Self Love Transcendance

Self love 2

Self Love Transcendance

A series of fielded hypnotic audios that work on dissolving your insecurities and drive you to accept, embrace and love who you are.

If you are unable to accept what you reject about yourself, you will always be at odds with yourself. Your inscurities will block you from accessing your full potential and capacity for self fulfilment. We directly work on allowing ourselves to feel our insecurities in the Shadow Self track and reintigrating with the separated parts of ourselves to become whole once again.

The audios set you into a deep brainwave state between theta and delta to allow for susceptibility to change. There are fields that stimulate the intended chakras, absorb the intended energies and such, as directed by the words in the tracks. So for the first time, you are hearing the fields work with the intended visualizations from moment to moment. The fields are exactly what is being directed by the voice in the audios. You can directly work with the fields if you visualize along to the voice or follow the visuals as these elements are guiding the fields direction within you.

The Shadow Self Rising audio brings your insecurities to the surface and through the use of sounds and fields, drive you to accept and dissolve these insecurities. Although seemingly harsh at first, the fields safely guide you and allow you to take on that discomfort so that you may dissolve it and reach the optimal state of comfort with yourself. Unless we face this part of ourselves, we will not be able to move forward and this audio guides us to deal with it safely and transcend into a place of wholeness within us.

The Shadow Self Video is a shorter version of the Shadow Self audio and in video format. I created visuals to accompany the process of reemerging with the shadow self and becoming whole. This should make it easier for people who want a faster and very direct experience with the visualizations and fields. All you need to do is follow along and imagine the shadow self as yours. It is quite powerful.

You could also only listen and not follow the visuals if you’d like a shorter guided track version to the longer version. The fields are the same for both.

Note: Some of us imagine at different paces. But you might find it best to focus on only one insecurity at a time when posed to think about them.

The Self Loving Light audio is a much lighter version of the shadow self audio, in that you don’t have to face your insecurities anymore. You are brought to an extremely self accepting/loving state of being. This is mostly done through your heart chakra and then into your whole beingness. This works best if you have worked through the shadow self audio enough and learned to accept most if not all the negative parts of you. The other audio has some harshness to it and this audio is purely lighthearted and brings about a blissful feeling of self love within you.


So many amazing drops, def buying this one


These all look amazing!


Nice job Sammy! Not just two audio fields but also visual videos, beautiful!
Time to integrate the shadow self with the help of the Black Panther

Shadow integration is a process of bringing the hidden parts of the Self into consciousness . “Shadow” is a term coined by Carl Jung to describe the repressed or denied parts of the Self. It is a light metaphor for what many others have referred to as the unconscious.


Will this help feel worthy in life? Like actually feel you have a real purpose and can deliver

This sound like the inner child healing

i dont understand…if i buy this, will these 3 audios come shadow self rising, shadow self, self love or just the self love?

From the description that seems to be true - you buy this series and you get all the listed audios plus a video.


and the 3 audios are guided meditations or just morphic field audios?

From the description:


yes thanks but what it means hypnotic…meditation, just a field or what?

It means the audio is a guided meditation but in the background, are fields within the audio that create the intended changes within you. So it’s a mix of hypnosis which relaxes you into a deeper brainwave state to then make your subconscious more susceptible to change through affirmations and positive suggestions. Hypnosis is change through words.

Morphic fields are change through energy. The fields are energetically performing what is being suggested by the words during the guided meditation. So it is fields/words synchronized.


What happen to the self love track from energetic alchemy ? You guys replaced for those 2 new love fields ?

If I already have “Point of No Return”, “My Personal Mental and Emotional Support” and “The Crucible of Stored Trauma”, do you think I need these new hypnotic audios?

Last night I tried “Guided Journey: Unlock Full Potential” on YouTube and the truth is that it released a lot of tension and limiting beliefs that I thought had been overcome after a lot of personal work and the help of the audios that I indicated in the first paragraph, which leads me to think that these new hypnotic audios raise the dissolution and acceptance of my insecurities and limiting beliefs to a new level that is necessary and worth taking advantage of :thinking:


I do think they work differently. The crucible of stored trauma only works on our physical aspect, from what I’ve read so if you have physical trauma like an injury it releases that. My personal and mental supporter is good for helping you work through things, and it’s a mostly conscious, active process.

Point of no return seems like the only field to me that is similar, but not the same. So I’m not surprised you’re feeling like these new fields will benefit you a great deal as they do work differently, from different angles as well.


I can’t afford this right now, and it sounds perfect. Will it be available forever, so that I can save up? Lots of fields I would love to buy get taken down before I can afford them.
Please don’t shoot me down if this is a stupid question, but is there a reason why fields are removed that could really help people, who just don’t have the money available when they are first released?

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Yeah, it’s just different. While listening to most of our fields, change is mostly passive. The fields are in the background of a music track. They work on you while you just listen.

While listening to these hypnotic fields, change is more active. You are nudged to actually think about your insecurities. Nudged to consciously accept yourself. So while you do these things consciously, the fields work on you subconsciously.

It’s not that these new fields replace others. It’s just a more involved process that can lead to better results for some people. I do think some people need to be more involved/conscious in their self work.

Just listening to a field to make them love themself might not work as well as consciously accepting their insecurities and embracing and accepting all of themselves while fields are also doing this work for you. Of course, the passiveness works for others just fine.

I decided to make these audios in the first place because I personally believe that for many people who are stuck in certain patterns, they must consciously think certain thoughts, for those new thought patterns (of self love, or confidence in success) to actually take form in the brain. To actually become permanent and the norm. So I did this to try to make the conscious work a lot easier for some people.

This is the conscious work I always speak of. Of actually thinking thr kinds of thoughts you want to have. Of actually facing your limitations and insecurities instead of just believing you don’t have them.

The fields will not do all the work for you. It will envelop in you all the necessary energy and elements for you to love yourself. And often that is more than enough for some people.

But for many, the self love that is flowing in their body doesn’t automatically make them accept the nose that they hate. Doesn’t make them accept their weight and still love themself despite that. Doesn’t make them accept the nasal sound of their voice.

This something YOU have to do. So as long as you consciously still reject a part of you, whatever self love you experience will dissipate as that pattern of rejection returns.

So yeah, these hypnosis fields take you through the conscious process that should be done for permanent change to occur. Does this replace certain fields?

I think the question is, have the fields you have been using got you to where you want to be? If not, then maybe you should try this one as it takes you through the conscious process of elevating past your issues while emitting the proper fields to make the process easier and faster.

But truly, you don’t need to. You can listen to the fields you have and do this work consciously.

You can easily listen to energetic alchemy self love while looking at yourself in the mirror and face everything you reject about yourself. Do it consciously. Accept. Embrace. Love.


This will be my next purchase sammy, please keep uploading fields like these


@SammyG This is so great! The guided series look amazing.

I’m wondering if listening to the Shadow Self Rising audio, which would bring up insecurities, can we also use the Emotional Alchemy NFT alongside to really release all the discomfort / heavy emotions?


Absolutely. Combining this work with other such fields is recommended.