Self Reflection Thread

But then again, even after you heal trauma more will come

Is there a trauma free person?

At the end it seems to me like there is no meaning to anything, unless you give it to it. But im too lazy for that lol. Or traumatized rip.

Material goals are meaningless.
So then there is hope spiritual ones would give me meaning. But im not sure if thats a true assumption.

But thinking about it, the meaning is within the heart, not anywhere else outside of it to find. But rather awaken it, as it is already here all the time, just hidden when not potentializedā€¦

Heart gets activated mostly with love, so maybe meaning all along was love? Where can that be found? Is it in connections with others? If yes, then the meaning of life is to connect with others. Hmm.?..

But how can one do that that in this wicked world :woman_facepalming:
Maybe thats why cobbections are special. Because its not easy

So maybe the meaning is found between dualities like easy and hard. Between good and bad, between hated and loved. But how to identify it lol. What is in between.
Nothing, meaning i was right there is no meaning afterall. And because it is nowhere it means it also has to be everywhere lol. Otherwise it wouldnt exist. But it does, and thats where it is, it is nowhere. Lol so it means it has to be somehwere if its nowhere. Whhat the hell ahaha.


I have thoughts and answers as I was readingā€¦

there may not be a trauma-free person but there may be an energetically balanced person; meaning the energies of traumas etc are constantly being freed up by other more enlightened / positive / neutral energies.

Yes, and a potential that is not used is the worst.

Thatā€™s why it has to be activated. Well, one reason.


You have it there

Two things come to mind here,m

  1. the meaning (for me) is found beyond the dualities, a foreseeable step after the duality itself, and I think there is a step a after, and a final emergence of one

it may not be final, and it may be the highest I can conceptually reach at the moment.

  1. there was a day where a deity has brought the insight that: between a moment, and a moment, there is a space in-between. thesis the space in which everything happens. it can be applied to this line of thought where you wanna know what is between the dualities. for the beyond, it is held between less rigid vessels, so I donā€™t know if it is also applicable to it. perhaps, at the level where conceptual rigidity falls off, it can be accessible.

i realized the meaning is actually joy and laughter!

how could it not be!


I started to read through my old forum posts prepared to cringe, but what I found instead was acceptance and love :seedling: :heart: start from the root until you arrive at the heart~~ :blush: