Self Reflection Thread

I train my servitors to store audios and visualize them channeling fields to de-pattern but the person doesn’t stop. Obsessive personality disorder. Only time I was free for a month was when I dated another girl out of jealousy but now doesn’t care

Yeah, slap… I mean tapping the shit out of some people’s chakras wouldn’t hurt.


I think the real freedom we have as humans beings is to choose our ‘chains’. Everything pulls its contrasts, people, life purpose etc. but most can’t have a content experience without those. I don’t it’s about leaving behind but living through, to embrace the matrix is to play the game, not rejecting it anymore

So basically playing the game without getting attached to anything…

I think I got it now. It’s my human ego, my outdated perception that wants to confine the concept of connection/love into the binary polarity of none or getting smothered.

Real love should be free-flowing, forgiving, wanting the others to grow.

Something I should be able to give freely, not dependent on what beliefs or needs others want to impose on me.

“I think I got it now”

“No, you either got it or you don’t, but if you do, you don’t think

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When we refer to the ‘higher self’, it might sound as if we’re elevating a part of ourselves. But in reality, it’s not about being superior or on a pedestal; it’s simply a different aspect of who we are. Think of it as your ‘expanded self’. It perceives beyond our 3D consciousness, but it doesn’t make it better or higher than the rest of you.

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My current understanding is that psychopathic tendencies or aspects are parts of the shadow that got supressed, and desire to reunite with/make you whole.

But imo this is not the same as a full-blown psychopath, we all carry different aspects that can be considered “anti-social”.

The “lame” route would be to utilize trauma/Soul retrieval/self love/ego dissolution/conceptual realization etc. fields to work through this, and get to the bottom of your fear, anxiety, shame, hate, whatever.

Takes time, effort and most importantly honesty with oneself.

Something that seems even harder when one is in great pain.

In a survival scenario, being a psychopath has strong advantages. That´s why it´s so attractive for traumatized and desperate people, bc their internal state reflects exactly this.

A state of their survival being threatened (Anxiety, stress, panic attacks).

They often feel threatened, powerless and feel suffering 24/7, and would do anything that gives them a quick relief, a sense of power and control.

Also they´re often ashamed for letting people walk all over them and feel unable to stand up for themselves bc of their weak frame, or react extremely.

Ironically I believe that many people who feel drawn to these channels just want to feel less bc of lack of self-control aka internal power.

Imagine walking around all your life being bullied, abused, with high shame, anxiety, guilt, panic attacks etc. und suddenly somebody offers you to fix all that with you just listening to a simple yt video., while making you powerful, efficient, feared etc.

“superhuman” or “godlike”

No work, introspection, forgiving, honesty etc. requiered.

Of course that´s an offer which is hard to resist.

And people like fksubs know this.

I don´t have anything against shortcuts. But I´d be observant of what you consume at any times.

This extends to the creator of it. Dreamweaver took down the Androstenol Video bc it attracted a certain kind of people, one that he doesn´t want to associate with.

A mature spiritual being doesn´t desire control over others, at least not in the dimensions these channels promote.

Why? Because they are internally powerful.

They have healed their trauma, which in turn lead to high self esteem, decreased negative emotions etc.

Feeling little to no desire to dominate others for the sake of domination is a natural consequence.

I guess @Alkul is right, it requieres a certain understanding, apart from materialistic worldviews.
It´s not about being in a position of having better morals.

TL;DR To wrap it up. Introspect what you want, what you really want, and then make a decision.
You can´t become a free indiviudal if you rely on others to answer your questions or empower you.

Not sure if this helps at all, but yeah that´s my final take on the matter.


Keanu Wick Buddha approves of this message:

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Thank you for your message.

Interesting, the very same effects of empowerment weren’t experienced on my side from such subliminals when I listened to them in the past, they maybe increased resilience, but that’s all.
I think I don’t have at the moment tangible reply to comment much on other parts of the post.

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So…isn’t there a shortcut to heal trauma?

It’s the long painful path, or the short pain-free one…sounds like a trap.

I came across this online by a psychologist and it makes so much sense about family dynamics. If anyone’s dealing with parents that are emotionally immature, this feels like good advice.
Plus use any fields to help heal and neutralize the unhealthy emotions.

