Sexual healing

Without going into too much detail, what audios would be recommended for a man 18 years old who would like to heal and also improve his sexual qualities and abilities, while healing from limiting past beliefs and things of such nature? Anything to help with mental, spiritual, emotional and physical aspects to it all. Thanks.


sacral and base chakra maybe


well for healthy mindset, healthy libido, physical health and magnetism I would recommend the followings :

Chakra fields, chakra tag ( sacral and base, heart and solar plexus manly )
Soul restoration series
Negentropic Three Treasures, Ojas, transmutation, microcosmic orbit

Plasma protocol

mental health :
Self esteem video on YouTube, the Unbreakable, new perspectives, Knight Mindset, become whole

the Vibration series


Don’t forget about PTSD help and outlook retrainer!


Hey man,
18 is still young… Tho i don’t know about your experiences so far. For sexual performance improvements, go ahead and read the book by pegym (also visit their website). Limiting beliefs need to be rewritten. Also depends on what you think the issue is. For instance, i was in a narcissistic relationship years ago and had a really bad image about sex. Slowly and steadily i was able to reinforce that it’s a beautiful, magical act of love and joy. There’s way too much stigmata on this topic, yet it requires a very open mind. Practice reinforces confidence in yourself. All these should prime you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually in regards to this topic. If i had to guess, I’d say many people need sexual healing. But like i said, depends on everyone’s experiences.


I suggest these:
Subconscious Limits Removal
Energy Blockage Removal
Become whole
Flower of life
Brain regeneration
Arcana Archetype “The Fool "
You can also add these ones and decide what you find works best for you :
Arcana Archetype” Death "
Arcana Archetype" The Lovers"
Memories of Joy
Angelic Vibrations
Unconditional You
" The Devil " reversed tarot


I know you said you’d prefer not to go deeper into it but it would definitely help if you would at the very least go into some more detail. I say this cause we are all just shooting in the dark here. We have tons of audios and the things you mention are very broad.

That being said, our lovely peeps have recommended excellent audios above. I’d say the chakra fields, negentropic three tresasures, ojas, transmutation and microcosmic orbit are essentials for your situation. The mental aspect would be heavily helped by new perspectives, knight mindset, become whole or self esteem. PTSD Help & outlook retrainer (I you don’t want to purchase new perspectives) can help with tremendously as well.

@Serendipitous gave some great suggestions for the spiritual aspect of things as well.

Other audios I would recommend would be: Urinary Incontinence from gumroad. This helps strengthen your PC muscle so you could control your ejaculations and have stronger erections. Although this works, you also need to do kegels and you’ll really see these kinds of results. (Reverse kegels are just as important as normal kegels. Usually don’t see this recommended).

Blessings from Aphrodite would help as well. Ask her for help in this regard. She’s lovely, wise and willing to help with these kinds of things. She won’t do it for you. Just nudge you in the right direction more than likely.

I have another recommendation as well…

I would highly recommend you read the book ‘The Multi-Orgasmic Man’ by Mantak Chia. I’d recommend it to any man looking to upgrade his sexual prowess. For one, it goes into certain concepts that will clarify certain things to you about sexuality that you might not be too knowledgeable about… or that pornography has made you insecure about. Two, it teaches you how to cultivate your sexual energy so that you can be in control of it and not get drained from orgasms ( be able to orgasm without ejaculation). When you can control the flow of your sexual energy, it becomes easier to be in the flow with your lover and bring her to orgasm as much as she’d like. And three, shows you how to be a better lover.

Even if you choose not to learn and practice becoming multiorgasmic, the knowledge given in the book is very useful and will grant you the kind of insights I wish I had at your age. But if you do choose to learn, it’s a powerful thing to learn that will grant you all the sexual confidence you desire. It takes a lot of willpower and focus to be able to pull it off. It’s not easy at all and most people give up . But it is damned worth the effort.

PS. A great book that compliments that book is ‘The Way of the Superior Man’ for insights on how to be a better and more well rounded man in general.


It mostly has to do with my erectile health and the whole down there region in general. Increasing masculine hormones and that deeply grounded “big dick” energy (which i honestly think is literally strong root chakra energy). I’d like to strengthen and nurture them and restore them back to full health, although I’m not sure if I damaged them Too much. I’d like to increase my sexual attractiveness a lot as well, also increase the natural sexual energy that I have. I don’t know if it’s my ego holding me back, but i feel like if I listen to ojas and transmutation audios, then I’ll lose my “animal desires” if you know what I mean. Like I don’t wanna be a celibate, I wanna have incredibly strong sexual energy flowing through me AND be able to control it.

