Sex addiction help

Sorry if addiction advices has been asked before, but i seek help specifically for sex addiction.
(Note : Not addicted to porn)

27M , been addicted to visiting prostitutes for almost 4 years. Tried many methods but still fail.
Note : I have started taking Ashwagandha for stress relief recently ,and it works good. But its an aphrodisiac as well , so my addiction got worse.

I have yet to try ‘Overcome addiction’ field. Apart from the ‘Overcome addiction’ field , is there any other fields i can help for this particular issue? I would like to keep my stack minimal , thus please recommended only 2 best fields for this.

Thank you very much


Soul restoration


You can give a try to brain regeneration from yt and newer perspective form gumroad
You need to reset your brain to it’s optimal state I believe. That’s the only thing you’ll need to get rid of addiction. Also stop creating scenarios that will make you do it again. Prevent yourself from such thought and activities. And start thinking about the risks and disadvantage it can bring. Also you can use strong willpower from dream seeds to stay in line. Whenever you feel stimulated try using this audio it should help to control it. Also if you watch porn then stop that too until you get rid of your addiction…


Thanks man !

I will be honest ,i have tried this if i have urges and it works for a while but usually i will have those negative thoughts coming back after a while a.k.a the urges win at the end of the day. Maybe i should have listened to it consistently for maximum effect.

Anyway , i will add Brain regeneration and ultimate willpower to the stack. Thanks.

Lust and many other desires come from the astralbody, so if you want to get rid of that in the long-term you need to develop and transform your astralbody into higher vibration to not be anymore bound on that pattern.

Brain regeneration, the unbreakable mindset, ojas, chakra audios and Bhoot Pret Nivaran Puja and Homa to clean certain beings that feed off.

Smart cord cutter should be also beneficial, deep aura cleaner too.


aura cleanse
cord cutter
soul restoration
aura repair
anything related to meridian (which i have no clue tbh)

and most importantly, try to figure out why you have such urge. what is lacking. what is that you want but don’t have so you find prostitution as substitution.


Hi man :slight_smile:

There are great suggestion above, I will add the first two chakras relating to sexual pleasures and maybe the heart chakra from gumroad.

You need to find why you have this addiction first. If this problem is connect to neurotransmitter in the brain so you can listen to:
-Brain regeneration
-Plasma brain of youth(paid audios)

Or if you have some sort of trauma,leaking energy, or some deep emotions like sadness/loneliness or others…

With this I recommand you to begin to meditate for you to understand why? It’s great to begin to learn yourself :wink:


This. :+1: :mechanical_arm:


Sounds like a good problem to have lol…
Ok jokes aside,
Anything in excess tends to be bad since it induces addictive behaviour.

In your case, you seem to be seeking the thrill and intimacy. I think biologically men simply want to sleep with more women. Obviously don’t use this as a justification for your own shortcoming.

So there could be a lack for you in personal intimacy, perhaps you haven’t had any meaningful relationships. With meaningful I’m referring to the depth of genuine emotion you shared with your partner.

Also you might just be seeking more risky, exciting behaviour in general.

Any and all of these issues usually try to mask an underlying issue. The most obvious it’s self worth and springing from it self love. That’s likely the cause for such behaviour. Hence I’d recommend this:

And this:

You kind of need to look within. But don’t dwell there. I’m not a big fan of constantly reviewing the past to bring about meaning. Just look at your past regrets and be with them in silence. Let them come to the surface, and then, let them go.

I mean obviously it sounds overly simplified, it might be a short process but give it some time. Just don’t resent yourself if you happen to relapse. It’s difficult enough as it is, no need to add salt to the wound.


You are probably simply seeking female love and female energy, expressed through sexual intimacy (as most men do).

Here is a possible solution for you on how this can be solved on a deep level:


knight mindset or unbreakable.

soul restoration (core) + vibration of creation


The internal alchemical crucible field

And you will lose will/lust to it, if you will, of course


Thank you all for the wonderful advices and fields suggestions. I really appreciate it.


thank you , i feel little better.


My ex of 3 years had sex addiction. The opposite of addiction is connection. Get out into your community in a healthy way and make platonic social connections.

Great suggestions above - you need to feel whole and complete within yourself. Because you are currently seeking everything and anything external to you to fill the void.

Good Luck x


Yes i was thinking the same as I have social anxiety problem. Have ordered social mastery pendant , i believe it will help.



[Album] Mental Health Album
-Trauma Release and Healing,Especially this one.


  1. Fasting exercises (16h+)
  2. Ketogenic diet
  3. HITT

That’s a really long thesis for a mere internet forum

Thanks man , that made me feel better a bit.
I’m leaving this addiction due to few personal reasons.

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You are confusing cause and effect.

Toxic feminism/masculinism is a consequence of the the non-integrated gender energies.

You are doing the same as incels, femcels, PUAs, MGTOW, black pillers, angry feminists etc. do, namely blaming the opposite gender and being a victim.

Most men today are not weak because they are “held down”, but because they are traumatized, under a cognitive dissonance, and can’t find a solid INTERNAL basis to build their masculine enegry upon.

Additionally many choose the victim role, because it is always the easy role.

No I am not.
You have completely missed by point.
I suggest you read again what I wrote.
You are confusing cause and effect.

Yes, seeking sex is part of being a healthy male (and female).
It becomes a problem when it is a cope for deeper underlying psychological issues and when you are no longer the master of how you express your sex drive.

No, at all! Again you completely miss my point.

Healthy sexuality never goes hand in hand with shame.

Most men are ashamed of their sexuality because as children or teenagers they experienced the trauma that they “could lose access to the love of their mother”, if they dare to show sexual interest in other women.

And then later in life, additionally, when they were masturbating and watching porn, they acquired additional feelings of shame and guilt “that it is not okay experience pleasure by one self” or “by something that is not a physical women that is approved by the mother”.