It would take a good while for you to see results from the scar tissue removal field, because although it helps with that, the stem cells go first to heal organs, then to organs scars, then muscles then last skin.
Id just focus on the Bromelian and this one
“This is designed to help with a wide variety of skin scarring problems, at least work towards an improvement in the best way possible. It works on removing scar tissue while inducing rapid regeneration of the affected area, also will work on piercings, so hmm be careful if you have piercings you want to keep. Induced apoptosis to scar tissue on the skin, while also inducing pluripotency to the remaining cells, enhanced nutrient absorption and directed energized mitochondria in the surrounding cells will drive the process to be a lot more speeded up. May help with burn damage as well. 2-3 times best per use”
Also take Serrapestace Enzyme as supplement.