Before I forget
I’ve been playing:
Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance
Wealth Mantra Meditations (Recently added)
Abundance Mindset
Million Dollar Empire Mindset
Capital Governance
Every night before bed for definitely more than a week and I got a new phone. An iPhone 14 Plus, basically for free. It’s been probably 2-3 months since my old phone broke and been using a borrowed one.
I’ve been working a lot too, 55-60 hrs weekly. I am motivated to keep going to work because of MONEY but I am also very motivated to get out of this job as soon as possible, I have found many ways of how to make this happen.
I have been playing:
Probability Alteration and Luck
Torus Weaved Respect
Before going to work and it’s Amazing. I feel like The Man at work. I have been able to do whatever I wanted to, and when things don’t seem to be going good for me. Shortly thereafter everything turns out to be better than just “good.”
When situations are stressing me out, I subconsciously ask myself “What is actually lucky about this?” “What could possibly be lucky about this?” “is this supposed to be my luck?”
It gets my mind going and looking for things to be grateful about. I become aware of even the tiniest bit of luck in situations that could’ve ended very bad. But the best thing is that shortly after asking myself those questions I get reaaallly lucky because whatever was stressing me out is gone.
Lately it has been giving me the sense of actually being lucky, like nothing truly wrong can happen to me. “Whatever happens, luck is going to be on my side”
I’ve been playing (or trying to play):
Pranic Swirls
The Super Human Mutant
AMPK: The Energy Enzyme
Energy Overload
Advanced Unlimited Energy Pendant (at work)
If I have the time to play these, is because I woke up early by accident. Which means I slept like crap. I already have trouble breathing while sleeping so losing sleep time is just awful.
But hey at least I have time to play these, and when I do… I still feel “tired” or physically uncomfortable but I just have a lot of energy lol, I literally start jumping and running, etc at work after working for hoursss being on my feet lifting heavy stuff EVEN THOUGH I have slept horrible.
It does not help my mental energy though, I might have energy to do anything but if I don’t feel like doing anything it starts feeling like I don’t have energy at all.