Awesome. Any of those popular psychic gains like telepathy, clairvoyance etc. or anything else in particular?
How’s manifestation with this?
Honestly, I’m not the best person to ask. I didn’t stick with using it long-term because I am already someone who is perhaps too in touch with my subconscious. If you can even imagine such a thing. However, while wearing it I did start having a sense of when and where to stand. Which sounds odd. That’s not telepathy or any kind of -pathy/-ience that I’ve ever heard of. Timingpathy. Standience. It’s like I could just feel that something more or less desirable would happen depending on where I was and I knew when it was time to move, and where to move to.
Alright. Thanks a lot.
But if you could just also share your experiences with the Cognitive and memory enhancement tag also, I’d be helped. Got the IPF and cognitive enhancement tags today, that’s why.
Thanks bud. Appreciate you replying.
You’re welcome. I have nothing to add to what I wrote already about CE. Better reading of people, but more in a brainpower kind of way rather than a direct intuition of motives like with IPF. More brainpower overall. Quicker to comprehend whatever I read.
Alright mate. So I’ll assume that this improved brain power is a default for you. Is it still increasing, if you can make out?
Anyway congratulations for the results and hope you get more and more.
I’ll PM you
Did you get the tags? I read a message from you today that said it didn’t reach you.
GUYS!! me again with Magician + Star part 2
So ive been working on project x and y but they are projects that could take a little while to really build up, so this morning while having breakfast i was pondering what else i could do to bring in steady income without having to get an actual job which is what im trying to do from last year to be independent. Anyway… i didnt think of anything in particular just that i want something extra to bring me cash flow because savings can just last so much while the other things build up.
After breakfast i started to listen to a little stack i have that relaxes me and puts me in a nice mind and heart state.
(This is it in case any one wants it: Love Gravitational Weave, Atmospheric Vibration Riser v2, Repel Negative Energy v2)
And then i decided to loop The Magician and The Star while writing down the possibilities, then
i had a glass of water next to me, i did crystallization on it and said while i was almost done drinking the water: "so The Magician and Star within Me can bring and manifest the whatever something that will keep the cash flowing into my life right about now, BECAUSE I JUST DONT WANT TO GO BACK TO GET A JOB UNLESS IS MUCH BETTER THAN THE LAST ONE) i said that because i swear i didnt want to go back to work on the same industry when i left i pretty much had the highest level in my little department so another level on the ladder couldnt be. I was being sarcastic…baam!
Literally raised my arm with index pointing up, finished and lower my arm pointing to the floor feeling like if my finger was a wand that just sent the command to Earth and even thought it looked like energy rumbling through earth like an earthquake of thunders if you will.
And then went about my day (one very important thing about manifesting which im sure a lot of you know but maybe some dont, is that you gotta believe it is so how you want and forget about it because you are sure itll just come instead of being obsessed about your desire, that repels even more)
Not even 1 hour later i got a call from my previous job making me an offer… imagine that, nowadays in the middle of this economic world crisis people "making you an offer’ because they want you. And it turned out to be an actual better job and better paid than the last one lololol i had to laugh at myself…
Woot! Congrats!
Amazing!! Congrats
EDIT - I’mma try it!
Lol something like that and thank u!!
Thank you!!
Dooooo it
Absolutely amazing, congratulations!
Great! I’m happy for you!
You inspired me to be spending some time with the Magician and Star in the coming days.
So did these three fields worked to prepare manifestation?
Well, when you are relaxed, content, peaceful, your heart energy expands beyond your consciousness ratio so if you think about what you want in those moments or connect to your higher self to bring clarity about something you need but dont know what it is, you create a domino effect that ultimately brings you the info you need as epiphanies or def power or boost the manifestation energy if you already know what you want.
As i said i didnt have anything specific in mind and thats why i shared my experience with the Magician because it was at that moment that all fell into place when i said what i said after drinking the water.
Short answer i guess yes lol im just a poet
How many times have you looped it?
Not much you know? Like max has been 3 times!