Share your results!

Hi guys,
I’m new here, just joined today.
The fields I had results with are Lucid Dreaming, Dopamine Overload, Gum Regeneration, Corona (I noticed it works really well for common flu aswell), CBD (Cuz why not?) , OCD, Timelessness (A weird one), Stop Procrastination and Muscle Relaxation.

There are some I had no results with, but I must admit I was very impatient and thought results would be noticeable instantly. I also was very confused regarding the way one is supposed to use them, so I am going to buy the most important ones as items, if possible, so I can just wear them.

Hey @Meeko! How long did you listen to Fat Burning Genetic Advantage before it was complete? I started listening at the beginning of the year and planned to listen through the end of the year.

Great to hear your results, so happy for you! :smile: I would also love to hear more updates from you.

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How do you contain men’s anger when the Androstenol pisses them off?

I everyone encourage and recommend to use this Confidence Authority Sigil . You have it on patreon.
Especially I recommend it to introvert people who don’t have much success in communication with people.
I must say this sigil is completely changing my life and generally looks towards whole life. From the moment I had wearing it, I felt some shifting from being introvert to extrovert, but greatly. My communication skills improved, my courage toward other people, bosses etc. I remember when I was so (miserable, pathetic) scared of my bosses and now I saw them like they are “ordinary”, nothing special, like I don’t give a f** lol. I must say one of best stuff I ever found. Thanks Sap!
I wish @Captain_Nemo provides with more sigils like these (for example "luck field sigil etc), but anyway I am grateful for everything


Happy for you! Just wondering where do you find the keywords to activate it?

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Thanks. It’s all in pdf file I highlighted from patreon , last page in pdf has picture of sigil and bellow of sigil is activation word “Lepidus” . I don’t know what it’s language (probably Hebrew or Latin) and idk what it means but it works definitely.:slight_smile:


Cool. Thank you for explaining :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey, I would like to ask on what kind of item can i place the field on. Can I place it on my watch or maybe on a coin and wear it in my pocket? On what did you place it. Also how much time it took the effect to kick in and can you wear the field all day and night?

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Yes absolutely, you can use whatever you want, but make sure it’s steel however, because of durability and stability of field imbued in item, I mean it’s better to be something from steel. I used key and wear it on my pocket. Almost after a day or two effects started to showing up, but if you are not satisfied with results, use Field Booster from patreon, use at start only once but only if you are not satisfied with results after let say week. Yes I am using it whole night and day lol


I see thanks for the info!

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Guys get intimidated and feel insecure so they start berating you. You just gotta stand your ground and shut them up.
Truth is you don’t give a damn about anyone after using androstenol for a while


Dragiša jel se prilikom aktiviranja ovo čita kao lepidas :)


@dexserbia Ee Dejane ja sam to izgovorio Lepidus, ne lepidas i djelovalo je, izgleda da je ovo latinski valjda


Hvala ti puno,vezano za field booster,u komentarima neko je pitao kao se izgovara reč Destinus i evo navodim detalje iz konverzacije: " TeamElectric:do you say desti like destiny? then inus like in-us?

Sapien Medicine: correct

TeamElectric: thank you :)" ,zato sam te pitao ali izgleda da nije pogrešno ni jedno ni drugo jer je namera bitna,negde je to pomenuo dreamweaver :)


My mother’s pregnancy was tumultuous and the doctors made some mistakes, as a result I was born prematurely with a plethora of health issues. I looked fine but from brain damage and weak muscles to organ problems and asthma with more in between I grew up with constant pain. I was in pain all the time, it kept me awake at night while I tried to ignore it. I grew up with all types of therapies, medications. We spent time, energy and a FORTUNE on my healthcare with little results. But then I listened to free, magic music out of Youtube… Now I’m fine, I’m healthier than the average man and most of all happy and hopefull. Theses years of hardship don’t even fell real anymore, I only think about it when some family members talk about it out of nostalgia and then I just change the subjects as fast as possible.
Lol, nobody believes me, my old doctor wants to know how I did it, my parents friends want to know so they can help their child. I soon as I say “music” everybody leaves or ask for a more serious answer. Anyway, thanks dream :+1:


Yes, but it was in the early stages. My hairline was receding on my forehead’s corner, now it’s full again.


That’s great Philip! What tracks did you use to cure those health problems? Also, why do you change the subject as fast as possible? Did you manifest your health recovery?

Yes, I’m healthy now. Changing the subject so fast was a way for me to put an emphasis on the speed of the transition. It also dedramatise the fatal aspects of the situation as I no longer feel related to the misfortunes of my former self. I won’t waste my time remembering or talking about it unless it serves as a testimony to the effectiveness of the fields.
From comdemned to be a crippled for life and having accepted it, to a happy fellow that seems to have everything going for him and whom people envy in 2 year.

I used specific audios for most of the problems has they where uploaded like "lung, nervous system, heart etc.) . I didn’t try to cure the last issues, in my mind it was a set thing. Eventualy I used Stem cells without exactly knowing what it would do and I feel stronger, my pain started to fade overtime (although I didn’t notice it right away). Many small problems were taken care of some that I didn’t know I had before I was cured. I didn’t pass any medical test, I just consider myself cured.
Edit: I could probably be healthier if I insisted on pursuing it, but I’ve reach the point of diminishing returns. I’m not in pain, my quality of life is pretty good. My life probably won’t get so much better if I’m a little healthier.


May you enjoy more and health. :smile: