I need, its sweating hit here I’m just trying to find an audio for having cold atmosphere

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why am i late too everythink. Is the store down for there red bubble items?

Yeah, he took it down.