Self Reflection Thread

Why don’t you give it a try?

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I suppose one of the bad things is the risk of loving someone who is only there to use you.



This is a risk worth taking.



What an interesting delete after posting convo you guys have going on :joy: #yepphilipisback


But momm ! He started it


I forgot to share, new year’s eve, last bottle of champagne after a great evening. Earlier a girl decided to make a move on me, then I was partying with some friends and we had the “happy new year” on the forum. Lots of positivity.

Past 1am all of a sudden, a friend start talking about insane stuff people believe on facebook. Then my other friend points at me and say “Philip is one of them”.
"What ? "
“The music on youtube…”
“Hmm ?”
He pulled out his phone start reading the videos, everybody jumped on the bandwagon.

"check this out, there are videos to connect with aliens :joy: "
“yesss, Philip believes in that stuff for real😆”
“Dragons… angels… Hehehehe”

Then it becomes serious, I “need psychiatric help”, they worry about me. I’m wrong, I’m messed up.
I didn’t even try to explain, poker face till the end. After that I expedited the closing sequence of the evening.

Weird feeling, we’re all crazy and need psychiatric help. Sapien med’s stuff really triggers people, they can’t leave it alone. They need to explain how crazy it is.

Edit: I stopped telling people about sapien a while ago, because of the backlash. The ones who remember fixate on it.


yeah i was acquainted with similar people. it gets better my friend!

i am now aligned with those i know that have my back and if we have differences we are willing to know more about each others’ points of view.

some of us collectively are not ready to broaden what we know and what we experience. in my opinion, the more i know, the more i feel responsible to choose love and wisdom.


In those situations, Knight mindset field might help.


It’s ok, I got it. It’s just funny, they are missing out and they don’t understand. Nothing you can do in that situation, they think they are being nice.
You shouldn’t take it too bad, but you shouldn’t throw Sapien under the bus just either.
Probably happened or will happen to everyone here. It’s part of the experience.


Wait how did they even come to know of it?

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@dewbob1998 When I met Sapien I was so excited, I had to share with people. When people complained, I’d be like “it’s no big deal, listen to that and it’s done. It really work, just try for a few days”.

Edit: Lol, I was so into it, I had a job as a tutor for finance master students, I had a student struggling to understand. I told her to listen to cognitive enhancement. That was weird.

Why would it backfire ? :joy:
If you have a solution to people’s problem, the right thing to do is share… or so I thought.
Otherwise I’d feel guilty, but I learned they don’t even want it. It was a long time ago


Bro is there any technique or field to get out of your head? I’m talking, when you’re so self conscious that you’re aware of everything that is going on in your body. How do you get rid of this on command?

“Stop thinking about it” doesn’t work because that only does the opposite.


No idea

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Your talking about ego death? Sounds similar


That’s basically the only problem holding me back. And a lot of other people I would assume.

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Well not necessarily ego death. But getting to that “state”. That state where everything is automatic. Where you’re doing the things you want but they’re unconscious at the same time. And time just flies by.

This will literally help with everything. Studies, exercising, social skills.

Ironically we get into this state everyday with all our mundane tasks. Walking, eating, drinking water, etc. But how to get back when we’re pulled out of the state?


Gosh this is so true, I can relate to it :100:


@Dr_Manhattan and @anon17734191,

Okay I’ll start a bit of a brainstorm. The key to entering that unconscious state is paradoxically to make yourself hyperaware of the present. Having an intense concentration on what is happening right this moment that the past and future become non existent. What do you guys think?


Very, very true. I’ve experienced already something of that kind. One example is: I came across a post on Instagram from a girl whose dog was ill. She was asking for monetary help because she was not able to finance all that the vet required with exams and all. I made a donation and sent a pm to her talking about “animal regeneration field” just saying try this, this will help your loved pet. All you have to do is play it near them. After a while I asked if it helped and could notice right away that she didn’t even given it a legit chance. By the excuses she gave. People sometimes simply don’t accept a simple solution to their problems indeed. Their ego is too tied up to the problem by even it becoming part of their identity.

In this case it touched me because animals are close to my heart dearly. In other cases as well, of course.