SapienMed’s ‘Virtuous Voyage’ Retreat - Aug 28-31

A good question was asked well above our comments that if others were comfortable with their faces being shown, if video participants paid for entry would there be video streaming. I am asking mods if they came to a conclusion on that.

In a past zoom call Sam mentioned they were looking into it.
So this isnt a new idea.


Thank you, SilverZuzu, it’s good to hear it’s been discussed before. It would be an awesome thing if it was made possible. I moved to the state I am in due to extreme environmental allergies, traveling is a toss up. I definitely plan on renewing my passport and flying to the UK at some point but it would be a test of the fates and my body’s recovery.

Will stay tuned :blush: :pray:t5:


It wasnt discussed, but it was bought up during the zoom call.
And Sam said they were looking into it.


Copy that. Sounds like there are at least a few of us interested

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More than a few would be my guess.

And for those that arent aware
if it happens, there will be of course a fee to attend the retreat by remote means.


Would love to Join zoom session if it’s possible:)

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We leave on the 1st my friend! And it starts at 12pm on the 28th


I am sad that I will not be able to attend this retreat. I just have a question. Are we allowed to astral travel during the retreat days and hours? Can I listen to the captain telepathically? Or is it only allowed for those who are physically present? Thanks, regards :pray:t4:

Try and see :rofl:

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thank you for the info


If you can visit the space-time point astrally of when the retreat takes place, I think your are skilled enough to visit almost ANY space-time point astrally anyways :slight_smile:

And with that, you could visit Dream in the afterlife and just speak to him, or visit the astral “Earth Libraries”, or any also any other retreat taking place on the astral planes, or some alien civilizations and much more. At that skill level the options become limitless.

I mean, if you have Robert Monroe level astral travelling skills, nothing can stop you from visiting any place at any time or visiting anyone. (Just stay away from gov facilities while you are still physically incarnated).


Well, if he could put this to the Tengri project…


Astral travel and remote viewing are completely different skills and activities. They have almost nothing to do with each other.

But yeah, since he was asking such a question in the first place, I guess he was meaning remote viewing and not astral travelling.


Well, he kinda meant both.

But I mean, if something like that can be created analogically to that as well, why not.

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Those are really completely different things.

I see many people confuse astral travelling with remote viewing with lucid dreaming. Three totally different things.

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I didn’t say they are the same or similar, just postulated that maybe he could have created something of the analogous nature for that as well.

I don’t think I know these realms, just I can imagine that someone with skills and knowledge like him would like to be unbothered.


To be honest. The reason why everyone wants to be there is the pleasant conversation and energy of our benevolent alien friends… After all, it is a paid retreat… For example, like an NFT project, if you are a legal owner of the token, the NFT becomes active for you. There is no other way, right? Will it be legal for me to benefit from everything there without having a ticket for the retreat? Or is there a protection that the captain has created only for those who physically attend the retreat? That was my question.

Well, you basically want something for free that others paid for?

Man, there may be more retreats in the future. Spam abundance and luck stuff, work on your earnings and then you might visit one. :smiley:

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You can always go and ask there lol, I dont think it’d be a problem if you hover around astrally lol

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