Semen retention

I don’t know if this is the right thing to do. I am currently about 4 months without ejaculation and orgasm, even though I have sex with a girl. Sometimes I also do the edges but I don’t release the seeds.

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As Gamiro mentioned, you shouldn’t obsess over it.

Furthermore, it can be daunting to look for Yes or No answer.
In my current understanding, you should view this sexual drive on this sphere discussion, as potential energy. With you being both the governing and its circuit layout.

Sexual drive is powerful forces that reside within. Not only that, it is a powerful POTENTIAL energy after all. What I can suggest, is to consider what kind of CIRCUIT one intend to channel its potential energy.

Will you lay out a circuit of spiritual evolution or a boost of manifestation?
Is it a life long dream goal or performance of duties?
Intended for creative output or calculative excellence?

Some goes deep such as mental reformation, rewiring their meta-frame thinking and subconscious.
Some goes for Tapasya, burning karma and fast tracking their spiritual growth.

I am not against Semen Retention neither social moral police.
It just that, I am not advocate of doing thing without a purpose.

One can fix all the dopamine receptors issues, and refuel the lost energy with amazing fields from Dream anytime or how many times he wanted. Its not my domain to comment. It is fully your right to do what you want with the complex karmic structure and intertwining web of biochemical process you possess, because in the end, you get the output of your choice.

Yet, SR or not, you want to ask yourself in full clarity of what are you wanting to accomplish really?
You are not a robot, but that being of Sovereignty.

Ultimately, you come and descend here as human with purpose, you are important, not to mindlessly living life reacting to biological impulses. The decision to acknowledge this or not, is fully yours.

Ultimately, it is The Will of Your Sovereignty.

Anyway, that’s my personal 2 cents ~


Beautifully said… One problem I have with many SR is that some people become obsessive and borderline religious about it. It gets to the point where some men sort of shame their sexual energy… and repress it. Trust me… you don’t want to do that. When you repress your sexual energy, you distort yourself emotionally and imbalance yourself within. Frustration can begin to spill into other parts of your life.

As one of you mentioned, porn is the real issue. It distorts our perception of ourselves, of sex and hijacks our dopamine reward system. It gets addictive. Masturbation/ejaculation is not evil. Being sexual is not evil. It’s not wrong. It’s a lovely thing and embracing and becoming comftorable with that part of yourself, is essential to becoming whole and realizing your full sexual potential.

All that said, I think semen retention is great. I technically practice it as I only ejaculate when I’m getting it in. But even then, every now and then once every 2 months or so, I’ll indulge myself too. Cause why not? I’m my best friend.

But yeah, there will often be times where I have too much build up and I take those moments as opportunities. I can exercise or do extensive spiritual exercises while playing a field for a certain goal I have and focus on sexual energy at the same time. That is me exerting/releasing that energy into my goals and also grounding my vitality.

Too much energy is not good. Something SR leads to excess and excess can agitate energy centers and so forth. So please make sure you exert that energy in different ways. Or even focus all that energy into a creative task like writing a song and whatnot. Heck, even dancing is great!

And yes, as one of you mentioned, if you do find yourself to be overly ‘full’ so to speak… you can take adantage by doing a lil personal ritual… where you listen to a field alligned with a certain goal, and then imagine having succeeded and acheiving that goal with full belief and confidence, and masturbate and direct that sexual energy to that thought. Yes, you can work yourself up at first with some pictures just to get yourself going to set it off. It really won’t be difficult to get off since you’ve literally held on for such a long time.

But by doing this, in the ejaculation, you create an extremely strong imprint with the field you were listening to and the goal you have. Sexual energy is very dense and is pure manifestation energy. So your ejaculation will go into creating the future you want if you choose to do this.

Now one last tip I’d have to share is… I think every single SR practicer in the world should read this book and follow the practices :

If anything, it should be the SR bible because it literally teaches you how to still be a sexual being while practicing SR. You can have multiple orgasms without ejaculating and also transmute that sexual energy in a healthy way that balances you and gives you all those awesome benefits you hear about. There is also a lot of sexual confidence that will comes from being able to last as long as you want during sex if you are able to master the practices. So I’d highly recommend that to anyone serious about SR.


