The Blueprint of Life

I love this! Thanks for this review

I just bought this field about 30 minutes ago (bye monies). I feel as though im similar to you. A recurring theme with me is im constantly changing what im doing, jack of all trades master of none. I always believed it was just the gemini in me haha
Im hoping this field will help sort that out.


:heart: :blush: :kissing_heart: :heart_eyes: :hugs:


I don’t know if anyone else has anxiety from listening to this, but I had it really bad, and I found that putting on music and dancing crazily got rid of it. Just a tip.


Another tip is to not spam it :joy::joy:
Anyway it’s recommended to go slow with this one, but if you feel it strong, even more so.


Is this field able to be shared with a family member? Thinking about buying this for me and my brother’s use


Once you you legally buy it, then please enjoy it with your brother and share your experiences, and thank you for your interest in this item.
It is also something special to me.


Thanks for this field and i going to use this with my mother ,she s been programed very hard :disappointed:


Hello Sir
When I saw your image I feel like I am seeing Mahadaji Shinde
He was a great warrior


If only my parents believed in this, they’ve both been programmed extremely hard in every way (and would fall over laughing if they found out I believe in this, let alone spent money on it).


Thank You :muscle: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heartbeat:


Does this field somehow make you the person you want to be? Or does it make other fields stronger?

I have only had this for 24hours, Ive listened to it maybe 10 times or so since I bought it yesterday.
This morning i listened to it a few times, and I have had the most productive day I have had in the longest time. I had a massive study session which i have never been able to do, and did a whole heap of errands i have been putting off.

I listened to unstoppable willpower a few times this morning, but ive listened to it many times in the past and it’s never had this effect on me.

So im unsure if its BoL or BoL making fields stronger?


It allows you to express your potential as it was originally meant to be, so other fields can be facilitated by this. It acts on many levels, and it is as if it were scanning the listener, modifying / restoring what it should have been.
Blueprint, in fact.


How similar are different people’s “potential as it was originally meant to be”?

Sorry, I didn’t understand what you meant

Do different people have relatively similar potential?

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Everyone’s life purpose is different so in short there potentials would be different

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No, it is the field that suits each person. It has often been written in this topic, that Blueprint is an intelligent field that studies you, I used the term scan, to understand how deep it is. So each person will get different results because there are different issues that made them deviate from the original setting, to better understand the concept, think of it as restoring a product to factory settings. When you are born you have a certain potential, which is then gradually eroded by conditioning and life events, so listening to it is like activating a sort of rewind key. It is so specific that the same person cannot continuously work on the same topic.


Wow and today I feel the complete opposite! Played this again a few times this morning.

Felt meh all day, no motivation, had a good cry about nothing, feeling down all day.

Any tips on how to get out of this funk?


A long shower and a short nap.:blush: Take care of yourself.:gift_heart:

The Unbreakable.:muscle:

Internal Alchemical Crucible.:hotsprings:

Dancing to The Bushman Medicine. :notes: (and your favorite music)

And Nullify :dizzy:


Emotional release :two_hearts:

Also keep playing BoL + Prostaglandin :pray::slightly_smiling_face:
