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Extra work, deadline is 8PM.

My calculations would have me finish at least 9.30+ PM.

Spam slow down perception of time 5x.

Finished at 7PM :japanese_ogre:


If you can modify time to meet deadlines, you deserve a raise.


Used nonephrine audio or whatever itā€™s called, gave me insane rush of energy and I hit 225 bench press PR


Iā€™ve been using the Superhuman Mutant morphic field for nightwhat 3 days now (nudiestertian).


  • Started the day before yesterday 11/19,
    3x a day (2x morning withe jentacular/early breakfast and Gƶkotta.
  • Then, 1x again at noon (anachronistic/archaic/parachronic/exolete usage went out with the ark ) 3pm before my HIIT workout
    followed by the somnifugous 1x Hyper Sleep.


  • x1 Superhuman Genius/Super Genius C&M Enhancement Field Item
    (10hours wearing the item + on w/ brown study/deep work ithand ) from Sapien Shop.
  • 1 hour of ALL of the brain fields from Patreon, Gumroad, Teespring, and Enlightened States(s) - et hoc genus omne!

This is Attention/Foous (no aprosexia), Kundalini, PEB, Superhuman Genius, Brain Growth, Brain massage, Superhuman CIreativity, etc.during the 10 hour period + each one with my subliminal for it + all with my personal Iron Man 270 IQ+ training regime nisus with neuroplasticity in augmenting the following multiple intelligences in addition to my G factor of general intelligence and more (donā€™t want to beat a dead horse like a monotonst haha!) #tacenda. #vapulequimortiphoiba




Soon to be added to my Sapien Medicine armamentarium!!!

Dragon Energy Field Item

Subconscious Limits Removal Field Item

and Reach for the Stars Enhanced Glory Field Item!!! #estellation #stellifaction


I can see your writing skills has very improoved. :+1:



Hack-writer? HAHA 21 Grub Street


What is that?


Grub street.

Grub street is the world of impoverished /descamisado journalists and literary hacks.
After Grub Street in London where such hackney writers lived.


Best Path In Life

Since I last posted I have made another set of friends who Iā€™m able to hangout with several times a week. Its done wonders for my mental health. Iā€™m able to share secrets Iā€™ve kept hidden for years quite openly and its beyond comforting.

I also purchased a cat. I donā€™t live in my own place and house rules strictly forbid pets, but for whatever reason, my land lord is allowing me to keep my cat here. Iā€™m sure by now theyā€™ve heard scratching and meowing, but nothing has been said. This is also doing wonders for my mental health.

Iā€™m now involved in a charity organization. I believe this is my best path in life. I was actually resisting this because I thought my future had to be me in a mansion, with pretty women and everything. Giving back to others is a reward in itself anyway.


rules kinda get bent or omitted to your favour when people like you. (at least in my experience)

iā€™m happy for you and thank you for sharing your experiences! iā€™ve noticed that whenever iā€™m in a conversation that will grow me or the other party(ies) involved, i was wearing BPIL.


Instead of watching videos or listen music before I drive to work I do meditation and yoga immediately after getting up and my mindset is more positive
also I stopped snoring because of Sinus Drainage the last 2 days


Just posting here in case I forget. AMPK got rid of a headache Iā€™d been having all day. Not sure if it was a coincidence. Will test it out again.


One thing does not exclude the other
Add at your listen routine, Soul core restoration, Knight warrior, Abundance Mindset and your dream will be less distant


I give the Shielding Protection Tag 10/10, I recommend everyone to get it.

When I am with family or friends there are so many times I notice that I donā€™t get triggered or emotionally manipulated, I think 9 out of 10 times they are not even aware they are trying to trigger or manipulate me and I notice that I also stop trying to emotionally trigger or manipulate them.

This tag could probably be great for fighting couples to just take a break from their triggering loops.

I had lunch and coffee with a friend today, and he is an expert at triggering :stuck_out_tongue:, I was able to sit with him for over an hour kind of intense arguing whitout getting affected or triggered at all (perhaps just 10% but I felt more a little sad that we wasted our time arguing instead of having fun), and today I also felt a little more sensitive since I had been looping Trauma Release And Healing yesterday and I also drank two cups of coffee which makes me more out of balance and sensitive.
I could also see that my friend got kind of frustrated when he couldnā€™t trigger me.

When I walked home from the lunch I could feel that there was a lot of energy in my aura in the front that was sort of trying to get to me but was being held in the aura and being transformed to positive energy. When I got home I felt I had to go out again to walk off the excess energy but decided to clean my whole apartment instead which I have been procrastinating on.

I donā€™t wear the tag always (I feel it can drain my energy a little and I already listen to many of the fields) but it is really great to have when you need it :slight_smile:


Would you be able to share the stack you used please?

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Perfect, many thanks.

strong playlist :muscle:
do you loop or do you listen this once a day?

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Thanks, I am so glad I ordered this tag.
I have a lot of interaction with MANY different people everyday for my job ,so i think i could definitely use this.

I think everyone who works a lot with people and/or is sensitive will benefit from this .

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I used it once a day, at the moment I donā€™t use it anymore, I think Iā€™ve already achieved what I wanted.

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