Sapienshop is Closed

Do you have your wallet setup on your phone or just pc?
Try to open the mail with your phone that has the solscan and click claim (if I am not mistaken), this should automatically open phantom and from there you can transfer NFT to your wallet.


Yes i do have it on my phone and was able to claim one out of the two nft which i bought today. However i didn’t receive the claim collectible email for one of them, but i know it’s ready. Im wondering if there is a way to claim without receiving the email?

I received the audio file email 4 hours ago after a 7 hour wait. Usually both the audio email and claim digital collectible email arrive at the same time. The order says fulfilled in my order history and shows an nft number. But no way to claim.

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That is weird, every time I opened the mail from solscan it showed me the button to claim NFT.

I got it!!! I listened to luck and probability and after one loop it occured to me that since i received two NFT emails at the same time, maybe it went into my spam folder. That’s where it was!!! Wooo!!!

Edit: Since i mentioned the luck and probability field, i think its also worth mentioning i played a couple loops of Fortuna before that.


i think i’m gonna Buy Karma Crucible next week before the Shop closes. I had never really paid attention to The Karma Crucible until people recommend it. So i thought about it for the past couple days and wonder why i been having so many setbacks in Life is maybe because of the Bad Karma in my past Life for whatever reasons i don’t know. Even though i am a Good conscious person and Law abiding citizen i wonder why am i not bless and stuff is holding me back while friends are succeeding. Could Karma Crucible be my answer i been looking for. :pray:


The Blossom of Abundance (Mind Program Series 3) and Dissolver of Mental Limits may help based on the wording you used.

Of course it can help but only you will know if it’s the answer you have been looking for as we don’t know what your life is like.

I’d say buy it. Don’t like it then sell it. Simple as that and it’s better to buy now then for double the money further down the line in the trading thread.

I only see gain no loss in this purchase for you :slightly_smiling_face:


Using my intuition, I bought the Karma Crucible NFT and downloaded the mandala and audio to my wallet, phone and laptop in just over a minute just now with huge savings. The timing was perfect and I feel lucky to have this creation. Thanks a lot @Dreamweaver!


I just got Angelic Intercession +! I’m excited to see how it works out! I have a lot of requests… lol

Thank you for the last-chance-sale Captain!


Would fields like Light and Vibrational Guidance and Feng Shui Master of the Shire be moved to Gumroad?


Yes all audios are going to reappear on Gumroad


Also looking forward to Six healing Sounds :wink:


This is my chance to buy THE SYLPH…


Thank you very much for the Generous discount @Dreamweaver , Strategized and obtained couple of NFTs according to my needs and I’ve ended my NFT hunt today. Categorized into Physical and Mental Healing /Intercession and Luck/Prestige and Glory(been wanting to get hold of it since the tag days),finally Business & Academic fields and combining this with Manhattan Series, It’s time for me to Grind them and get to Work and Accomplish all the goals I set! :v: :triumph:


@Dreamweaver what time the plug will be pulled?

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Thanks for the sale! :smile: I got The Unexpected and Angelic Intercession +. I never owned an NFT before. How long does it typically take for the minting process to be done? I got two order confirmations and receipts via email.

Update - I decided to bite the bullet and got Eternal as well. No more buying future fields for me and time to invest in those three for a long time haha :joy:


I bought something and think it’s been over 9 hours and not minted yet.

Hope the system resolves itself soon.

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I’m not even able to buy the transaction is not going through and my bank says there is nothing with the credit card, have been trying for the last 7hrs.

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Maybe you should try another card. After several unsuccessful payment attempts, the payment provider blocks the card for several days

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Ok thanks will check with paypal

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I contacted paypal, there seems to be some problem with the store merchant site.