Self Love Transcendance

Few listens in, and already feeling whole more than I was when listening to the older self love fields for days :slightly_smiling_face:.

Great stuff, thank you guys.



Yesterday listened after a while

And managed to have a geniune smile :smiley:


Great, its on my shoppinglist. Have you all seen the sale ?



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This was kind of a sleeper for me. Also didn’t notice it was a hypnotic, meditational track when purchasing, which with my current pattern wasn’t what I was looking for. And didn’t even read the thread beforehand - I usually do.

Felt a little guided. Was playing become whole and considering self love before the sale was announced. Felt this would be worth it.
It is.

SammyG describes what the audios are pretty well.

Took me a little slower to enter the deeper brain waves. The visuals are kind of amazing in their own way, and all is synchronized well.

Facing the shadow self visual was kind of an exclamation. My breathing changed, was more alert and focused; powerful experience simply, and almost streamlined.

Feel a little more balanced and whole. Am somewhat in state of subconscious disbelief with growing acceptance of where/who I am afterward.

Great alternative to the usual field listening; more active and guided work, and more synchronized fields with that. Neat creation and experience.

Thanks SammyG, thanks Dreamweaver.


Just got this with sale. All the downloads say: “view” as file names. Nothing i try opens them I want to use these.Where are the mp3s? How to play these? Freaking me out. @SammyG can you help?

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Hello Sammy, how is this field different from The Devil (Reversed tarot archetype)?

seeking fields that directly work on the shadow.

idk if this will help as it’s from memory
are there three vertical dots to the right of the file?
If so, right click and one option may be to download
I could be totally off though

or maybe when you selected the file initially there may have been the option to right click instead


Don’t worry, this technical error has been there for a while. I think since may this year. So it is not something that went wrong on your end only.

I’ve been using this daily with great success on the enlightenedstates website until I encountered the problem you described. For me it was a sign to back off for a while and focus and other things and modalities. This was further confirmed when I sent an email to the sapienteam twice and never got a reply. Didn’t feel the urge to post about this here on the forum and tag Sammy so I just let go and have grown immensely through other ways.

But seeing your message here it might be time to pick things up again. You tagged sammy and I’m sure he’ll fix things as soon as possible. Have patience, nothings happens by coincidence :pray:t4: You will get your self love fields.

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Yes Sammy sent the files from Google drive.Everything’s good yall! Thanks for the help. :+1:

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I have bought this and getting the files named “view”, can someone help!

Thanks in advance :)

Use a text editor to look into the “view” file and you’ll see a google drive link inside.


Hi @Jarrah!

Welcome KY Lav


Thanks! it worked :slight_smile:

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Happy to be here!

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this honestly seems like the best self love field by sapien

the concept of the shadow is so widely encompassing

i am excited to get this one soon

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THIS is a very important video to understand

Hi @LoneWolf1

Welcome KY Empress

Info to Guide Your SM Journey

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@SammyG if i can’t find time to meditate on this, will it work effectively passively, in pocket?