If we can have a field that can automate the Qigong Process described by Mantak Chia to become Multi-Orgasmic then that would be Super awesome. I suppose this field will be similar to the field that automates the Ashtanga Yoga practice.

Another advantage of being Multi-Orgasmic is that it allows a man to Delay his Ejaculation and Increase the timing and Stamina of his sexual performance by gaining the ability to have Multiple Dry Orgasms without losing his semen, something which only a very few Males are able to do.

This allows his female partner to experience pure happiness, bliss and joy from their time together.


Completely agree, the “restrictive behaviour” aspect during SR is to convey change in behaviour and foster some degree of “psychological discipline” aspect which is intended for taking back energy and control to one own self. Eventually, it can be sublime into realizing one’s own Inner Soverignty.

But, the “restrictive behaviour” were taken apart solely, and molded into …

Unfortunately, most are not connected to their Innate Sovereignty. Its tricky for some as one tend to think black and white, just like a spectrum, one either “follow biological impulses reaction” or “extreme societal projections”, some in the middle.

I personally view it that we can look and transcend the spectrum totally.

If previous spectrum is vibrating at “Struggle”, the struggle to retain semen for the sake of it.
This newly transcended spectrum vibrate at “Wisdom/Knowing”, that the wisdom/knowing retained energy can be exerted for intended purpose.

Left would be using seminal discharge for begetting progeny. Far-left being practicing Tantra advanced panca Ma.
Right would be diminishing seminal discharge for endeavor of creativity, artist, athlete, etc.
Far-right being hardcore practice for Brahmacharya, seek medha nadhi 12 years.

I think this is why “Think Big Grow Rich” talk length of manifestation and only left a little part of transmutation and semen retention at the end. Which lead us to below.

Wholly agree.

Lord Rama in the epics demonstrated that he didn’t perform Semen Retention/Brahmacharya by psycho-hypnotizing himself or forcefully holding urges.

The Lord gave example by connecting the Innate Sovereignty through Yama, Nyama, Tapasya and Astanga. By doing so, it terminated the urge, freeing the energy from thoughts competing against others, transmuted into that of sublime substance.

In order to fulfill the purpose, that of The Divine.

My final note is that this is not definitive by any means. There are many approaches one can take to transcending the spectrum and I’m sure many have been discussed on the forum already.

If this helps at least one person, then I consider it a success :slight_smile:


We have them

As all internal kung fu develops this capacity

So any Taoist field/nft is going to help. That being said, ones that emphasise the orbit will likely bear more fruit

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We have General Full Body Stem Cell Healing fields and then we have Targeted Smart Stem Cell fields which work on Specific Organs or Organ Systems. In case we want to work with specific organ systems, the Targeted Smart Stem Cell fields like Skin Healing and Repair would work much better and much Faster.

The Taoist fields you spoke of are like these General Stem Cell Healing Fields, that were fundamentally designed for Cultivation only and Sexual wellness , Timing and Stamina is simply an indirect BY-PRODUCT of these fields, not the primary intended purpose.

As per Taoist/Daoist literature (that I read on thedaobums esoteric forum) the main Reason for Quick ejaculation by Men during Sexual Activity is Weak Kegel Muscles, Weak Nerves And Excess Concentration of the entire Orgasmic Sexual Energy on the Male sexual organ.

If the strength of Men’s Kegel Muscles can be dramatically increased by increasing the Blood Supply to Kegel Muscles, Increasing Nutrients supply and absorption by Kegel Muscles cells and fibres and by using Automated Kegel Exercises and Most Importantly , If the Excess Orgasmic Sexual Energy accumulating over the Male sex organ (while engaging in sexual activity) can be Re-Distributed All Over the Male Body via Automated Acupuncture, Qigong and Breathing , then this would allow the Men to experience plenty of Full Body Dry Orgasms without ejaculating their Semen which in turn would tremendously Boost their Sexual Timing, stamina and performance and the Happiness and Bliss of their Female Partners :muscle:


I hear you, something more targeted. If that’s the case Mantak Chias work isn’t the pinnacle to work from. Even with something more targeted, laying a foundation within the energy body, not even sexually focussed, can produce earth shattering results (speaking from experience) and should not be skipped, rushed or overlooked. Hence my original comment. It is the groove you create in the energy body that allows the energy to follow and allows the more specific sexual kung fu to work with more control and precision

I definitely agree with a build up of energy being a big problem re timing. Not so much re weak pelvic floor muscles. Too much tension here is by far the biggest culprit for most men. Relaxing that entire space, surrendering it to the void/shiva… over riding / reconditioning contraction of the pelvic floor is where the magic lies.

