Sapienshop is Closed

2024-06-28 20_18_25-Transfers _ 4r8tb4nKp1aCbW39S3ffg7Jwr3Z1ZCWW1QAmc1LBXD2L _ Solana and 6 more pag


That time I was so excited about all of this when seeing the first results, I revealed anything about the audios to a very close friend, he had the proof right in front of his eyes and he himself said “wtf did you do ? You grew up suddenly” after seeing me after a long time, still he didn’t believe my words and thought I was crazy, he is the type of guy who is “rational” but lacks fantasy, he rejects anything that doesn’t seem explainable.

It’s not even necessarily a bad critic, he is how he is and he remains a close friend, there was never a problem with him. Maybe, if I told him everything about morphic field from a different angle to “match” his level of comprehension and open-mindedness, the outcome would be different but even looking from this angle, it’s a difficult exercice to me.

It ended up with him thinking Sapien Medicine was like “sunshine and rainbow magical Harry Potter stuff sect, a pseudo science to scam people” and was like “if something like this exists then why doesn’t everyone use it? Why did we never hear about this ?” which are relevant questions as even myself today, after spending a certain amount of time here, don’t have any answer to provide, I don’t understand why it’s not more “famous” than that…

Maybe it’s easier for them to just ignore anything, it may be too much for them to process, I can understand it could be brutal to process that these audios can help hospitals for free, are not benefiting the whole planet, saving millions of life because people refuse to believe it or don’t even know SM exists because some people are willingly spreading bad rumors to make SM have a bad reputation too, why ?

Someone discovering the forum and seeing The long Hauler may prefer to not believe it and think we are “crazy” to protect themselves mentally as a defense mechanism, maybe they lost someone because of Covid and it’s easier this way for them to handle the situation, than accepting everything works and potentially thinking “ah maybe things would be different…”

It’s true that for us, it’s our daily life, it looks normal like breathing to us but like everyone else on this planet there was a point where we were complete stranger to SM and we still ended up here…


Same situation, everyone was insulting that guy except me lol, he had no intention to give the links as a revenge originally and told me since I was the only one believing him he was doing me a favor by giving the links because he was confident it would change my life, like is’. :joy:

The Dopamine Redux was making me dance it was funny with my brain buzzing like crazy


I personally like the idea of putting the NFT system to rest for field distribution because this one is quite exclusive and heavy on the funds. I’ll try to procure three more NFTs before the shop closes, but that depends on how fast I manage to procure funds. Looking at Attract love, Karma Crucible and maybe 72 Angels but that one was private I think so I don’t know whether there are any copies left.

On the plus side, all NFTs by Sapien are going to skyrocket in value after the store closes, so there’s that. Some private NFTs have already doubled in value.


This is an unrealistic scenario.

It’s as unrealistic as the scenario where Sapienshop will not be closed :grinning:

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Bro, I told about the why already two times in this thread and many times on the forum in the past:

Because people’s Subconscious Mind filters only allow them to perceive certain things.
These filters are really everything.

People manifest what they deep down believe in and this includes perceiving or not perceiving the availability of certain solutions.

These Subconscious Mind filters make sure that people always return back to their baselines and stay there.

If an idea like growing taller by listening to an audio file is not compatible with their baseline / core beliefs / filters, then this idea will be rejected even before those people can coonscously grasp what is even in front of them.

Those “sceptic questions” that people usually ask, are not real questions in the first place.
They are meant in a sarcastic matter and from a moral high ground position and used by the person to rationalize why something is “impossible” and “cannot be”.

These rationaliation questions are not the person exploring an idea but the consequence of the person already rationalizing their fixed mindset (!!!).

About the baselines:

And that is why I always say, that if people do not do the deep work on their subconscious core beliefs, they will not manifest new things – their Subconscious Mind’s perception filters and baselines will simply not allow them to do so.


I’m glad I got this nft with audio in 2022. I thought of buying additional copies for family members but decided not to push through with it.

Yes, I think if you can afford to buy more copies, why not? It is a great investment IMO and once the sapien shop closes next month, only then will people realize the priceless value of this nft. For me, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and this is my first nft.