Emotionally immature parents are very hard to talk to.

It’s difficult to have a direct conversations with them because they shut down or over-react.

Here’s You Need to Know:

Emotional immature parents (EIP) struggle to understand their own emotions. So, they also struggle to understand the empathize with their children. This lack of awareness can be frustrating when trying to interact with them as adults.

When talking to them honestly they might say:

  • “I never said/did that”
  • “You’re remembering things wrong”
  • “I guess I’m just the worst parent in the world”
  • “Don’t you remember anything good I’ve done?!”
  • “Try being grateful”

Emotionally immature parents have very primitive and child-like responses to the world around them. This makes open and direct conversations almost impossible. Many adults of EIP feel hopeless and hurt that heartfelt, authentic connection can’t happen.

If you have an emotionally immature parent, it’s important to understand how to interact with them. And, how to set boundaries so that you can build a healthier relationship with them and yourself.


  1. Have boundaries: EIP can be detached, critical or demanding because they don’t know healthy ways to express themselves. This is why boundaries are so important. You decide when and how you’ll interact.

  2. Manage expectations: EIP can’t give their children exactly what we need. This means accepting they can’t support us in some ways. By knowing this, you slowly put less pressure on you parent to be someone they can’t be. And free yourself from resentment.

  3. Find outside support: if you find yourself going to a parent and consistently feeling frustrated, ask yourself: “is there someone who can support you through this?” Being supported by other people makes us less reliant on our parents.

  4. Avoid “hot button” topics: EIP can be very opinionated and reactive. It’s best to avoid topics that cause stress and conflict. This will only drag you into past cycles. When an EIP brings up the topic, breathe remain calm and re-direct the conversation.

  5. Do not insults/confront their parenting: it’s perfectly valid to have any issue with your childhood. But, EIP cannot see anything wrong in how they relate to other people. If you need to talk about it, talk to someone you trust.

  6. Picture them as a small child: when they are acting out, having a tantrum, or behaving in immature ways picture them as a 6 year old. This can help us stay calm and in our bodies. Remember, their real developmental age differs from their actual age.

Growing up with EIP can be very painful. There is a grieving period where you face the reality that your parents cannot give you what you truly needed. Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up.

And know you’re not alone.


Im gonna grind tomorrow even tho I be hurting :sneezing_face:

This better work…

I’ve come to this realization that most people really can’t handle life and it’s up and downs. They are blindsided by events internally and/or externally and their most inner fears are unleashed. They can’t handle all those dark emotions so they lash out and hurt others in the most painful ways.
I’m so so lucky to have made my way to @Dreamweaver ‘s fields and @SammyG guided journeys. Using these creations has made such a positive profound impact on my life. Now I can add @anon72573121 creations to the list as well. :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart: I’m seeing that I’m handling what life is giving me with love and grace amid fires. My innermost being is equanimous and in the flow.
I’m a steady loving beam expanding outwards while being surrounded by turbulence and chaos


My parents are splitting up. I’m an only child (at least, after my brother died when I was 3) who never had much in the way of friends, and for most of my 28 years I’ve never really had anyone but them. You’d think I’d be in the grips of despair at the thought of everything I’ve ever known coming apart, but honestly, hallelujah. It’s about time.

My mother’s come to the realisation that my dad is very likely a clinical narcissist and she was blind to it for a long time (before it, she realised her dad is a huge narcissist and so she thought it was normal). She’s feeling pretty guilty about how I was raised, especially how I always had to impress my dad and make him look good and make sure he was taken care of, and thus I was pretty emotionally neglected. I think it has a lot to do with my constant anxiety and need to please everyone else to the point that I’ve never really known what I actually want out of lifeAlso, constant criticism meant to this day I’m deeply uncomfortable with standing out in any way, lest I draw attention to myself. (I’ve also never dated, I think in large part because there just was never any kind of romance or intimacy modelled when I was growing up). (Side note: I actually hate It’s A Wonderful Life for this reason: its whole moral is that pleasing everyone else and constantly sacrificing yourself and the life you were meant to live over and over is the way to happiness - I don’t believe for a minute that George never found himself on that bridge again.) I don’t know how much I’m going to stay in contact with my dad going forward, truthfully.