Wholeheartedly agree with bringing ecstatic bliss to our woman! more more more


Semen retention is a very helpful practice, in every way, physically, mentally and spiritually. When you practice semen retention it is as if you were a human being functioning at your maximum capacity and you feel a general balance but of course you must combine it with other habits and a healthy lifestyle. You won’t see many benefits from doing SR if you have a poor diet or consume harmful substances. In the same way, practicing SR does not help much if you do it out of obligation or as if it were a sacrifice, if you have unsatisfied sexual desires and you repress that energy, that will only bring you energetic and physical blockages and other problems as other people have already mentioned. You must do it voluntarily, as a decision you have made for your own good.

As for my experience, SR has helped me alleviate 2 things that I had not found a solution for for a long time and they are adrenal fatigue and OCD. It is not a complete cure for these conditions but the improvement is very noticeable.

All the other benefits that relate to SR are true, I am not going to detail everything because there are many but I can affirm that they are true, and perhaps suggestion has a role in the results obtained but it does not matter, the important thing is that you have the results, from the physical to the spiritual, but as I said before you need to have your lifestyle in order.

I take the opportunity, that there are many people who practice SR in this thread, to ask something about my only problem with this practice and they are wet dreams or nocturnal ejaculation, how do you solve or avoid this? Especially after 2 months, I haven’t been able to last longer without releasing semen when sleeping at least once, sometimes it’s from erotic dreams and other times not, I don’t even remember having dreamed anything. Although is something that dont affects too much, but it is something a little demoralizing when you have a long streak. I would just like to experience what it would feel like to achieve a streak of 1 year without interruptions.

In short, SR, even if you don’t follow it very strictly, still gives you benefits in the short and long term, if we compare it with the average man who ejaculate almost every day, more than 300 times a year, while an average SR practitioner who only ejaculate 30 times a year (at most), for example. It is a massive difference and it shows from the outside.


But what if one loss prenatal jing since early pre adolence to now ? Prenatal literaly determine and control your growth ,most of the hardgainer or skinny peoeple in ah bone level mostly waste alot of prenatal jing

There are fields for prenatal aspect like Sapien’s Negentropic Jing, PU’s Godlike Jing. What is the point of this question mate?

You have to practice being aware in dreams. It also really helps to have the resolve at all times to retain. When you do that, approaching any kind of ejaculatory orgasm is obvious and immediately you know something is wrong. It also helps to practice non-ejaculatory orgasm, or at least stopping an ejaculation from happening. I’ve literally jumped out of bed, clenched my muscles and held on until the feeling passes.

In practice, an ejaculatory orgasm becomes disappointing. There are much more fulfilling ways to use the energy, and also better ways to feel that energy sexually. It’s totally underwhelming, even if it feels “good” for a little while. I think the mindset you develop stops the parasites from their ability to feed undetected.


Sure, we can maybe do something like this and even I’d be interested in using it but… you still got to do the kegels. Still got to do these practices. A big part of these exercises is being able to control your sexual energy with your awareness. A field is not going to do that for you. There is a level of mental disicipline you can only get from consistent practice to be able to succeed with this.

I’m going to be very honest, it took me like 3 years of practice to be able to master the practices from the book and becoming multi orgasmic. It’s not… easy.

I think I could have succeeded far earlier if I was more consistent. I wasn’t as consistent and sexual energy woudl always just pull me in and I could just not tame the beast. I would give up for a month then go back to it… and so on. It was pretty frustrating. I was also using the kegel field that we have in gumroad, jing, automated micocosmic orbit which pretty much do everything you are speaking about.

But yeah, I’m sorry but fields will not be able to automate this process for anyone. Fields can help for sure but you can’t skip the work here.

Beautifully said. And yeah, something really cool about mastering this, is that you actually inadvertenly begin to learn how to tame the flow of energy in your body… whether it be chi or jing. And something random but quite often, we get these sexual surges in our body and we can direct that sexual energy in our body and jsut get a body orgasm during the day… in the heart chakra and boost joy or in the brain and boost brain activity.

