SapienMed’s ‘Virtuous Voyage’ Retreat - Aug 28-31

Nothing worthwhile comes for free or easily :slight_smile:


Dreams YouTube channel :smirk:


Well, you have to overcome the limiting beliefs that most people have, like these things can’t work just by music, etc. So that may not be very easy at the beginning :slight_smile:


When I first discovered fields, it was very easy for me to believe and accept in how they work too, because I was already completely convinced with how radionics works.

So once you can mentally realize that the only real thing there is, is a “net of consciousness” and that “items”, “pictures”, “energies”, “matter”, “thoughtforms”, “emotions”, “ideas” etc. are just symbolic representations of concepts that exist inside this net of consciousness and are all interconnected with each other, it totally makes sense how a morphic field can be tied to an audio and you by listening to the audio, establishing a consciousness link to the morphic field.

All of reality is just one big internet of consciousness.


Oh boy. I’ve been seeking this!! Thank you for putting it in this conversation

I love how I came to this forum and just accepted the fact that Angels etc are completely real I didn’t have much resistance to that.

I still get moment of like holy shit this stuff really works like extremely well up until recently but now it’s much more natural and like yh cool so that’s done that and then I go and tell people like it’s so normal and forget they don’t fully understand this stuff yet :sweat_smile:

Anyway gone leave this thread back to its proper purpose now :smiley:

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I plan on recording myself and then later compiling everything into a whole course others can buy. Also obviously, those who go to the retreat will recieve all those materials for free. But yeah it’ll only be me as others would prefer not being recorded.

This recording is still mainly a possibility and will depend on how I can manage it in the space. Most likely should be fine though.

But no live feed of the retreat. The experience users are having is unique to them and I’d rather not have outside interference of energies. Not that it would be negative but the space we create is for everyone present there. Even if you are just watching a live feed, your awareness/energy does get entangled in the space.


This is great! And a good solution to the stated.

Thank you, should a recording be released I look forward to what is shared.

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That’s nice, seems like you went through a long journey on that :+1:

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I literally had to rewatch the whole Matrix Trilogy 100+ times in order to free my mind to a certain degree.


Hi a friend of mine cannot attend the retreat anymore and is looking to sell the 4 days ticket for $200, if anyone is interest please DM, thank you :pray:

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Unfortunately it seems I can’t go to the retreat. I have a 4 day ticket with stay at the center. If someone is still interested now I’d sell it for 333$.

If anyone wants a room for the retreat then we have some extra spaces available in an airbnb. Please let us know

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Post it on discord as well.

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Will we Also get his unreleased fields in retreat? Am i correct?

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No, that’s not happening.


Have a great time at the retreat everyone! :tada: :partying_face:


Yes, have a good retreat!


Hogwarts is real…


Any highlights so far?