Semen retention

I knows its been discussed before on this forum but would love to hear more persepectives on this and Maybe even @Dreamweaver if he isnt too busy :grin::heart:

Was just wondering if its worth it and what has your guys experiences been on this, im still on the fence

On one hand every time ive gone on a massive streak every thing comes to me seamlessly and the universe just works in my favour, lots of energy and attraction etc.

On the other hand its extremely lonely and its hard to keep this energy as a young male

Thoughts and opnions guys? always love learning from you all :heart::nerd_face:


Good but not good to obsess over it.


100% this streak I donā€™t even know how many days I believe coming up to 3 months and I never counted in the early days of it either itā€™s more natural and this is the best way to do it

With fields itā€™s so much more powerful and also using drugs or alcohol should be fully avoided as Iā€™ve found these are detrimental along the journey as well.

Also keep the thoughts of lust away from your mind thereā€™s no point if your going to focus on sex all day and keep thinking ā€˜no I canā€™t I have to keep my streak goingā€™ several times a day. Remove all social mediaā€™s and just watch good content on YouTube or Netflix that are long videos to help repair the ā€˜TikTok brainā€™ and help repair the damage from porn. Also vibration raisers if used right will help remove a lot of lust.

All round just let it flow and happen naturally and enjoy the benefits and if you meet a lady who is 10/10 in all ways donā€™t think ā€˜no this will ruin my streakā€™ unless you want to be a monk for the rest of your life. An pick up some new hobbies let the energies flow else where and enjoy the journey


100% this. 1-2 week streaks you are head of the curve. Itā€™s good to go a month sometimes.


Thereā€™s your answer. Add in some creativity and find the work-arounds. Do something new. Do you really have to be lonely? Is it an either/or?

Donā€™t fall into dogma. I would say itā€™s also not a streak if itā€™s just your natural state of being, which is the best way to do it. You donā€™t consider just being alive to be a streak, itā€™s just life. I think thatā€™s the best way to do SR, itā€™s just your natural state. As always, cycle, ground and expand!


If you know about sapien medicine.its a cheat code.if itā€™s your personal choice to retain.if you donā€™t like to ejaculate you can learn how to orgasm without ejaculation aka multiorgasmic man.i can say for a particular time define a goal complete it then new goal itā€™s called self development.and with these audios you can accelerate this process upto 100x and even more.there are wide variety of topics covered here.and one last thing both materiastic and spirituality are essential these should be advanced parallel to each other.and in Hinduism there are four purusharth that are arth,kama,moksha, kama does not only refers to sex but of any desire.thank you

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Iā€™ve been practicing retaining for a while and do notice more energy and mental clarity as the days go by, it is most noticeable when breaking a streak as I donā€™t see that much energy and clarity.

If you have not read it, Cupidā€™s Poison Arrow explores this theme from different perspectives and also goes deep on the neurological effects of orgasm and its potential disadvantages. It also gives another alternative for sex other than Multi Orgasm (as orgasm itself is portrayed as undesirable if not for reproductive purposes). It proposes Karezza, very gentle sex based on emotional bonding and Oxytocin, while Orgasm based sex is more Dopamine based, like heroine or crack and such drugs.


12x days currently. What fields do you use to enhance your streaks guys?

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Three treasures , ojas , tejas , soul series, transmutation and microcosmic


I would like to get Tejas but I will never be able to buy it.

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Because of the amount. I donā€™t live in US, Canada neither Europe.

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I went from poor to rich with these tools, anything is possible my friend


SR was discussed in todayā€™s webinar.


Dang! i missed that part lol, care to share some of the points my friendo?

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I donā€™t remember everything but both Sammy and Captain seem to be of the opinion that SR is hard because men are sexual beings, we were made to reproduce and Sammy said even if we donā€™t ejaculate for a while the body will find a way, release in the night.

Also Sammy gave a good tip on the principle of sigil magic if you really want to release use it to achieve a goal like imagining being confident or anything you want to have at the time of release.

Hope I didnā€™t distort what they both said, somebody can correct or add.


To a degree. Fields help, but they can never mitigate excessive ejaculation completely. Same with the rest of your lifestyle. You get what you put in

Im general though the key @Mouldytea is to enjoy your life and donā€™t give much thought to it beyond preventing excess which for most people is every 7-10 days

Cultivation is also important, building the energy as well as circulating it


What I think dream fields are very powerful should be clear about your goal and the what audio will intensify the process,how much to use,when to can replace 95% of the work and you have to do 5%.lets say he is a masturbation and sex addict.he should listen to soul restoration audios with sacral chakra audio.even if he masturbating 2-3 times per day.lets compare this scenario after 30days masturbator with sapien audio will be ahead of even 6months long streak.i myself had more than 6months streaks multiple times and many 90days streak so I am eligible to answer this.

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I am more motivated, stronger and more charismatic every time I practice SR. On longer ā€œstreaksā€ I even get luckier and have more prophetic drems.


it can be difficult depending on your lifestyle

You will benefit by chanelling that built up energy into something creative

When we are young its less important to do nofap. It helped me to take the pressure off maintaing the streak. if the moment calls to end it, i end it, then move on with my day.

porn is the main culprit that should be limited