It’s pretty awesome and I’ve been revisiting these kinds of taoist practices as there is a lot more for me to master and I’ve certainly had so much success with energy control/cultivation with taoist practices.

:100: :100: :100:

Don’t really know honestly. Sometimes it really is just your body releasing. It really needs to do that sometimes as I’ve had many moments where my body is practically begging to just release all the build up.

And yeah, there are parasites and whatnot that tend to take advantage but honeslty, you really can’t avoid that completely. Matter consumes matter. You’d be terrified of how much of you is being consumed by life itself in many different ways. It’s just the way of nature.

That being said, I also find it pretty annoying when it happens. For one… it’s a horrible mess to wake up to. Two… I could have used that energy for far more useful things. Could have at least directed that energy towards my goals/willpower.

But as @Niezdeyhyuke said, becoming more aware in your dreams can be a solution. Writing a journal every morning of what you just dreamed will increase dream awareness and recall and help you not fall into the traps. That said… I don’t do that lol. Something I wish I did more often but don’t do at all. I just tend to wake up and don’t feel like writing or doing anything lol.

Also random thing… another reason why I recommend either going full on with kegeling or doing multi orgasmic practices is that… guys who tend to practice SR, have trouble lasting any longer than 2 or 3 minutes in bed. Even after the 1st round, the urge to ejaculate will be extremely overpowering. With all that build up and also lack of sexual engagement or practice, you’re just not training yourself to cultivate/control the flow of sexual energy. As soon as you engage sexually, you will be pulled in by the force and have no control over it.

That’s why I recommend these sorts of practices. SR is great and I’m glad you guys practice it. But I also think it’s important to become more in tune with your sexual energy as well otherwise, your discipline will go out the window the moment you’re in the bedroom.


Thanks for the Mantak Chia book recommendation, Sammy. I’ve had it for a while and have been meaning to read it but haven’t got around to it. I am starting it today.


Let me know if you ever have any questions as you go through the process. I’m here for you guys. This is all something I wish was more… mainstream. It’s one of the greatest things you can master as a man. Will take it a bit of patience and discipline but it’s worth it. In fact, the other day I was reading the amazon reviews for the book and yo… check this out.

I am now several months into my Tao sexual practice. In the beginning I read the book and tried the exercises. I tried really hard to follow directions. The book has excellent descriptions but no matter how well these practices are explained, it is difficult to do without consulting a Tao master. As a result of not seeking help, I spent a lot of time with trial and error. In the beginning I tried too hard. I was bound and determined to see if this book would help with my ED issues. What I have found over time is that it is not something that will happen quickly. It takes time to build muscle strength in the right places and the book is a tremendous resource to guide the reader through this process. I am just over 60 years young and I wish I had discovered this book when I was in my twenties because I have missed out on almost a whole life of sexual bliss. This book has completely turned my sexual life around just when I was becoming adjusted to the prospect of decreasing sexual function as I age. The sex that I had with my wife this morning would not have been possible before reading this book. I thought, in the beginning of my practice, that I would never arrive at the point of having multiple orgasms regularly but that has all changed. I can now keep orgasms coming continually until I run out of time for sex. That was something that I didn’t think possible even as I was reading about it in the book. My best advice to anyone reading this book is to have patience. Practice a lot but try to avoid pain. It takes a lot of time to figure what muscles are involved and what motions cause these multiple orgasms to occur. It is especially difficult to train yourself not to go too far and ejaculate. Once you get that under control, mastery is close. My last piece of advice is that the results will be much faster if you practice a lot solo. My wife can’t believe the difference between pre and post Tao sexual practice. It has changed my life for the good and given me a whole new outlook. Finally, don’t take yourself too seriously and above all, have fun because that is what this practice should produce - a level of excitement that is difficult to match any other way. Best wishes for you in your practice.

