Sapienshop is Closed

Don’t be too sad my friends. It seems a new beginning has begun and great fields are coming our way, so save up lol.

And im sure they will be related to all things including health and longevity.

Well at least that’s how it feels.


It gives me stress to consider to buy some NFTs :stuck_out_tongue: instead of saving up. Pondering on the Eternal since I am a sucker for health :slight_smile:

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All The public files on Youtube will stay.

The special files (I believe you are referring to NFT) can Be traded on Official Buying/Selling thread.
(I am not 100% sure for this)

On , Those nft’s which remained unsold will be gone for good

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@Charlie.0 Is it possible to preserve this NFT in the form of an audio file? Since there isn’t a field for height available in the Gumroad shop, this approach is quite unique.
The Height


Yes, I recommend this nft which is so useful for me. I’m fortunate I was able to buy it 2 years ago but how I wish others interested will be able to buy this masterpiece. Some may not have enough funds to afford this, are still saving and the shop will close next month.


FYI - I picked up this field, and it has been excellent. Been using it right before my Scripting / Neville imagining sessions in the morning, and the visual imagery and remembrance of them have been remarkably powerful throughout the day and subsequent days.

This field is worthy of some big love, as it is super important and empowering, and a topic that is seriously under-emphasized in our society IMHO.


You have to realize that no one wants to see you or anyone hurt, but you can’t put your power in other peoples hands. It’s your power, it only belongs to you. To put it on dreams shoulders and say “you can save a life” - he will have compassion on you - I’d like to think all humans will have compassion - but you are not a victim unless you choose to be. It’s not his weight to carry - even though he’d never wish you harm
This is a lesson we all must learn, over and over again in life.

Wishing you well.


I just removed his last post about “Good byes” and “being done” and gave him a hand packing with a suspension.

Hopefully he will find happiness and fulfillment


Look, man, I understand how frustrating and depressing it can be when your life, when aspects of your life are limited due to certain misfortunes. I myself have had to endure long times of feeling shortness of breathe and I can tell you it’s an every day battle (and I still have to face significant health issues). And yeah, I can imagine how frustrating it can be when ppl whom would you expect to help won’t reply to you. But it’s nothing personal, they simply have too much work to reply to everyone, even I didn’t get reply to most of what I wrote. It’s just life.

But man, trust me, you cannot measure your worth by sex and needlessly put your life onto others’ hands. It’s your life. And you can really find someone who will truly understand you. Understand that you don’t need to prove yourself to anyone, not even in sex. Someone doesn’t like you for it? It’s okay, you will find someone who is understanding.

I wish you lots of strength and can send some healing if u want.


I just found out about the Sapien Shop Closing down. It’s a bummer for me. I never got around buying the NFTs but I did buy alot of tags and shirts during the Teespring days.

I have been meaning to purchase some NFTs lately and now I definitely will with the coupon code. Thank you so much.

What is the Guild System?

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Thanks. I will read up on this.


I was trying to purchase some NFTS but they require a password. Can anyone tell me how to get the password to buy the NFT?

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Those are from private projects, group organized. The group members have the passwords.

During the last week of the sale, before the shop closes completely, all will be open (so that they don’t get completely lost, as all unsold NFTs will simply disappear).

Trading on the buy/sell thread will continue. You can always get a NFT from someone that wants to sell or trade.


Thank you for letting me know all of this.

Now I wish I had been part of all the NFT groups when it started.

As it turns out there are a lot of sold out ones. I missed out on a lot of cool stuff.


You can still search for NFTs in the official buying/selling thread:



Is it normal that an nft takes plus 24h to mint ? I know it’s normal to have delays but its starting to feel too much at this point


It can be, depending on the traffic


Okay, thank you


Just got the Eternal! I’m excited but I’m still waiting on the download. It’s been 5 hours now and I remember this happened with Shielding 3.0 I’ll just be patient.