I kinda experienced somewhat of a traumatic event that I think lingers within me, but part of me just doesn’t wanna go back there, I don’t want it to come back to the surface and have a chance of me reliving it. That’s why I don’t use the ptsd and amygdala ones that often. I use Neville Goddards manifestation techniques and revise them somewhat which kinda helps.

My ideal self is to be the version of me where when I see an attractive girl, that I have the confidence and self allowance to get with her as soon as I see her. Not have any second guesses on anything, just be able to go with the flow of the experience and let it escalate naturally.

More so on the physical, my pelvic floor muscles, rectal area, and my lower abdominal wall could use some strengthening/healing. Kinda wanna freshen up the energy and reduce inflammation, in using the stem cells to bladder and urinary tract, and intestines healing one because I feel like that could help.

Energetically, my sacral and root chakra can definitely be healed, I indeed have those audios and feel them working. Maybe consistency will help deeper. I think the base of my spine could use some straightening as well.

Hormones, I don’t know how often I should, if at all for my age use the testosterone and HGH increase, along with DHT.

Besides all of that, I’d also like to use some audios that would help me in losing my virginity lol. I know they aren’t gonna just teleport a girl into my bed, but things that would help with my general attractiveness and magnetism, authority and confidence in a very powerful way. Also in removing some guilt about it, like I know sex isn’t everything, but it definitely is SOMETHING. To reprogram my mind into not feeling like “oh I shouldn’t want sex” “I shouldn’t want to pursue this girl in this sexual way or romantic way” just being confident and like, feel like there isn’t some god that’s judging me or punishing me for having sexual desires or to wanna bust a nut lol. I think that was one of the things I believed. That god doesn’t like when I jack off or express sexuality like “sex is bad” and that led to me at a young age suppressing my sexuality. I also started watching porn when I was pretty young, i actually feel peace and forgive myself for that though so that’s good. Just a little nudge in removing the fear and uncertainty around my sexuality, and truly express it to the world with happiness.
Another thing is like to touch on is how to not be phased or absorb the energy from society on toxic sexuality or relationships. I’m all about thoughts creating reality and manifestation, so talking about manifestation is something I’m down for.

That was a bit of an article, but that’s the whole thing. Thanks everyone for helping me with this. It may not seem like a lot, but I was in the dark with this for s really long time, and seeing the help and love from everybody means a whole lot to me. I genuinely feel supported and like there’s a new path for me.


Well, that certainly clears things up. Thanks for sharing all that. Appreciate you opening up.

I’ll do my best to address most of what you mention here. Starting with your traumatic event that lingers… It will always linger so as long as you don’t confront it. And so as long as you don’t, it will become a blockage that prevents your sexual energy from fully blossoming into what you wish it to be. So confronting this… reliving it and accepting it and letting it go is essential to what you desire. It seems to be a huge part of the sexual issues you have presented to us. You can’t escape the past that is present within your body. If you want change, it needs to be done.

Fields are quite helpful and will guide you on this journey. But applying the practical things will be even more essential to you growing into the man you want to be. You say you want to increase your masculine hormones… Now, what’s the best way of doing that? Exercising.

Start exercising man. We have tons of free audios that increase your male hormones and enhance muscle growth and strength overall to help you on bodybuilding journey. Not only do these audios help, but through daily use during exercise will reinforce them into flowing into your daily life. You will feel yourself becoming more manly and exerting more male energy. Just listening wouldn’t do that so well as you aren’t exactly using these male hormones to increase your masculinity (strength, resilience, ext). This is how the manliness (which is a force in itself) becomes a core part of you. You ‘force’ it into being.

And exercise will generally get your sexual energy flowing a lot more smoothly again as well. In general, doing so will increase your sexual attraction as well.

You say you want to be very lustful yet somehow be in control of your sexual energy but it doesn’t quite work like that. That animal desire is automatic and generates lust like a machine. Controlling it requires you to tame it and have conscious volition over it.

And it won’t be an animal desire anymore once you tame it. Once you are in control, you are aware and in control of its movement. This is a spiritual thing and doesn’t sound aligned with your desire to become this powerful sexual being.

All that being said, best advice I can give you there is to read the book I recommended (Multi-Orgasmic Man) and do the practices. You can gain control of your sexual energy through the practices and also even saturate yourself with orgasmic energy in a way that increases your charisma and attractiveness. But in order for you to even master that, you must learn to tame that beast and not be the fish in the river. You must become the river guiding the fish. You will learn what I mean by this if you read and start practicing.

Exerting big dick energy is easy these days though. All you have to do is buy this shirt

Wear this shirt wherever you go and women will flock to you like seagulls to breadcrumbs :smiling_imp:

Lol I kid I kid. Big dick energy in my eyes is just another word for self assured confidence. The kind that you show through action and just way of being. Not cockiness because cockiness is subconsciously yelling ‘you must approve me, I know I’m worthy’. There is an insecurity behind that. For a self assured man is beyond the caring of anyone’s validation. And the self assured man doesn’t have to say or purposely show what they are. They just are.

