Shades of Light

Most of the times yes and that is because (ive said this a million times sorry :face_with_hand_over_mouth:) i always always play new audios all by themselves a few loops after clearing my energy systems with the Energy Blockage Removal x 1 and Auric Repair to absorb all or Quasi Kinetic Aura.

So i can trace and feel in full its energy, pay attention how my body reacts, what my mind starts drawing, etc etc

There has been just a few audios that even tho they were strong i didnt feel a thing, so in those cases i would continue doing it for the next 2 days (play them alone)

And they hit through in those days.

So when i start mixing audios i can recognize which one is doing what, sometimes of course and over time specially now that we have so many that are somehow similar or targetting almost the same, it becomes more ā€œblurriedā€ to know exsctly which one is doing what.

And i understand that its harder for people that is not energy sensitive to do this, in which case keep looping the energy sensitivity from the course, or activating the expanding energy card, or asking whichever servitor you have to help you recognize more the elements, pathways and the way they are integrating in you by whichever mean you could recognize more.

Actually these are not gentle at all, ive had to stop for a couple of days because i begin to get overwhelmed and i have a big vessel to support fields, specially of this type.

Hmmm these ones could feel gentle yes but they are very profound, so its normal not to feel them as strong, i also know that you need good consistency with them to see the effect unfolding more and more.

Yeah these are really raw energy without any assistance :sweat_smile:

In general tho the first thing i would think of when reading your comments about not being sensitive is ā€œreally? How comeā€ for someone that loops daily Major Blue Print of Power, but i believe (my perception only) that you, particularly, are very much more mental than one that works more with the Sensory System)

But the nervous system is part of it, and therefore the brain. So since you are more focused on the Mind and keep working on expanding and developing the astral body and perception then pay attention to that part when you start listening to new fields or when trying to understand what each one does. You dont have to look for sensations etc in the body or the specific parts where this or that audio should work, remember Conceptual thinking becomes the way you interpret everything and anything even when the way to conceptualize is actually with the ā€œfeelingā€ of allā€¦

It always happens in the Mind.

Forget about anything else, let go of that ā€œfrustrationā€ of not feeling certain fields like other fields etc

A blind person focuses on developing other senses and tho he cannot see anything, the need of understanding what is out there is bigger than for the normal person who can see, so is not pushing to grow the other senses, and amazingly blind people could describe the concept of something way much better than normal people, through the other senses.

So you obviously by now control all the understanding of your day to day and all you come in contact by concepts, the mind is your getaway to grasp what each field does. Focus on that, you dont need anything else, i am sure once you surrender completely to the fact of not feeling fields, you could much deeper and in perfect detail know the mechanics, elements, outputs etc of each field.

And also i can see that directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously or by accident or side effectā€¦ your astral body is developing faster than the physical one could expand. And so the sensations and energies we could pick up in the astral of course are stronger, your astral body template is basically expanding and so whatever happening in the physical body seems small or simple.

Continue developing the connection to higher beings, Deities, Aliens etc you would be able to integrate exciting and new energies and things through your astral body and since you are also so commited to connect and grow thorugh your higher selves then bringing all of that down to the human template would be easier and wellā€¦ that is the most accelerated way to expand the whole you :)


Thanks for your reply and feedback Luna.

Yes, I am a very ā€œhead personā€. Most things I am processing intellectually and mentally (first).

Thatā€™s what I am actually doing when I try to feel where the fields are working on meā€¦ :grimacing:

Now for this, I would first need to master conceptualizing my energy body in my mind somehow? So I would need to conceptualize something that I cannot perceive in most casesā€¦ :confused:

I think I am very much focussed on listening to my inner guidance and intuition than being reliant of external sensory input.

Listening to inner guidance is nice, but the ego and the inner child and teenage selves always come up and demand logical explanations first. Like in a sense they are always saying ā€œEven if we know that you are recommending the right direction to go, we first want to see the whole map of the journey before we also give our okay.ā€. :laughing:

Thank you for your help. I will try to intellectually not stand in my own way.
I see now how this ā€œI have to understand everything first before I can allow the perception to happenā€ is a type of self-sabotaging the perception in the first place.

Thank you! :white_heart: :rose:


I will be the first to say that I am potentially speaking out of turn here. However, Iā€™m also a mental-first person and this caught me from that angle, not the spiritual one.


Unless Iā€™m missing something, itā€™s a mental model. Mental models have two requirements, function and consistency. Accuracy is ALWAYS a ā€œnice to haveā€, not a must have. The relational, far more than the objective, matters with mental models.

And if Iā€™m wrong, I apologize, but as I was reading through your post it was like a record skipped and I was just filled with the need to say something, not even to explain, but to remind you? If that makes sense.


