Sator Square

If it is alright, may someone post either here or PM me the photo? I forgot how it looks even lol (unless it’s the first pic?)


It should show up in your e-mail after u purchased it. U should get (within a few hours) a small one.
Look at post 192-193 for the good image (posted by the Captain)


It is the first picture in this thread. Let me know if you’d like me to post the HD version.

Please do thanks

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Here you go!

Let me know if you have any issues…I’m doing this on an iPad so media fire may behave differently. We’ll see.


It worked.

Thank you!


Having trouble with this.
Is this version 13,931KB? - thats the version I already have

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Sorry to hear that. Let me try again…

Hopefully this one works better?

Otherwise, I can post it from my laptop in the morning :woman_shrugging:

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Yes, the same.


OK thanks, thats the version I already have from post # 192-193 (from the Captain)

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Lmao this whole thread was funny reading :rofl:

A rollercoaster of emotions.


I was running a red light right in front of 2 police guys but I had no idea.
Only when I came home, my friend text me asking if I was caught by the police. He was riding along with me, we were on the way home after the new Fantastic Beast movie.
I thought the light was green :rofl: My mind must have slipped for a moment.
I guess the Sator just saved my ass, I might have been invisible to them somehow, or they might be confused whether to catch me or not, maybe I was just lucky :rofl:


Yesterday was just bananas. :banana: Even though I was here and refreshing the damn link a gazillion times it wasn’t working for me. Then I left to get ready for work and saw Dream update with new links so I thought I completely missed out.

Thanks to @Rosechalice I was able to acquire this awesome NFT. :purple_heart:


:thread: I love the threads weaving and knitting in here :thread:

Or more like; a re-shuffle of the puzzle now piecing itself :smiley:


Can someone explain how it comes that there are still 2 different nft’s available on teespring, just curious?

Isn’t it dangerous that people are able to buy these NFTs while they are intended for someone else?

It’s a glitch.

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Thank you! And also thank you @Rosechalice :bouquet:

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Well, i almost bought one in the past before i knew what nft’s were

Some nfts are intended that way, such as this one
Others, not; the way to differentiate is if there is a description below the NFT. Sans description, then it means “private”; group-based, only.
Technically a person could snag a group intended NFT, which has no doubt occurred in the past, but as common courtesy it’d be nice for one not to. As if they do, it takes away from a group member who’d been part of the original order number/count.
I hope that helps🙂


yes off course, it’s just that a lot of people don’t know this.

I know when i really like the energy of something, i buy it instantly without reading the description