Getting to that state of being is quite a journey. First I’d recommend evolving your perception of what it means to be a man. This is why I recommended you read the book ‘The Way of the Superior Man.’ The way you perceive yourself and the world affects your way of being. An attitude shift will go a long way of evolving you.

Because I sense much angst in you. You express so much desire in a way that the desire is enveloped in all you feel that you lack. All this lack is what defines you now. What is extremely important now is to get to a place where you are satisfied and happy with yourself despite everything. That core confidence will allow your desires to blossom into reality. For now, they are a weight dragging down your desires into this perpetual state of dissatisfaction with yourself.

I say this because attraction is for the most part subconscious. Women can tell you feel that you are lacking by just looking at you. Women can tell how sexually confident you are. Not consciously but their subconscious picks it up. Their energy reads you like an open book. But most women aren’t as vain as men are brought to believe. Your essence, if self assured and of a good nature, will attract some fine ladies into your life. Especially if when they look or you look, you smile that nice smile of yours that tells them you love yourself and think they’re beautiful. You got to get there first man.

And I personally think you’re looking for the wrong thing at the moment. If you haven’t even lost your virginity… then to just jump into becoming this sex master is the wrong way to go about it. You have little to no sexual confidence and can’t even fake that confidence because you have no experience. Core confidence is generated through experience. Focus on getting a girlfriend first man. One that likes you and accepts you for who you are. It is that kind of girl from which you will learn so much about your sexuality and ways of loving in general. If you don’t know how to do that, then attracting random girls will be useless as you won’t even know what you’re doing.

I tried to address everything you brought up but probably missed a thing or two. Hope this clarifies things for you a bit. Just my perception on things so take it with a grain of salt.


Thanks for the help. I feel like the reason I desire things so much is because I felt like if I’m not desperate and needy for the desire, then I’ll stop wanting it or that I won’t come to me. It’s like I was thinking either I chase my desires or become a Buddhist monk basically.
Btw, how can I observe my thoughts and watch them without getting absorbed into them, how can I observe emotions and not get thrown off?

I wonder if there are “things” (beyond just objects) that you desire so very much (more than even this topic) that you’re not desperate and needy for these desires, that you don’t stop wanting and that they continue to come to you?

Before you answer, “No,” I can tell you that I don’t even know you or the particulars of your life and I can think of at least a dozen such things. So, be creative (I know you can do that) and really look around your life and you’ll notice these things, too.

And the reason why you want to notice these things is that you can then talk yourself out of your desperateness and neediness and, therefore, you won’t NEED to chase or give up on your desires. You can just have your desires and move towards them (or let them come to you, as these desires have been) in a much more comfortable and easy fashion for you.

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As with most problems in life, they are the SYMPTOM of Lack of Self-Love.

Your perception on the whole topic will change automatically once you work on your self-worth and self-love.

Listen to all the self-love, self-worth and trauma healing fields that you can find here on the forum.

With more self-love a lot of things will change:

  • how you view sex
  • how you view your worth as a male
  • how you view the worth of women
  • how you value your sexual energy
  • how you value your physical body and take care about it
  • your sexual habits
  • your sexual preferences/fetishes
  • your subconscious relationship to the opposite gender
  • the partners you allow in your life
  • your performance in bed and manifestation of possible solutions for problems
  • how you treat potential partners and allow yourself to be treated
  • your level of confidence in social life and and in bed
  • letting go of limiting beliefs about dating and partnerships that you picked up from society, YouTube, porn, internet movements and philosophies, reddit, dating coaches and other sources of which 99% have no clue, spread misinformation and operate from mindsets of lack, trauma and cope (!)
  • what you focus your energy and attention onto (!)
  • and much more

…all of these will express themselves the more healthy the more you love yourself.

PS: also check out this post (applies to all topics in life, not just money):


Holy shit, this is the wisest thing I’ve read this year I think. Hats off for to you for that one, I could not agree more.

Not too nice of a comparison.



Oh yeah such a reasonable justification
Let’s all say whatever and then just add “I kid” at the end to defend it

Was that all that happened in that post? Might there have been a bigger context happening in that post beyond what you’ve noticed so far?


This ends here. I wasn’t speaking to any of you.
I was speaking to Sammy alone.


I was making a sarcastic joke in regards to this statement of his. Wearing a shirt like that obviously wouldn’t get any women to flock to him. And I mention this and even go into healthier mindsets to adopt instead.

I will agree that it is a crass joke and rather vulgar. Looking back at it now, I can see why it might be offputting.

But I do think context matters here as I’m not saying anything crazy. I think reading the whole post rather than focusing in on that one thing would make that very clear.