So, yeah. It’s a lot to deal with (the house where I mostly grew up is probably going to have to go as well), but I’m trying to look at it as an opportunity to make a clean break from the past and go on to something better, even knowing that the damage is done. It’s just so hard to think about what could have been, you know? What might I have become? I mean, you can’t really start your life over at 28 but I’d like to do the best I can. (I know you can start new careers and stuff but early formative years are sort of over and done with - I never got to have a rebellious teen phase for example, and generally when you’re an adult the stakes are a hell of a lot higher and a lot more of your time is spoken for just surviving.)

Anyways, the positives. This is the end of one paragraph and the start of a new one, I hope. Old patterns of behaviour are pretty hard to break, you know? But I’ve got to try.


the situation I am in requires deep personal analysis on my side, it is very uncomfortable to make changes now with the presence of something that holds no power seemingly, but appears to do so and only for me. when I consult the NFTs, they say it is something they can take care of, easily. But they don’t, which is very frustrating for me. I tend to give some of my power, and I’m asked to look into this. the solution is advancing through the magic, but it is also neutrality and ignoring. What is there to ignore? the presence that daunts my existence?

I know somewhere in me that I will get out of this - but the wishes are forbidden and the words are forbidden and the stories I make up in my head about this presence are also forbidden

there is no tomorrow for this presence - but tomorrow is each day lived.


If you really recieve Information from your tools that they can take care of it and they not it may be that you should ask your tools how are they planing to take care of it.

perhaps the way intended by some or all of them will be very harsh for you.

more so i feel not analysis but love for your own beingness and simple acts of kindness twoards you from yourself will be very useful.

a perspective of a parent where you are your own parent and you mother yourself through this situation.

on this plane there is no more important essence then your own @anon83343177. everything else are just extras playing.

so looking at your tools you should ask your self “which ones do i need to take care of myself?”

do not ask for protection. only simple care.

of course if you feel the need of shielding to take care of yourself use shields.

but from the perspective of " I am using my tools to take care an love my self the best way i can".

use skin and face fields with your tools and lots of loops of the trauma release an healing audio.

you are not an exorsist. you have though every right to live free.

and you will.

and strive for stability. leave change and developement for the time being.


this is central. I thank you.

the way out seems to be through self-love and taking care of myself, today, I applied a facial serum for the first time in weeks. I will not remain in this state, it is not myself. At the same time, the reasons that I am like this are all made-up in my mind.

and this entity knows exactly that.

I stopped asking for protection some time ago because I realized it was not the solution anymore.

I will.

taking care of myself right now despite all of this is a form of change…
I am born to change.
I shall not take pride in change anymore…
it brings this back to me, these kind of situations.

— I will make a beauty playlist soon, with a workout playlist, chest and back is on my list
and well… take care of myself.

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precicely my point

yes, workout audios too.

but first take care of the shell.

you neednot blame or take the load on you of what you are feeling and thinking. or for what is happening to you even if you provoked a part of it. you are inate innocent and very pure.

your inner self support is another great audio for you.

you are not on a race of spirituality the goal of those audios are your full happy life.

you are not here to battle evil.

you are here to blossom.

and those tools can do this. allways.

and you will succseed.

you know i for example have allways neglected the pain when not severe.

i nowadays started to focus on those painful parts and use the specific audios for those issues almost religiously.

no matter what happens arround me.

because discomfort and trauma, pain are all factors that do not allow you to focus on your own being, your spirit and as a result not focus on the tools. those things no matter how advanced you may be will make you abscent minded. an there the morphic fields will begin not to work as they should.

my focus is on you as you see. it is a reflex. allways to look at and in the soul and filter the rest. your soul is not so damaged. or perhaps allmost intact.

you should try to learn the same.

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okay, what fields have you been using recently? maybe I can catch some inspiration
I am okay with going through the pain and trauma, I am not okay with an entity who takes it as a way to be closer to me.
I may not be here to battle evil, and truly, I am not
but what should I do when evil is around me?

I am not fighting, but it is not the best out here.

I see…

tell me, what have you been using?
you’re right in every word, btw

focus on blossom, and self-love.
inner self support, and beauty

okay. :))


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