Severe Back & Spine Pain in L4 L5 region

Hello Beautiful people,
I just wanted to ask if anyone has any advise for me for severe lower back pain in the L4 and L5 region. I have a pretty complicated chronic illness which I have been in treatment for for the last 2 decades. With that said, after undergoing a series of tests, I am relieved to know that the lower back pain is nothing detrimental however, it is showing signed of moderate spinal stenosis, bulging discs and even little tears in in the disc causing the jelly to leak out and inflame the nerves. It caused severe pain and a lot of immobility and exhaustion thus not allowing me to exercise a bit which I must with this chronic illness. I have tried all the usual like spinal taper, posture help with atlas and the anti pain fields but not making much headway after about 2 weeks. If there are any insights from season well informed users for what I can try that might not only help with the pain, but healing the disc and spine I would be grateful. On another note, I got Sapien’s newest tarot deck and they are absolutely beautiful! You guys should check them out if you have not already…now I need to learn how to use them lol…but I’m all about learning. Sending everyone many thanks.


Transneuronal delivery of hyper-interleukin-6 targeted to spinal cords

It might be worth a try. It’s on Patreon.


Thank you so much. Will def give it a try. Do you happen to know the protocol? Is it 2-3 times or can this be looped? I don’t see the info under the description on Patreon .

I don’t know. Maybe start at 2-3 and see how it goes when slowly increasing the number of plays. Unless, a field says otherwise. That’s been my approach

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Same issue was with my father for almost a year. He tried bone strengthener audio. He is recovering quickly. Give it a try


Hi @Transformation

Use Spinal Tapper daily as much as you can (on loop, it s safe) , even you don’t see a progress quick, in time it will help your spine issues.
Decompression allow the discs to heal quicklier.
So try keeping your discs decompressed as much as you can.
The normal progress for a disc recovery is about 1mm in 8 months, so it is a very slow progress.

Collagen frequency from Sapien also may help as the intervertebral discs contain mostly collagen.
Hydration is also very important, discs are water mainly.

Try also Body Healing from Sapien, daily usage 40 mins x 3 runs for nerves healing.
Or the other Sapiens fields for nerves inflamation and spine antioxidants.

Advanced Healing from Sapien also works, it can even help you to sleep even if in pain.

CBD fields (sapien and maytreia have) also help in relieving the pain and sleeping.

Also Mef stem cells works good in relieving inflamation if Looped.

Try Sps exercises (Spinal Stabilisation). Do them as often as you can during the day. Even if you can 5 minutes per session, then do 5 minutes every hour or 2 hours. They help the discs recovery process and also to maintain the muscle sustaining the spine.

Also if possible some streching to lengthen your psoas muscle. Morpheus has a psoas field.

Avoid the positions were you feel pain, also exercises that give pain. Be gentle with your body.

Ash spine subliminal is good also for correcting your posture if needed.
Morpheus fields has also some good spine Regeneration and automatic workouts fields.

Automatic hip workout and core strengthing from Sapien also help the spine.

Ninad and Good vibes also have some good spine field.
From Ninad i like keep spine aligned and reverse neuropathy.
From Good vibes, Strenghten your lower back…

Try also automated yoga (maytreia and morpheus). Extreme flexibility from maytreia and resistence field from morpheus.

Rollfing, skeletal system, spine alignment and back pain from Maytreia also may help.

Cold laser therapy, Myofascial release, accutomation from Sapien may also help.

See also, if Orange Cat spine fields are working for your issue, Healthy spine and joints, spinal Decompression, Stem cells to Intervertebral discs.

Even if you don’t see quick progress, just keep playing the fields that trigger some release or which the intuition guides you to. Healing spine seems to be a long process and you have to insist a lot. Have patience and keep progressing daily even if you feel like “nothing is working” for you.

I wish you much health


Plasma Flaunt!


hey oana
A youtube link on this would be so helpful
some audios listed are quite hard to find

Pain in L4 & L5 area could be because of constipation/boating. I would suggest listen to Ulcerative colitis/IBS stomach help field also abdominal wall restoration field as spinal tapper did not work for you. You can also consume 2 table spoon of castor oil on empty stomach with hot water as it gives relief from gases. Try it & let us know if it worked

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I don’t think it would be respectful to Sapien to post links to other authors here…

Try Energetic Alchemy (which is S.M.)

E.A. *Bone Shaker

S.M. *Negentropic Smart Blend
E.A. * Caryphyllene & Cloves
S.M. *Pregabalin / Patreon

S.M. *Gabapentin/Patreon-only in the evening, tends to be sedating-limit usage
E.A. *Myrcene & Nostalgia- Ditto
I listen to these every day.
For me it helps to “soften” the pain


I spammed the hell out of The Bushman Medicine to heal my low back pain (it isn’t gone, but I’ve gone from lying all day to be able to work and do anything). Dunno what logic I was following then…guess I was desperate xD

So yeah, use The Bone Shaker (start slowly), maybe aura repair, or astral viber, and what Replay recommended.

I think the “usual suspects” would be the nerve healing or regen audios, and the anti-inflammatory ones with antioxidants.

I was really concerned about the situation with the discs, and remembered that soft tissues benefit from red, near infrared and/or infrared light.

There is a far infrared field on the Sapien Medicine channel (actually two).

I think there are fields that already include infrared light, but I don’t know which ones, so I hope someone can chime in with those.

It would be nice if they could be directed to the spine…in a smart way. With the right wavelengths for nerve, discs, etc.

Apparently the outer layers of the discs are mostly water (error, it is the nucleus that stores water :sweat_smile:). Someone mentioned the collagen field, but make sure to stay hydrated.

Disc degeneration seems to accumulate a lot of waste (discs have trouble taking in nutrients and getting rid of waste), so my only recommendation is to start using the senescent cell removal for a while, then stem cells and scar tissue removal.

And maybe sestrin proteins could help with the healing process too.

Also, some people use the anticancer audio when using stem cells. That would depend on your body, though.

I hope someone can help a bit more.

Also I got this info from patents, didn’t check all the studies, so I don’t know if the patent creators came to the right conclusion or they are snake oil salesmen.

But here it is:

And good luck ^^

P.S: I’d give one listen to the intercession/blessing audios, even if only once.

P.S: I know nothing about it, but it seemes that the Body Healing is THE field, so maybe prioritize that one.