It makes sense, it’s something that I experienced a lot of time in my life, even today.

I cut ties with someone that was overly pessimist, really negative. She is the type of people always complaining about everything but she won’t do anything to change her life while she can in fact.

You can give her the best solutions possible, even just asking her to just push a button to make her life better, that she wouldn’t do it because she doesn’t want to be helped. What she likes is complaining and making people feel bad about her, she doesn’t even want to be heard or understood. She wants the attention from people.

I tried my best as a human being but there is nothing more possible. She’ll not change and it’s not my mission to force her neither. It is what it is. She doesn’t understand actions have consequences too and that she didn’t end up in this situation randomly, everything could have been avoided…

She is the one she thinks she is, her subconscious limits are throwing away every chance people give her. Her mindset is controlling her to do the poorest choice possible just to keep chaos around. She is not even depressed, she is happy about her situation.

That’s bad for her but as bad for people trying to help her as it’s endless and mentally/emotionally very draining.

Recently, I was wondering if in fact people’s personally is not based on their biggest complex/fear, about how being close minded hinders any growth and opportunities in life.

Some people really underestimate the power of the subconscious, people are wondering why some things keep repeating, so much even people around them can start observing patterns.

They are themselves (un)consciously provoking all those events and it will keep going this way until they finally break their limiting thoughts. If someone with low self-esteem repeat everyday for a year 1000 times “I am incredible”, the person will end up believing it, even if it was acting to begin with…


Besides Solana, what wallet would you recommend for ease of use on an Android / Windows platform?

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I quickly got the “smart slayer” before closing time, thank you for the discount :blush: no waiting time when transferring to the wallet


Just got The Eternal. Going to get Luscious Tresses before the end game.

If I can afford it - tossing up between Beard Game, PR Dentistry, and Angelic Intercession+.

Any must-haves that I’m missing?


Agreed, would love to see a historic final liquidation sale… everything must go!


Yep, looking forward to that! :star_struck:

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keep in mind the sale percentage will not increase.
As much as i want everything sold, it will not be fair to anyone who bought in the last few weeks.


As we get closer to store closing time, it’s an honor to get an nft, public or private.


We’re not too far from that IMO.


Just respect the decision that the shop is closing, with the current timeframe and sale percentage already given.


Well, he has changed his mind and turned other direction quite many times already, so I don’t think he’ll just do another thing that is against previous announcement/s.

EDIT: I was wrong tho, lol…

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the provider has the ultimate right what how much and when to provide…

replace above with creator. if you so like.

we as consumers of the product have the right to choose what we invest in. we cannot “make” the creator or provider to do anything he doesnot want to do.

Dream has also resently upgraded if not all much of his past work and “drowned” us in new fields for anything one may require.

i do understand that many forum users and outsiders to this community may feel left out of the NFT wave.

it doesnot mean though they should be in any way pressuring for convinient dessisions from the side of the creator of those tools.

also many forget the menagery of free fields also for any goal.

there, though, it is required to know what you need to read alittle more, to understand the goals of the audios.

very few want to show respect for those creations by simply knowing more about them. by researching alone.

i dont understand why are people tryng to piss of a man, who already since decades shows only that he gives. he really doesnot take anything, but only provides and doesnot stop to provide.

why are people not showing him gratitute and appreciation.

why dont people invite him to celebrate, that he exists to heal them without medication and scalpell?

instead people behave like spoiled, ungrateful ever wanting more children, who no no satisfaction.?

is it possible that people simply choose not to see what he already created so they can act as vampires for him?

just, why?


Woah I think you guys are taking my post a little too seriously. Just wanted to say why I wouldn’t be mad at another discount, as someone who already picked up some NFT’s earlier during the sale

I’m appreciative of the sale, appreciative of the fields I got, and the ones I’m gonna get. I’m appreciative of everything. It is not that serious

At the end of the day, like you guys mentioned, it’s up to Captain, and if he decides to change his mind on this, well, I wouldn’t be upset at all.

The more fields the merrier