Added 10/25/20
After about 2 1/2 years of my Taoism practice I have said multiple times - it can’t get any better than this…and then it does get better. I have purchased several of Mantak Chia’s booklets in electronic format and have been studying carefully. This booklet really helped me as stated above. I have gotten so good at moving chi that I can now, by touch, move Chi into my wife. In Taoism there is a whole practice in using chi energy for healing. My wife is recovering from paralysis in her left hand and sometimes she experiences extreme pain. When I place my hand on her wrist and concentrate on moving energy to my hand, within about 20 minutes her pain level goes from 10 down to about 2, then she is able to fall to sleep. Not only can she feel the energy in her fingers, the pads of her fingers are now able to feel touch sensation again…basically gradually feeling is coming back.

Prior to starting my Taoism practice I had an enlarged prostate and was constantly having to go and urinate. I bought the booklet on prostate health and began practicing the procedures described. The almost constant urge to urinate has decreased a lot. I haven’t been back to the doctor to have the prostate checked again but I suspect it is getting back to normal size.

I have included the information above because it might be useful to you to check out the many titles available by this author. I am just beginning my study of Tai Chi Chi Kung and Tia Chi is now taking on a whole new dimension to me. His series of booklets is truly a treasure trove of information all about the many dimensions of Taoism. He is a true master of teaching Taoism and I know that I am better for the experience of having followed his teachings and plan to continue on this path. Open your horizons and keep an open mind as you go. I’ll now be reviewing some of the other pamphlets that I have been studying. Happy reading and much happiness as you go.

Added 8/14/21
It now has been just over 3 ½ years of my Taoism practice. Above, I mentioned that just when I think that I have reached a pinnacle I discover that, no, this is a plateau. Well, that experience has taught me that I shouldn’t look at a practice as “mastered”, instead, I now consider my accomplishments just a marker on a journey.

Recently, within the last three months, I have learned how to approach the threshold in self cultivation without falling over the edge. This, in my opinion, is one of the major – if not, THE major accomplishment explained in this booklet. It is key to unlocking the free movement of Chi at any time with just a thought. I am now able, upon waking in the morning experiencing my typical morning wood (most men will understand what that is) I am now able to, not only easily move Chi, but also bring myself to multiple whole body orgasms for as long as I have time for. During the day now, any time I want to, I can move Chi to the point of ecstasy. Quite an amazing experience. As it says in this publication, you could be waiting for a bus, in a doctor’s waiting room, or any other situation in which you can idle your mind, and bring your thoughts into the present, and upon doing this, find yourself in a meditative state. As an adult diagnosed with ADHD, I can’t begin to tell you how valuable this skill is to help in the control of anxiety. Any time that I feel my angst rising, I can now easily clear my mind, stay in the present, feel chi moving, and feel the calm fall over me. Three and a half years of pursuing this Taoist “cultivation” has been well worth the price which is time. Time well spent. Finally, it has made me feel better able to communicate in prayer with my maker - another amazing benefit of this kind of meditation.

Lol I am selling the hell out of this book :sweat_smile:

So yeh, I only know about the men’s side of this obviously but I’m pretty sure there are female practices too. Actually I’m 100% sure Chia has made books on the women’s side of this.

(I don’t know why a part of the text was made bigger… sorry about that. Can’t seem to edit that)


Hey Sammy, I’m just wondering will the guided pranayama and the guided luminous path help in this regard. I kinda treat those two as the practices of breathing and mindfulness or at least trains those aspect and then I do kegels. Just wondering if those help regarding this matter ?

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Hell yeah. Especially if you kegel at the same time? Oof, good stuff my friend. Pranayama (or any kind of breath work) + Kegeling is pretty much an exercise that supplements this sort of regard.

What that is also teaching you is also to be more in tune with your breath which… is extremely essential to sexual kung fu.



After buying it I´ve started to consciously resist orgasms in my sleep.

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I’m so glad that there are a number of you guys that ended up taking on this pranayama technique. I still do it every single day and there is always a big difference in my resilience, focus and mental clarity when I don’t do the exercise/do the exercise. (I also mesh it with my tibetan rites. These two every single day have me feeling like a G that can take on anything)

But yeah, I created it after doing the wim hof technique for some time and wanting to incorporate belly breathing into it. Did it for quite some time and thought it would be great to share it with you guys. Cost me quite a lot of money to get this video done… which literally gave me nothing in return lmao. So basically I paid a lot of money to make this video in hopes some of you would take on the practice and benefit from it. So in essence yeah, I did get something in return. Hearing you guys benefit from it made it all worth it.