Sapienshop is Closed

yea, i sold them and used the money to get karma crucible & tapasya of savitur


I still remember that moment… when I got both karma crucible & tapasya of savitur
i felt like I own everything in this world.
truly satisfied :innocent:

I don’t regret and I won’t
I believe both my past and future selves will thx me for this


They will do it dear! Since receiving Karma Crucible there has been a deep cleansing of my being, and it seems that kind people have approached me, great choice :rainbow:


Hey :) I was wondering if Six Healing Sounds will be uploaded to Gumroad at one point or will it dissapear forever after the shop is closed down?

Purchased 4 items yesterday so I don’t want to overdo it lol, thank you so much for the sale! They were on my wish list for a long time and feel very grateful for them! The Black Sun is amazing!


I have the same question about negentropic treasures


it shall
only nfts lost
audios shall be rehomed in gumroad and spring


am so happy thank you!!!


thank you for your patronage ma’am

:mechanical_arm: :pray:


They fought bravely :joy:


it’s my pleasure! I thank you and everybody on the forum for the ongoing support and empowerment :) life is def better and more interesting since I came accross these amazing creations <3


Does this mean we may see reviving of the audio fields on NFTs like Eternal on the Gumroad?

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Hi there, sorry I do not understand. You have lots of public files on youtube, will they stay? The shop sells special files,how to get hold of them later on? And what do you mean with “unsold private NFTs”, what is that? Thanks for clearifying;

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The Eternal is an NFT. It will be lost as well. Even audios. :pensive:


Don’t be too sad my friends. It seems a new beginning has begun and great fields are coming our way, so save up lol.

And im sure they will be related to all things including health and longevity.

Well at least that’s how it feels.


It gives me stress to consider to buy some NFTs :stuck_out_tongue: instead of saving up. Pondering on the Eternal since I am a sucker for health :slight_smile:

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All The public files on Youtube will stay.

The special files (I believe you are referring to NFT) can Be traded on Official Buying/Selling thread.
(I am not 100% sure for this)

On , Those nft’s which remained unsold will be gone for good

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@Dreamweaver Is it possible to preserve this NFT in the form of an audio file? Since there isn’t a field for height available in the Gumroad shop, this approach is quite unique.
The Height


Yes, I recommend this nft which is so useful for me. I’m fortunate I was able to buy it 2 years ago but how I wish others interested will be able to buy this masterpiece. Some may not have enough funds to afford this, are still saving and the shop will close next month.


FYI - I picked up this field, and it has been excellent. Been using it right before my Scripting / Neville imagining sessions in the morning, and the visual imagery and remembrance of them have been remarkably powerful throughout the day and subsequent days.

This field is worthy of some big love, as it is super important and empowering, and a topic that is seriously under-emphasized in our society IMHO.


You have to realize that no one wants to see you or anyone hurt, but you can’t put your power in other peoples hands. It’s your power, it only belongs to you. To put it on dreams shoulders and say “you can save a life” - he will have compassion on you - I’d like to think all humans will have compassion - but you are not a victim unless you choose to be. It’s not his weight to carry - even though he’d never wish you harm
This is a lesson we all must learn, over and over again in life.

Wishing you well.