Sharing purchased fields with family members?

thank you and i can share this with my family, right?

Direct family, yes

Parents, children, siblings.


Last, how about for my wife’s side of the family, ok to play this field in their house and still get the benefits?

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Sorry for the many questions it just that i think this has some kind of protection for sharing unlike the youtube videos which will affect everyone as long as they hear the music

Careful when it comes to sharing, cuz some of them may harbor doubtful energy that disrupts the field being even effective for u in terms of etheric nature… no need to be Mr. Nice guy just offering fields to people who know nothing about it & may not need the particular field. I think it’s better u turn some of them into morphic fields by having em check out sapien medicine so they explore for themselves.


Yes… u will be ok playing any field loud with people around u…doesn’t matter

Thank you for your replies, i didnt mean to be Mr. Nice guy, its just that the space where we live in and my wife’s parent’s (rented) house is not that big
since quarantine we go there every afternoon til night, so when i play a field on my smartphone even at medium levels at least 2 can hear the music, and most of them are not that financially succesful/stable yet specially her parents so i asked if other people will somehow recieve some benefit even not knowing anything about this field since this one is paid compared to youtube free videos

but for my family, i started introducing them to sapien with mandalas like the horseshoe and 4 leaf clover

edit: if anyone is going to ask why not just use earbuds… well icant, bec everytime i put them on, others will always want to talk to me

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You should have no issues playing a field & people around u can hear… I think they’ll randomly benefit as well if close enough to the field radius(not sure, just saying) I was just giving a side advice when I stated that in my reply

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Thank you, no problem about that, any input is appreciated :smiley:

thanks to you, now i know this part
in case someone will ask me what im playing, maybe ill just say, its my lucky charm

I think this only applies for situations where you’re listening in the same room as them and you’ve already told them what they’re going to be listening to. Like the tags, I’m sure the energy of the each audio comes from their own specific source, which would lead you to believe that these sources are protected from having outside intent from creating change upon them. Pretty much I’m trying to say if you digitally sent a family member the audio I don’t think that situation you stated would occur, but you are most likely correct about a situation of being in the same room as them.


Ok guys lets stay on topic.

You can ask/talk all related to audios or tags ratio in the general post. Or guidelines one etc


Sorry for getting out of topic
Im thinking between this and the Unbreakable

thanks to your feedbacks for this audio , this is what i bought :smiley:

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I remembered him being even more open than that. These are the posts I found where Dream shared his feelings about people sharing his work:

Dream told @GoddessesAndGod he could share Patreon sigils with his friends in this thread:

He also told @Reform he could share Blueprint of Life with his brother in this thread:

He further clarified his position on sharing paid products by saying it’s the intention that’s important. He is okay with someone buying a field and sharing it with those they care about. But, he is not okay with intentionally being taken advantage of.


According to those posts, sharing fields with:
mother, father

is fine.

The publically available stuff can be shared with anyone.


I bought mythic , my wife listens two field and I listen one in our individual time. Is that ok?

Yes it is ok

Thanks lunamoon

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Forgot to add:

Husband or Wife

Also just to be more specific:
Your own biological or adopted Children


So, I read that order by 3 can’t be shared with family.

What other fields can’t be shared with family?

Any other Gumroad fields (maybe Captain specified so, if that’s the case)?

How about Patreon Premium fields, Will they work for family too?

If anyone can also provide links to other threads offering answers or screenshots, that would be great.