Sapien’s Instagram

Oh do tell us more about your experience with the fairies?

What’s the point?

Sharing will only plant an egregorial seed.

It’s a personal experience, the Fairies and Fae always adapt to your currently crystalized paradigms - what matters is the outcomes.

Results? Find a few old books about what they can do, and let your creative juices flow as to how to use them.

One thing I “can” share is: I asked for something to be adjusted - the process was quick and effective, but the opposite of pleasant.


I have always loved fairies is why. Though mischievous I never felt their “wrath” for lack of a better word. Though I have always been respectful.

I may give it a try though, thanks for the warning- I’m glad I asked :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well, thinking on the process, what I picked up reflecting on the nature of their power was that they are extremely emotionally attuned … this means they tend to take things to extremes … you choose formal? they go ultra formal. You choose play? Better be ready for all what comes with “play”. (You experience fear? :slight_smile: )

We are conditioned to become emotionally inhibited growing up, so we tend not to understand what the raw essence of a certain feeling is… I think that’s the key thing to pay attention to.

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Fascinating. Thank you again. Can’t quite put it into words but they are in the same family as elementals. So it makes sense they go all in on what is asked of them. Also, I do believe they respond well when interacting from the heart. They love animals and children


So, don’t take this as me endorsing any of these ideas - but, I think it’s nice to read how others interpret things nonetheless (in the odd chance you haven’t gone through these before):

In a way, they are ultra-terrestrial beings… they occupy a higher dimension, and the more “dense” one’s “blueprint” is, the harder it is for one to interact with them.

For others interested in having unique experiences:

This will help you on many levels, alongside

Subjective? “Real”? Who knows. What matters is you translating things into tangible results ~


Funny I just thought of that latest being of beauty field and wondered similarly. I will check these out for sure!

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I don’t want to draw a narrative, but, if you consider the difference between people living in an urban competitive setting vs. people living in peaceful remote villages vs ancient tribes vs ascetic monks/shamans (etc.) - the level of “density” they carry could explain the divergence in the degree of their exposure to certain “paranormal” experiences and phenomena. (Potentially - who knows)

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I’m planning to make it a keycahin with front and back. Can I do both style? Different Mandala same keychain and one keychain front and back same mandala? Like this: 20240219_223404_0000

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yes you can! :slight_smile:

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̶I̶m̶ ̶c̶o̶p̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶j̶k̶


Could have something to do with distractions interfering with paranormal experiences in the same way that floatation tanks by removing distractions and stimuli cause the mind to generate/access more transcendental ones.

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It’s not just that … there is a physical dimension to it all … toxins, pollution (be it chemical or informational), diet, addictions, etc.

All of it slowly develops into crystalized structures in the body (fat, blood, clusters in the lymphatic system - even bones and organs) … a “light” body is one ideally conditioned to receive and partake in the cosmic dance … a fine-tuned instrument, so to speak.

It’s a highly energetic form of interaction which is extremely entropic when the opposite party is not sufficiently poised to deal with its “intensity”.


That’s right. I missed that. People instinctively know that cities take a toll on them. Vacations are not so much breaks from work as from environments in general, Europe in August, for example. Even a crowded —distracting beach—is more restorative than down time in a city.


I mean maybe it’s not that black and white. Cityscape, especially all asphalt “river” of a road, buildings, cement are quite “connecting” for me. City “speaks”, talks to you readily, powers up on first request.

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There is a lot of fast energy in a city, though it seems a bit turbocharged, which can wear out your “engine” faster. For certain types of creative endeavors, cities have a practical value, though that’s less of thing these days.

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It doesn’t feel “fast” to me, actually very patient and continuous.

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That’s good.

It’s incomparable. City living versus living in nature. It’s no secret those who turn their back on the world tend to seek solitude in caves, mountains, forests to find self. They often return back to the smoke to integrate the learning because that’s the ultimate test. (Lots of nuances I know, I’m a total beginner).
There’s lots to gain in the city too. The crossroads of energy but it’s different and I don’t want to say you can’t gain the same thing because there were people in history who im sure developed in urban settings, jail cells, prison camps- horrid way to elevate but that immersing in nature provides a certain peace a rigger that city life can’t provide. My comment is supporting your point of view though worded strangely at my hour :laughing:


I have the same question? but can’t find answer anywhere.

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