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If you every feel the “presque-vu” or “tip-of-the-tongue” phenenomenon,
highly advised the following:

Play acetylcholine and seconds into I guarantee you will find words that feel lost at the sea of your subconscious ; )

Such an underrated field.


No field is underrated or undervalued. It’s a matter of preference. I use it everyday and I also don’t listen to many other ones which might be important for someone else.


Litote much with “underrated”.
You do you man.

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Hi guys,

Last year I used the testosterone audio everyday (I was 16) so I didn’t really need it

I am also genetically prone to hair loss as my dad has it, me being dumb , I used it 3x a day everyday for a couple of weeks or maybe like a month or two I forgot

I started noticing the front of my hairline kind of thinning a little and the left side was going back a little, I was the only person that could notice so it wasn’t really that bad but it was kind of making me insecure

So 4-5 months ago, I started using dutestaride scalp 3x a day consistently everyday,

I can say that my hairline is back to normal , the front is full and the left side has come back to how it was before, I started noticing results 1-2 months in

Once again I was the only one that could notice it so no one really commented on it

Consistency is key for hair audios guys :muscle:t4:


Was listening to divine love as King A guided me to it through a comment he sent which got me thinking of the audio.

Anyway I had listened to it and my spine just got shaky whin the first couple listens. like it did when I was overloaded on VOC

started laughing a little and felt like crying. I think I tear might have dropped. It’s fair to say that Vibration of Divine love is my next audio I want to get.


I have a friend, she was recently under some pressure and some relationship problems.

As well as hyping her up myself, adding some fire and zest lol i told her to listen to Depression the relief, etheric chords and raise your vibration x 3 a day while chanting Raam.

She messaged me this morning, she feels much better!


Why “Raam” ?

name of god. Depth is unexplainable. Shes hindu too so its obviously easier to chant for her. Any name of god is a blessing to be chanting bro.

Fields wise - they work well when going through emotional turmoil- keeping it superficial and neat :slight_smile:


Listening to Energy Blockage Remover and Mana Circuits since a couple of days. It’s making my body more free and flexible. I feel lighter. Also Etheric Cord Cutter is brilliant.


Current fields:
coyote totem
kinetic quasi aura
the welcomed
self respect
point of no return
blueprint of life
minor blueprint of power
crucible of the past
capital governance + financial protector
woven world: contentment

Something seems to be changing inside of me. Shifting. Point of view is changing.
Different approach to things like drawing. less “need it to be perfect” and more a study of what the thing i try to draw is made of, how i would draw it etc
More thinking about what im reading and reflecting it, analysing and understanding it instead of mindless consuming

Its like im studying life.. how things work, the making off it, what makes the things the way they are, the concept behind them
how my actions thoughts and energy affect my life

A little push to go more outside. reduce mindless scrolling on the phone. delete apps that are just time wasters. to reflect on what energizes me and what draines me.
a more rational, maybe even mature approach about what decisions of mine are logical & in my best interest and what is just my ego telling me “I WANT IT NOW” stomping like a bratty 3 year old

It feels like i get a better grasp on how people really are. their emotions. mood. energy. im less in my head, less overthinking, more seeing things for how they are

more joy. especially because of the coyote. an internal assurance that no matter what happens i will approach it with wisdom and playfulness, because nothing is ever as bad as it seems


I was in Minneapolis airport two days ago waiting for a connecting flight and a guy sitting next to me was listening to music on his headphones. And suddenly I heard a very familiar fire crackling sound. Wait, this is very familiar, this sounds like our Super Metabolism Boost (having heard this for years)!!! And it was indeed, the guy was listening to it on YT and it was loud enough for me to hear it even through the headphones!

I made a long series of silly gestures to grab his attention and he confirmed he was indeed listening to the field!!! He called it a subliminal (oh no! lol) and said he had bad digestion and was always bloated and this field helped ease his digestion issues completely and flatten the tummy. He also mentioned Automated Workout fields giving him concrete results.

Sapien users are everywhere! And for once, it is a GOOD thing :rofl:

He said he is on this forum too… Say hello buddy if you read this post :hugs:


Haha how many interesting chance meetings have you had at airports??

Such a nice feel good story :relaxed:

I’ve been out in the Aphrodite shirt, drinking a hot drink from the cup on the train in the winter, and wearing some tags visibly (normally they’re not visible because… well, it’s jewellery and needs to match with the style and outfit etc ).
Many people commented on the tag and asked about it (far more than with other kind of necklaces), but that’s all, so far no one has recognised the items.


Haha I took 18 flights last few weeks lol… only one memorable incident…

Rest is just hoping no one sneezes right on my face :laughing:


Don’t know about you, but if I see you somewhere wearing an Aphrodite, cyber magi or any other shirts with a sapienmed tag…

I’m just gonna run up to you, hug you for the longest time, and then introduce myself maybe.

That or I’ll run away again, leaving you to figure out what just happened


Hey! I thought I’d share my latest :)

For about two months now, I’ve been listening to a stack mainly focused on my skin health.

My skin (not just my face), is the softest it’s ever been - or at least since I was a child.
I was actually feeling pretty low a few months ago as my hands were looking aged. But now, they look so much younger, incredibly soft, no inch of dryness and they have a lovely sheen to them - not overly oily.

I can’t say for sure which field contributed to this, but I’ve been using collagen booster, skin regeneration,far infrared, anti aging (some other fields for face lifting and toning), various stem cell fields overnight…
Anyway, it could be the combination of the fields. However I can say in confidence that my skin feels brand new. I always suffered dry skin and now not.
I don’t need any body/hand creams anymore.

Woohoo! Now I just hope to remove my pesky upper lip lines and all will be golden in the world of allymisfit :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


hm…somebody calls for Corona UVC beforhand,?


:hugs: :hugs:

Man, you tempted me by mentioning the hoodies. As @This_Boy_Here points out, I dress pretty errr… “boring”? So, graphic Tees are not exactly my thing haha I had one of them hoodies which my nephew took lol… May be time to buy another one!!


Glutes workout is amazing. I got results really quick with it.
However, as I’m focusing on anti-aging, I left it out a bit and now…well…damn. I need to go back to it :laughing:
The break showed me how effective it really is! Very strong indeed! I want my Sapien bum back, why oh why did I neglect it :laughing:


I had hemorroids and was feeling very bad and the anti hemorroids fields helped me so fast.