Servitor Scripts

I have generally shared my scripts or ideas of them (except for a few more complicated items), I have been approached a couple of times to sell scripts, but I don’t have any for sale. The last person suggested publishing them as an eBook, and if I’m to do that, I figure I will include the scripts and an energetic patch to open the necessary channels and allow you to absorb it.

What sort of servitor scripts would you all seek?


what are scripts anyways?

I saw Om long ago used to talk about them.

Is it like a movie?
movie scripts?

Sounds exciting.


He probably means specific set of comannds, that based on IF scenario branch out into new commands.
So like detailed instructions what should servitors do?
Did I get it right @SorcerySupreme


I don’t know if I correctly understood what you are referring to as I am new with servitors. However if you mean what I think you do (group of tasks to achieve a single bigger intention); I liked the post you made about the servitor boosting their field and the field of the item they are in. I use it daily, first task as I believe it is essential. Then I slowly have been adding more and more such daily tasks/group of tasks such as improve communication, connect to Metatron’s Neural Net and learn more about the purposes I will need assistance with (e.g. healing, manifesting, shielding), asking higher beings/ beings of light to share knowledge with them, etc. To sum it up, daily scripts with tasks which improve the servitors and their services.

Other types of scripts would be things like shielding, healing, charging chakras, boosting abilities of yours (e.g. OBE preparation), storage and use of energy. And from these I believe the readers will be able to generate examples by having a blueprint about creating other scripts to their specific situations.

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okay I see.

Nevermind then.


Please dont do these with any of mine.

if you do…

Dont let me know


Gold star for @shadowhunter176.

The specific question that got me thinking was about healing scripts.

So like, open this chakra, invoke that energy, go to next, etc. Can be as natural language or computerized as you want. I generally use the simplest and most direct instruction.

It’s almost as exciting as movie scripts. Maybe moreso, depending on the movie.

And depending on how technical you want to get and what type of servitor you are using. My scripts for the Intention Repeater can run hundreds of lines.

Generally I view servitor scripts more like a spell… instead of going step by step you train the servitor and your subconscious to perform a set of tasks, whether it’s “expelliarmus” or “Full Reiki Attunement” or “Ecce faciem et figuram eius per quem omnia facta et qui omnes obediunt creaturae” or “han mathon ne nen…”


What’s the downside to this?

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Do u mean use scripts with the Servtoirs?

What do u mean?

Or are u talking about connecting it to the Metatron’s Neural Net.

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I am confused.
If I am doing something wrong or bad please share as I don’t want to be doing that. Thank you.

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Just not the fae at least

I gonna have to remove those I guess


The Metatron Neural Net was created to be consensual and safe for all beings. You can ask them to connect, but you can’t force them. It is my opinion that Metatron and his energy manifests throughout all realms, and often in ways that are not recognized.

But very much it is consensual and the idea that it would be done in a way that is appropriate for and helpful to any being that connects to it is built-in. So at the very least, if it doesn’t want to, it won’t.

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May I know why if possible?
I remember reading Sammy said the same thing.

Nah stop

I dont want to deal with this man, if you pushing this thing, then deal with it

I dont want these people messaging me to ask to fix crazy stuff
You wanna promote it
You deal with it.
Not me…
I didnt do anything, i am not responsible for it.

Tell them the only way out is through or whatever man.

Dont connect any of the fae from the book to any network
most of these are quiet alive and think on their own

You are hurting things by forcing something foreign on them.
Dont do it to mine.

Thats all.


Because it’s sentient beings. It might do some things the unexpected

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May I ask if your servitors being alive and intelligent, do they have emotions and attachments and preferences? I think I read somewhere that servitors do not, but then again it seems that yours are not really servitors?

They’re programmed not to have any feelings. They can’t feel. It’s basically just your servant ready for whatever tasks you give.

Sentient means, it can see, hear and feel.

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I would define sentience as the ability to perceive and process emotions, and also acting on those emotions. A robot can see and hear but is not sentient because it does not perceive or process feelings and emotions like a human being would do. Perhaps associated also is sapience? The ability to be self aware as an individual.


I agree with you… it’s better explanation.