Creating a comprehensive stack for each chakra by combining color, animal, crystal, and wildflower audios is a rich and multidimensional approach to chakra work. Letā€™s assemble a stack for each chakra:

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

  • Color: Red.mp3
  • Animal: Buffalo.mp3
  • Crystal: Ruby.mp3
  • Wildflower: Red Clover.mp3

For the root chakra, which deals with grounding and survival, the combination of these audios can enhance feelings of stability and being grounded.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

  • Color: Orange.mp3
  • Animal: Coyote.mp3
  • Crystal: Carnelian.mp3
  • Wildflower: Mugwort.mp3

This sacral chakra stack may help stimulate creativity, emotional balance, and sexual energy, along with an appreciation for the unexpected and playful wisdom.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

  • Color: Yellow.mp3
  • Animal: Boar.mp3
  • Crystal: Citrine.mp3
  • Wildflower: Agrimony.mp3

Aligning with personal power and confidence, this combination can encourage assertiveness, courage, and aid in digestive and emotional resilience.

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

  • Color: Green.mp3
  • Animal: Deer.mp3
  • Crystal: Rose Quartz.mp3
  • Wildflower: Wild Marjoram (Oregano).mp3

These choices for the heart chakra can support the energy of love, compassion, gentleness, and emotional healing while also resonating with physical and emotional balance.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

  • Color: Blue.mp3
  • Animal: Coyote.mp3 (Alternate: Dolphin.mp3 if available for playfulness in communication)
  • Crystal: Lapis Lazuli.mp3
  • Wildflower: Blue Vervain.mp3

Focusing on clear communication and self-expression, the throat chakra stack aims to enhance honesty, wisdom, and understanding in communication.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

  • Color: Violet.mp3
  • Animal: Eagle.mp3
  • Crystal: Amethyst.mp3
  • Wildflower: Mugwort.mp3 (Alternate: Rosemary.mp3 if cognitive benefits are desired)

Intended to stimulate intuition and insight, the third eye stack might help to provide a higher perspective and clarity of thought.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

  • Color: Multiphasic Spectrum.mp3
  • Animal: Wolf.mp3
  • Crystal: Diamond.mp3
  • Wildflower: St. Johnā€™s Wort.mp3

For the crown chakra, representing spiritual connection and enlightenment, this combination may foster a sense of unity with the cosmos and inner wisdom.

For each chakra, listen to the audios in the order listed: color, animal, crystal, and wildflower. This sequence starts with the foundational vibration of color, adds the lessons and characteristics of the animal, amplifies with the energy of the crystal, and then incorporates the healing properties of the wildflower to tie it all together.


"To create a cohesive and non-repetitive alignment of flowers, animals, crystals, and colors with each of the seven main chakras, considering their symbolic meanings and energies, weā€™ll integrate one of each category per chakra without duplication. This way, each chakra will be represented by a unique combination that supports and enhances its qualities.

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

  • Color: Red
  • Flower: Red Clover (For purification and cleansing, grounding the energies of the Root Chakra.)
  • Animal: Buffalo (Represents abundance, stability, strength, and generosity.)
  • Crystal: Ruby (Enhances motivation, vitality, and the foundation for physical and spiritual energy.)

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

  • Color: Orange
  • Flower: Wild Marjoram (For happiness, protection, and well-being, supporting emotional and creative energies.)
  • Animal: Dolphin (Associated with playfulness, harmony, and intelligence.)
  • Crystal: Carnelian (Boosts creativity, courage, and sexual energy.)

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

  • Color: Yellow
  • Flower: Rosemary (For protection, memory, and clarity, empowering personal power and confidence.)
  • Animal: Boar (Symbolizes courage, assertiveness, and the willingness to fight for what is right.)
  • Crystal: Citrine (Promotes self-esteem, personal power, and abundance.)

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

  • Color: Green
  • Flower: Agrimony (For protection and banishing negative energies, supporting emotional healing.)
  • Animal: Deer (Symbolizes gentleness, intuition, and sensitivity.)
  • Crystal: Rose Quartz (Encourages love, compassion, and forgiveness.)

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

  • Color: Blue
  • Flower: Blue Vervain (For tranquility, peace, and calming nerves, aiding in clear communication.)
  • Animal: Coyote (Encourages adaptability and learning from mistakes, symbolizing communication and balance.)
  • Crystal: Lapis Lazuli (Supports self-expression, honesty, and clarity.)

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

  • Color: Violet
  • Flower: Mugwort (Enhances dreams and psychic abilities, supporting intuition and spiritual insight.)
  • Animal: Eagle (Represents freedom, perspective, and transcendence.)
  • Crystal: Amethyst (Enhances intuition, psychic abilities, and mental clarity.)

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

  • Color: Multiphasic Spectrum (Representing unity, enlightenment, and connection to universal consciousness.)
  • Flower: St Johnā€™s Wort (For emotional well-being and protection against negativity, fostering spiritual connection.)
  • Animal: Wolf (Symbolizes loyalty, guardianship, and the balance between community and individuality.)
  • Crystal: Diamond (Promotes spiritual growth, enlightenment, and a connection to universal consciousness.)

This alignment provides a diverse and comprehensive representation of each chakra, incorporating the unique energies and attributes of colors, flowers, animals, and crystals to support holistic well-being and spiritual growth." pardon my chatbot again.